I'm done with this crap

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I'm done with this crap

Postby blanketcross » January 6th, 2016, 10:42 pm

This shit just doesn't work for me. No matter how I try to trance, no matter how many or what induction I use, I JUST CANT TRANCE. I hate it! I want the effects of these damn file but I can't trance. It is fucking torture. Why the hell cant I do this shit even though I want to so badly.
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Postby keeferis » January 7th, 2016, 12:23 pm

After each success, I seem to go through a blank spell where I cant get any results.... this has been going on for nearly a week now.
I still remember the wonderful experiences and seek to get myself deeper and deeper... My best results come when I don't 'Expect' anything..
Best wishes and keep 'NOT' trying
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Postby whome » January 7th, 2016, 2:13 pm

I've been messing with these files and sites and hypnosis for several years.
Its really only since middle of last year that I was able to get into and out of trance, and even then... I still have doubts.

I have doubts when I can remember the hearing the body of the suggestion, and I have doubts when I can't remember it. Its maddening in some ways.

How do you really know if you've entered a trance or not?

Are the effects just wishful thinking, or is there more to them; or is the wishful thinking just supposed to become part of your normal thinking, and then your normal life.

At first I thought there was something magical almost about what would make a hypnotist a hypnotist; but now I'm more of the opinion that the real block is the subject. Can the subject get there? Can they hear the suggestion? Can they incorporate the suggestion?

Honestly, I just don't know!
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Postby Endo » January 7th, 2016, 2:28 pm

"Typical" file hypnosis never quite "worked" for me either. I'd certainly relax, fall into a nice trance, but it never seemed that I was getting results with files. It wasn't until I tried doing some stuff with self-hypno.

Maybe change it up a little, or a lot. Look into some meditation-style hypnosis methods, or some other kind of self-hypnosis techniques. Maybe get a 'tist to do some live work.

Or, maybe you are one of the supposed 5% of people who can't be hypnotized

If you're really dedicated to the idea of file hypno, maybe list out what your regular practices are, what files you've used, when you're listening, how often you're listening, etc.
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Postby blanketcross » January 7th, 2016, 11:32 pm

The only file that worked for me was curse of the teeny weenie, but around the part where it talks about nipple play, I sort of drift out and lose trance. Other wise I have not had any real success with hypnosis. The file I was listening to was Your Other Half from EMG. I started listening because of a Manga/Anime called Rosario+Vampire (if you know what it is, you'll understand). I am so desperate for the effects of the file, because I am so lonely and I want someone to share my body with. I feel bad for saying that I I am doing this so I won't be lonely, and hopefully she doesn't think that I made her for my own good. Giving life to someone else, would be amazing. Secretly I hope she is like Moka (Combined form from the end) from the Books I have was talking about.

I decided that I am going to try and cut/paste Sarnoga's shadow induction to the beginning of YOH and give it a listen. If it doesn't work, then that just sucks.
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Postby Tangy » January 8th, 2016, 1:49 am

ok lets me interject here. do anyone here try turning off the lights ,and turning off the phone, and using head phones and making the room as comparable as possible and going all night on a loop and not eating fasting before the whole time and wearing a diaper YES wearing a diaper not to get up to break the trance, and closing their eyes and relaxing and falling into a deep sleep yes sleeping too will allow the suggestion to get into your mind because a lot of hypnotist will not tell you it ok to fall into a deep sleep how do you think a hypnotic fantasy is created in the first place? never thought of it before have you a hypnotic fantasy is created in the sleep stage a hypnotic dream not just trenching the whole thing is a controlled dream you create using hypnosis it is call lucid dreaming look up the word google it I'll do it for you but I do not want to be accused of just cutting and pasting. that has been my only problem on this site is cutting and pasting I HOPE THIS HELPS


LOVE tangy
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Re: I'm done with this crap

Postby ProfessorPig » January 8th, 2016, 2:49 am

blanketcross wrote:This shit just doesn't work for me. No matter how I try to trance, no matter how many or what induction I use, I JUST CANT TRANCE. I hate it! I want the effects of these damn file but I can't trance. It is fucking torture. Why the hell cant I do this shit even though I want to so badly.

what makes you think you are not entering into trance?
the feeling of trance can be an incredibly subtle feeling.

one of the common examples people give of a naturally occurring trance, is when you are reading a book, and you just get so wrapped up in the book, that the world around you fades away a little bit. another crossover with reading and trance i often see is that people will often seem so sensitive to noise when they are reading, this very much reminds me of when i started out in hypnosis, and i could just hear the quietest noise, even if it was on the other side of the house.

so if you can relate to either of these two statements the question you should be asking yourself may not be "why am i not entering trance?", but rather "why am i not responding to suggestions?"
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Postby chase1 » January 8th, 2016, 8:42 am

Try trancing to subliminal files.
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Postby blanketcross » January 9th, 2016, 1:10 am

I know what you mean by reading books, Professor, because I read quite often. What makes me believe that I am not in trance is that I do not solely focus on the Hypnotist. My mind wanders to stuff unrelated to the file, and in a way blocks the file out. I have tried sleeping to hypnosis, as Tangy suggested. When I try, I can't fall asleep. Heck even listening to music (orchestral) I can't sleep without waking up soon after pawing my earbuds out.
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Postby Mutazoa » January 9th, 2016, 8:16 am

Well...here's the thing.

