Something to help train my a special way

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Something to help train my a special way

Postby HarryPalmetto » December 23rd, 2015, 12:16 pm

After spending some time browsing the various files here, I'm wondering if there exists one that I might use to subliminally induce in my wife a desire to play with and use a dildo or other toys on my ass. I love ass play, but get no reaction from her at all in this regard.
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 23rd, 2015, 2:59 pm

HarryPalmetto wrote
After spending some time browsing the various files here, I'm wondering if there exists one that I might use to subliminally induce in my wife a desire to play with and use a dildo or other toys on my ass. I love ass play, but get no reaction from her at all in this regard.

They aren't subliminal files but ... they should work.

Stare & Worship: Male Ass
Since I have posted the other “Stare & Worship” files, this has been requested really often – so here you go!
This file will give you a new obsession. Whenever you encounter any man, you will feel a compulsion to look at his ass. Of course you will always be able to control this desire, but controlling it and not looking will just cause you to think more about it. You will imagine it, craving to feel it, touch it, taste it. You can control this desire too, but every time it happens, it will change your sexuality and your desires a little bit. You will become more submissive to men and desire to worship their ass.
This is a curse. Listen on your own risk!

Stare & Worship: Cock
This file will give you a new obsession. Whenever you encounter any men, you will feel a compulsion to look at his cock. Of course you will always be able to control this desire, but controlling it and not looking will just cause you to think more about it. You will imagine it, craving to feel it, touch it, taste it. You can control this desire too, but every time it happens, it will change your sexuality and your desires a little bit. You will become more submissive to men and desire to worship their cock.
This is a curse. Listen on your own risk!

Cock Addiction
This file will make you addicted to the cock of one (or more) person(s). You will become addicted to looking at it, feeling it, smelling it, tasting it, licking and sucking it, and of course to it’s cum. And every time you do, you will become more addicted and lose yourself more in the pleasure. There are two versions of this file: the full version will also make you crave it more and more the longer it has been since the last time you were able to enjoy the cock you’re addicted to. Every time you think about them, hear their name, see their picture, talk to them, or do anything that reminds you of them, the craving will grow more intense. The light version lacks these withdrawal effects and just makes you love their cock more.

Sexuality Restructure: Cock
This is a curse and a conditioning file. It will make pleasuring cock the new centre of your sexuality. Short term, it will become impossible for you to have an orgasm without thinking about cock, and the more aroused you become, the more thoughts of pleasuring cock will enter your mind. Those things cause a conditioning effect and over time you start to associate pleasure with pleasuring cock. It will become the new centre of your sexuality.
This file is completely gender neutral!
This is a curse. Be really sure before you listen to this file, as the conditioning effect can not be reversed easily! Listen on your own risk!

Deep Obedience
This is a nice little file that puts you into a very obedient mindset for the rest of the day. You will obey every command given to you by anyone. You will be forced to do it while at the same time, everything that anyone orders you to do will become something you want to do. Within a short time after you are ordered you won’t know if it’s something that you wanted to do anyway, or if it’s something you didn’t want to do.
There are safeties in this file: you will never do anything that could harm or hurt you or your reputation. Should someone order you to do something like that you will instantly revert to normal. For safety reasons, the same suggestions are repeated in the subliminals during the entire track, so they can’t be cut out.

You will probably need to suggest that both of you listen to the file at the same time.
Peace Love Unity Respect

Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Postby LordIceWing » December 24th, 2015, 12:57 am

Have you tried talking to her about it...

Communication is kinda important in a relationship. Same with honesty.

You start playing subliminals without consent/agreement, bad things could result.
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Postby HarryPalmetto » December 24th, 2015, 12:51 pm

When we were dating, she used a dildo on my ass one time. I tried to be as open and honest about how much I enjoyed it, but it turned out to be a "one time only" thing, kind of like a lot of our sexual activity before we got married. Oh, well. I can always play with my own toys by myself, at least occasionally.
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