Incontinence as identity, helplessness, other?

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Incontinence as identity, helplessness, other?

Postby bittergrey » January 9th, 2016, 9:02 am

For conversation, what aspect of incontinence is most important to you? Is it the identification as diaper-dependent; the risk of being helpless, trapped; the simplicity (since any arrangement other than continent or incontinent is complicated); or something else?
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Postby Mister_Marmalade » January 9th, 2016, 11:07 pm

To me, it probably boils down to the risk of being helpless. I imagine that my whole involvement in the fetish boils down to an offshoot of the dominant/submissive relationship. There are probably countless numbers of other factors that go into it, but I would guess that the sexual thrill comes from an ultimate loss of control.

How about yourself?
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Postby kiram » January 10th, 2016, 6:10 am

For me it is also about the helplessness and dependency. Big difference from normal life for me.

The appeal of the simplicity of just relaxing and letting it flow is also great.
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Postby little-bri » January 10th, 2016, 12:44 pm

For me, it is the helplessness and the loss of control
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Postby wohermiston » January 12th, 2016, 8:26 am

I see the topic as complicated. I have a shy bladder and so I have always wished for a button I could push that would let me pee. Alas, no such luck. I see peeing as the most complicated process ever. To me incontinence means no control. Not sure I ever want that. Though I understand how one might wish for that so as to justify the need for diapers. I think many beleive that is the only way they can get others to accept thier diapers. I want the freedom to pee whenever I want to. And I see diapers as the way to have that. If I can wear diapers all the time, I can always be ready. I don't feel the need to share this with others, but I feel that I could if I had to. See, complicated. WOH
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Postby nikole » January 12th, 2016, 9:17 am

First I thought it is some kind of fetish.

But later another topic became more important, where being diapered is just one part of it. I found out that a very private submissive relationship to another person is important, where I give my continence as present (if my future dominant want's it ;-) ). Of course I could give a lot of other gifts, but diapers are special. If you need them, you get reminded of your relationship 24 hours a day (diaper-bag, need to change regularly, smell). And others will find out (but not the reason): It easy to hide them for some hours. But not for several days or longer. You and your dominant are maybe the only ones, who know the story behind it. Others will think of physical causes. (But to be true, there is still a small part of fetish left...)

Currently it's still my deepest wish, I'm still looking for my personal dominant
Hopefully I meet him/her one day... :cry: :cry:
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Postby whome » January 12th, 2016, 12:02 pm

Helplessness is the overriding factory; however, an oddity at least for me is that continence needs to be taken from me, as opposed to just handed over. So the direct diaper hypnosis files are on the one hand, very erotic; but also seem to be pretty ineffective.

otoh, I may have stumbled in the answer with a succubus derivative, as she acts to render me incontinent and causing me to moderately wet when asleep. Will be interesting to see whether the effect continues to progress or just washes out like others have!
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Postby bittergrey » January 13th, 2016, 11:09 pm

@ Mika - I hope you find that special someone.

@ wohermiston - I too have had to deal with a shy bladder, but learned [url=]some tricks[/url] to override it.

As for myself, I think the draw with many files is more the helplessness, the masochistic transfer of control. With those tricks, I effectively have a button to make myself wet in most situations. However, it isn't a remote control that I can hand to someone or something else. My fantasy ideal would be for the unconscious elements ('the bladder') to have full control, urinating when and where appropriate without any input from me.

Since I don't really want to be incontinent, in-diapers-only files might be more practical. However, they lack one appealing risk - the risk of becoming incontinent. (Intellectually, this is self-defeating. If an incontinence file worked, the _risk_ of becoming incontinent would vanish. Diapers would become just another part of the daily routine. On the other hand, a file that didn't work wouldn't have a perceived risk. Either way, the risk goes away.)
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Postby wohermiston » January 16th, 2016, 8:24 am

Bittergrey, care to share your tricks at overcoming your shy bladder?
The way I see it, I don't think you need to worry about a hypnotic file creating incontinence. Incontinence is a physical debilitation(sp).
With Shy bladder while we say we cannot pee in certain situations, really, What we are saying is that we will not pee in certain situations. It seems as if we forget how to do it. But I have never been able to determine if it is a conscious or sub conscious reaction.
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Postby bittergrey » January 16th, 2016, 10:06 am

(The link in the previous post is hard to see.)

As for shy bladders, it is apparently subconscious, but seems trainable.
It might be thought of as a part of our training that we learned subconsciously, and so never consciously mastered. Anatomically, I'm used to thinking of two urinary sphincters, one consciously controlled and the other not. (Conceptually, crippling one with some phenomenal stent might be interesting. However, I don't foresee such a stent ever being developed in reality.)

An interesting and irksome bit of trivia is that my subconscious seems more able to flag when a diaper is about to leak than my conscious. Trying to move all control over to this subconscious element is an appealing thought. However there is the reality that it might not fully distinguish between being around diapers from of being in diapers. (This might dovetail into the keyhole incontinence discussion.)
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Postby wohermiston » January 16th, 2016, 12:18 pm

thanks. I have to unlock your site from my Sonic Wall. You might find it interesting to note that the sonic wall firewall has your site in the content filter. WWM as well. WOH
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