Files don't work for everybody. Not because there is anything wrong with the subject, but because files are, by their very nature, cold and impersonal things.

You see, everybody is different. Which means that not everybody will be able to trance the same way. A hypnotist gauges his subject, and alters the induction and deepening technique's to fit the subject he's working with. He may need to lengthen the induction, or try a different method altogether.

A pre-recorded file can't do any of that. It just plods on from start to finish, regardless of what the subject's needs are. Most people who have success with files, do so because they've been listening to the same file over and over for a long time....to the point where, consciously, they start to tune it out and think of other things. Which is a good thing, because it's the subconscious mind that needs to hear the file. But it takes forever to get any solid results this way. Files work best on those who are experienced going into a trance state, and can do so easily.

Another problem, is your frame of mind. The more you fail, the more you think that it's not going to work. Once you start thinking that it's not going to work, it isn't. You are literally blocking your self from going into a trance state by setting your frame of mind ahead of time that your not going to go into a trance state. The more you feel it's not going to work, the harder it's going to be for it to work.
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Postby rgn » January 9th, 2016, 3:12 pm

Trance is something that takes practice. Trance with a hypnosis file is something that you have to learn. It is similar to learning to meditate. Although I believe entering trance with a hypnosis file is easier than learning meditation. By meditation I am referring to transcendental meditation. I practiced this a short time many years ago. You basically focus your mind on a 2 syllable word that has no specific meaning to other things in your mind. It does not really matter what the 2 syllable word is and it does not really need to be a word in and of itself (practitioners tend to disagree with this statement). My word was ba-bing. Repeating this in my mind does not trigger any stray thoughts other than going into meditation. When stray thoughts present themselves, mentally focus on repeating the 2 syllable word in your mind. Eventually the mind goes completely blank of all thoughts.

You can learn to do the same with a hypnosis file. When you become aware of thoughts not related to the hypnotist's voice, immediately focus completely on the hypnotist voice again. Do not think about anything else at that moment, just re-focus completely on the hypnotist voice. Eventually it will become automatic.

One of the things I initially did when starting to listen to hypnosis files and not getting any results was to just listen to induction files. And when I found one that seemed to work, I listened to it a LOT. And when it worked every time, I listened to some of the other induction files that I liked but did not work as consistently. Eventually they started working consistently. Once you learn how to enter trance, then move on to other files. But start with simple suggestions. They will likely work more easily and give you positive reinforcement. Avoid any negative thoughts. If you entered trance once, you can enter trance again. If you experienced suggestions once, you can experience suggestions again. Negative thoughts will only set you back.

Now that I have stated all this I can tell you I have been using hypnosis files for years. I can usually drop into a trance with almost all files, but not all. Conversely, there are times I cannot get into a trance with a file I have used successfully for months. Some suggestions work. Some work better than I sometimes expected (sometimes I find this good and sometimes bad). Some suggestions never work (even if I really want it). And I do not know exactly why some do not work. You have to just go with whatever happens and keep a positive outlook.

And practice...
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Postby wohermiston » January 13th, 2016, 8:40 am

If you like reading, wade through this a few times.
Hopefully it will give you some ideas about file structure, so you can come to recognize the difference between hypnosis and brain washing. Get your sleep. everyone needs it to be their best at anything. I need 8 hours of dead quiet sleep. Lastly, realize the hypnosis if properly done, is just friendly persuasion for something you already know that you want.
Be sure you really want what you think you want. GoodLuck WOH
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Postby ProfessorPig » January 13th, 2016, 7:31 pm

blanketcross wrote:I know what you mean by reading books, Professor, because I read quite often. What makes me believe that I am not in trance is that I do not solely focus on the Hypnotist. My mind wanders to stuff unrelated to the file, and in a way blocks the file out. I have tried sleeping to hypnosis, as Tangy suggested. When I try, I can't fall asleep. Heck even listening to music (orchestral) I can't sleep without waking up soon after pawing my earbuds out.

i am personally of the opinion that it is ok to let your mind wander. one of the most powerful physical hallucinations i had while listening to a file was when i was letting my mind wander. i am pretty sure i was thinking about taxes, and out of nowhere i felt an exceptionally sharp piercing sensation in the back of my neck. it was so intense i had to stop the file and go check my neck to see if it was ok. when i resumed the file i realized that there was a suggestion about feeling a needle entering the back of your neck and pumping information through your spine. i had listened to this file many times before and never experienced the suggestion with any intensity. in that case i think letting my mind wander allowed me to let my guard down and be open to experiences that i might have otherwise not been so inclined to experience if i was present.

another question for you is, do you enjoy listening to hypnosis files? if the answer is yes, then why not just enjoy the act of listening to them as just a pleasant thing to do? if the changes come, they come, if not, you are still enjoying yourself. if you don't enjoy listening to files anymore though, that might be one of the barriers you are experiencing.

there is no harm in taking a break if you feel you need one
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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