Hidden long term effects.

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Postby ProfessorPig » July 25th, 2015, 3:07 am

yes! i remember one quite vividly, i was outside late at night smoking a cigarette, i hear a cow moo off in the distance and i shuddered with pleasure and moo'ed back at it. i want to say it was a at least a year or so after i had last listened to the ViVe loop with that suggestion when it happened.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Postby Diane_Ronni » August 22nd, 2015, 1:33 am

Hi there, how are you all?

I am also curious about it. Are there any hidden long term effects from listening to hypnosis files? And I am not sure about the effect. Is it really working? Or it is us to just letting it work?

Last question: how do I make it permanent?

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Postby Endo » August 24th, 2015, 8:12 am

Diane, do you mean "unintended" long-term effects? Not usually, no. Depending on how your mind interprets vague suggestions, there could be some unintended results, but those are (usually) due to the vagueness of the author's suggestions, not any sort of ill-will on their part or some sort of odd side-effects from the process.

There can certainly be short-term side-effects that result from the brain needing to process things afterward. I've noticed that if I do too much time right before bed (say, about an hour of total exposure within 1/2 hour of "bedtime"), I'll fall asleep, but I'll toss and turn for several hours.

There hasn't been much evidence to suggest that there are long-term side-effects for most people who undergo hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Anything you could find is very likely to be a fringe case.

As for "How hypnosis works", well... You've got to be willing to let it happen. Conditioning works regardless of the recipient's intentions. Hypnosis is not conditioning.

Personally, I believe that "practiced hypnosis" is the most effective method (for me, anyway). This is what I call a specific core of strong, inter-related suggestions that are reinforced through certain activities, but those particular activities ALSO have an positive influence in moving a person towards their goal.

An example of this for say, weight control, would be something like the following: "You enjoy feeling healthy", "Eating a healthy diet makes you feel good", "You enjoy regular activity, and crave fresh air every day", "Other generic, safe, healthy suggestions".

Those are the core of the program, they encourage people to eat healthy and exercise, and suggests that they enjoy those things. Then, we drop some suggestions that reinforce the enjoyment of diet and exercise while they eat and move about. Some generic things like "Eating healthy foods makes you want to refine your diet to a healthy level", "Getting fresh air makes you want to get outside more often". Granted, those suggestions need some temperance so that a person doesn't become obsessed with diet and exercise, and I'd also want to throw some "skeptical" suggestions in there so that people don't just jump on the first fad diet they see without rationally examining it's ideas.

Most often, it's not just one file you're using, there's a collection of files that lead you to effects, or you have a live-tist helping you along with regular, adaptive content. You have to follow the content, allow it to work, and work with it, in order for it to work. Matters of the head are quite often hard to explain, and a lot of people get hung up on the issue of "Is it really working, or is it just me?" Either way, think of it as a catalyst. If it is working, then it's working. If it's just you letting it work and it's "working", or you forcing yourself to do what it's telling you to do, then the changes are still being made.

Permanence is a matter of practice and dedication. It could be as simply as re-listening to the file every now and again after you've achieved the effects. It could be something like ensuring that your habits reinforce the suggestions of the files. "Curse" files make explicit suggestions that the file will be permanent, which comes down to how much you trust the author.
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Postby Diane_Ronni » August 26th, 2015, 1:24 am

Hi Endo,
Thanks for the reply. Was intersting to read.

I am not talking about weird side effects. Let me clear things. I meant long term effects. after I stopped listening I have dreams about the desired changes, for sure my mind has changed. Can that be? Or I am just dreaming?

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Postby Endo » August 27th, 2015, 2:44 pm

Well, it's quite common for dreams to contain some larger "truth" about your life, as dreams are just a way for your brain to process information. I've woken up in the middle of the night babbling about math equations I'd recently seen in one of my college courses.

It could be that you're just processing the fact that you've dropped your pursuit of a desired goal. Desiring these sorts of changes is a usually pretty strong desire, it's no surprise that you'd dream about it.
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Postby Diane_Ronni » August 29th, 2015, 10:03 pm

Thank you Endo,

What can be the long term effects for using hypnosis and conditioning after you stop?

