trig files advice

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trig files advice

Postby HardMasterUK » December 2nd, 2015, 8:51 pm

Please can any one give me some advice on the use of the 'trig......' files? For example Trigslave, Trig Chastity, Trigorgasm, Trigfreeze......
I have read some people suggesting that the volume of the sudip when being used should be 'audible' but kept as low as possible, others suggest it should be set to a higher volume that is similar to normal phone call level. What is the best level of volume?
Should the subject be focussing and deeply listening to the voice, or jut relaxing and letting it be absorbed subconciously?

Using the file overnight, using earphones and letting yourself drift off to sleep with the file on repeat loop?
Using it during the day when sitting working or relaxiing?
How often shoud the file be used, and on avearge, how many times does the subject need to use the file, before it should trigger, if it does work for that subject?

Finally, does anyone suggest that an induction file should be added to the MP£ player along with the 'Trig' file to improve effectiveness?

I used Trigslave and Trigchastity on a guy 6 years back and they both worked amazingly well, and it took only 4 or 5 nights of continuous usage, but since then, despite trying them on 2 ir 3 other people since then, they have had little if no effect at all.

Thank you, and I am sorry for such a long set of questions.

Posts: 2
Joined: February 6th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby Busenman » December 3rd, 2015, 11:30 am

your question aren't to answer in general. Every person reacts different and of course hypnosis works best, if you are in a relaxed trance.
hypnosis is never magic and it always takes a more or less time, until suggestions work. that simply is different each time, from person to person.

It's always very important that you really want the change. regular, frequent listen can be helpful and even needed, but listening to one file to much a day can also prevent success, because you get rid of them.

My suggestion is just start with something easy for you, listen to daily once, but max. two times at the same day-time if possible for about two to four weeks. and than realize the results, because i am sure they come by themselves. don't worry, if this takes some time.

hopeful that helps at least a bit.
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Joined: November 21st, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby HardMasterUK » December 3rd, 2015, 3:59 pm

Thank you Busenman, your answer certainly goes a long way to helping.
My main problem, is that I do not remember where I got the idea of the person listening over and over during the night originated from, and it did work with the first person who used the 2 main files they wished to explore.
Posts: 2
Joined: February 6th, 2007, 1:00 am

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