Hi everyone I was just wondering if anyone knew of any files that train you to respond better to triggers. Or if there are any trigger files that work really well from only a few listens. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Aside from some self-reinforcement (using the trigger on yourself, or having someone use it on you, then have a reward for performing the expected action), the only file I recall is Jack Drago's "Submission Trigger", which is meant to install a single trigger that makes you obey other instructions. It's the best I've got.
Submission trigger often takes 15-20 listenings before the trigger works inescapably. Many trigger files take considerably more listenings than, say curse or blessing files do.
Pantheria wrote:Thanks, but I can't get any triggers to work at all. Also thanks again but, that's not really a file I want to have the affects of
I had a feeling that that's not what you were looking for, but I don't think there's a whole lot on this site that's meant to train for trigger-strength specifically. There ARE a lot of generic suggestion-boosting files, however.