Do you true believe in “specific core of strong, inter-related suggestions”? How do you know they are there? How can one tell?
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Postby Diane_Ronni » August 29th, 2015, 10:21 pm

About the curse file, do really believe that the file can be for good? What are the differences between this and the others?
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 30th, 2015, 3:55 pm

Diane_Ronni wrote:About the curse file, do really believe that the file can be for good? What are the differences between this and the others?

one way to think about hypnosis is as a learning tool. when you were in school you learned oh so many things. most of that information will fade away over the years if you dont use it. but some of it, for whatever reason, will stick with you for the rest of your life. or you may find yourself in a situation, where something you have not thought about for years, just suddenly pops in your head.

its also worth noting that you can apply exactly the same tools that work when you to learn anything normally, to hypnosis.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Postby Diane_Ronni » August 30th, 2015, 4:55 pm

That was a very simple way the explain things..tnx
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » August 30th, 2015, 7:09 pm

Hi, Diane_Ronni. I've been following the conversation thread with interest. As a hypnotist, I become interested when the actions of someone reveal something. And, Damn! You're hungry for information, aren't you? Not marketing mumbo-jumbo... facts, please.

Diane_Ronni wrote:... Are there any hidden long term effects from listening to hypnosis files? And I am not sure about the effect. Is it really working? Or it is us to just letting it work?

Last question: how do I make it permanent?
Hypnosis is a conversation between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. And when I say "unconscious mind", I'm referring to the part of the mind that wishes, that hopes, dreams, and fears. It's much more than a word-based conversation. It's conversation that's intense with emotion, feeling, and TRUTH.

The hidden long-term effect about having this type of inner-dialogue, is that you become better at having more of them. You become increasingly aware of what's true for you - and what you want.

It is this effect that I recommend you focus on, rather than "making it permanent" (whatever "it" is).

Diane_Ronni wrote:... I am not talking about weird side effects. Let me clear things. I meant long term effects. after I stopped listening I have dreams about the desired changes, for sure my mind has changed. Can that be? Or I am just dreaming?
When someone learns analgesic trance (trance that mitigates pain), it is permanently learned. When someone learns FOCUS trance (trance that improves athletic performance), it is permanently learned.

These are factual examples of what is possible from one-on-one time with a hypnotist, customized to you and to your goals.

Diane_Ronni wrote:... What can be the long term effects for using hypnosis and conditioning after you stop?

Do you true believe in “specific core of strong, inter-related suggestions”? How do you know they are there? How can one tell?
Self-actualization is a journey rather than a destination. What you value and desire in 2015 will change. As a result, the long-term effects of hypnosis upon your life will modify. As the circumstances of life change, you adapt to those changes - keeping what's important; and letting go of the rest.

Here's how to tell that the suggestions given by a hypnotist are connecting to your core values: Do the hypnotist's words make you feel something? Do they ignite hopes, wishes, dreams - and even fear? Do they speak to your truth?

Diane_Ronni wrote:About the curse file, do really believe that the file can be for good? What are the differences between this and the others?
There are many paths to self-actualization. It's up to you to chose the steps you're going to take.
    - Some paths are distractions. You'll know they're distractions, because they won't feel right. You'll feel them attempting to go in a direction that's not right for your core values.

    - Some paths are okay. You'll recognize them as true, but they will lack excitement. They will lack the feeling of "can't get enough".

    - You'll know you're on the right path and taking the right steps when you discover trance that connects with your core desires. The excitement is unmistakable.

I'm intentionally giving a vague answer about the difference between curse files and others. I'm being vague because curse files are the right path for some. They're right because they ignite excitement and maybe even fear.

My best to you!
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Postby Diane_Ronni » September 1st, 2015, 7:57 pm

Dear MN_FriendlyGuy?

Thank you for your reply. How can one reveal this level of communication? How can one know what the true core is? Desire isn't something that is always pushed by the unconsciousness, and if it does, who said that your inner core wants it? Take coffe for an example. Coffee is a drug. A drug isn't belong to your core, it attached to it. Desires are something more passioned than your core.

What you wrote about inner conversation is very interesting. I am not I ever experienced all this emotions together while “inner talk”.. I do wonder how it feels.

Whish, hope, fear aren't consisted as desire.

“s that you become better at having more of them. You become increasingly aware of what's true for you - and what you want.

It is this effect that I recommend you focus on, rather than "making it permanent" ”

What do you mean? How do I focus on that? How do I know my core? Without being wrapped ?

Where can these core desires lead one? Who said it can lead one to fulfill his true purpose in life? It can also false one. Desrire can get one down or up or to space. For good and bad.

About core desires, you are right I think. Took me a few times to read and to understand the context. It is unmistakable.

For me, I feel fear and mostly when it comes to suggestions.not hopes, dreams maybe. But they are still labeled as dreams. Not more.they speak to maybe a core, maybe not. Hard to tell. For sure to desires.

Do you thing that the right path can strenghen the desire to a point that it is he right path?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » September 2nd, 2015, 4:54 am

Thank you for asking, Diane_Ronni. There is one more thing I will tell you. And then you must begin discovering for yourself.
    A child who is taking her first steps will fall. But when her curiosity and her desires become strong enough, she tries again, doesn't she?

Diane_Ronni, today those fears are real, aren't they?
One day in the future...
    - Curiosity will become stronger than fear
    - Desire will feel SO strong.

Some day in your future...
    - when time ripens it like sweet fruit
You are free to discover that every ending is a beginning. It's up to YOU to discover it for yourself. Pick yourself up and take that step that feels so fearful... either stepping toward it or away from it.
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Postby Diane_Ronni » September 3rd, 2015, 4:47 pm

Why? Is it only black or white issue?
Any way to know before going all the way?
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 27th, 2015, 12:45 am

Diana_Ronni wrote
Why? Is it only black or white issue?
Any way to know before going all the way?

Nothing is ever a totally black-or-white issue. Many things are shades of gray, which frustrates some people.

There are many paths from point A to point B. Some are shorter, some are easier (less obstacles), some are more convenient, some lead through Point C or D or E, each of them offering other choices that may seem more attractive than the original goal of Point B. Do you have the same goals now as you did when yous started high school? I don't.

Life is more like Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken than a well-traveled Interstate.

The Road Not Taken
~~ Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions ... though that is never mentioned in the Bible. The saying is thought to have originated with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux who wrote (c. 1150),"L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés ou désirs" (hell is full of good wishes or desires)." [Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_road_to_hell_is_paved_with_good_intentions

If you keep your eyes and mind open, you will see branching roads that lead to other goals that are more attractive to you (now) than your original goal ... or may promise to get you to your original goal more easily.

I've always found that the road less traveled has more interesting people and knowledge. (I started this with one "road" quote; I will conclude with another:)

“The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say”
~~ J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring

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Postby jtslave » December 27th, 2015, 3:46 pm

OxyFemboi and MN_FriendlyGuy your recent replies are so helpful to me. I am learning about and better understanding my relationship with Hypno and I am also developing philosophically as I read. Yay. Kei, Diane-Ronni, and all thank you all for exploring here.

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Re: Hidden long term effects.

Postby Diane_Ronni » March 4th, 2016, 6:57 pm

I am still wondering if this is real or not.
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Re: Hidden long term effects.

Postby OxyFemboi » March 4th, 2016, 11:12 pm

Diane-Rossi wrote
I am still wondering if this is real or not.

One of my favorite science fiction authors had a great quote about reality, It's a smart-ass comment, but is also a gem of truth. Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. ~~ Philip K. Dick

Interestingly, I have found what is considered "inviolate reality" to be much more malleable than one usually thinks; it is much more like Play Dough than an iron girder. Check out some of the Forums; you have example after example of people changing their reality. People are shorter, dicks are smaller/larger, people are more feminine, straights are turning gay and gays are becoming straight, we have more personalities than the standard one per body, we are becoming jocks, or dumber, ..., etc.

If you think of hypnosis as a way of doing "magic", you have part of an explanation. If, as some teach, "reality is a thought" -- cf. The Kybalion by Three Initiates -- or, in more modern parlance, a computer program, then "mages" (hypnotists) are just really really good hackers who have developed ways of hacking the code for (someone's) benefit. The people who do "magic" or hypnosis can have great effects on "reality"; what a hypnotist is usually trying to change (with their consent) is someone's personal reality, such as how tall they are, or their eye color, or eliminating a phobia, installing a fetish, ... whatever. It's something that won't have a great effect in the world, but it matters to the hypnotist's subject. Nobody else has as much invested in making certain that someone stays at a certain height (or is no longer afraid of flying) as that person, When you unite emotion and belief with ability, you can create physical change.

It's hard to distill what I've learned about "reality" over decades of investigation into a few paragraphs. I hope this helps. Unfortunately, what I've learned is the more I learn, the more questions I have, so there is more I need to learn. This is why I usually answer a yes-or-no question with an essay ... and an essay question with a novella. I could easily write a series on a question like "what is real?" (Be very glad for the Cliff Notes version.)
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