How to get with Women

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How to get with Women

Postby lew897 » May 29th, 2015, 8:13 am

I have a question of which is better to use for interacting with women to get laid. All of my past files have been affirmations and ideas for confidence and full use of the human body. I was wondering if a file that helped create an experience where they actually trance to talking with a girl and then having sex with her. E.g. You imagine the hottest girl possible that your attracted to, you trance to talking her and then later your having great sex. I wonder if the desires of a persons perfect date have to be changed to confer with reality. So that after listening, they immediately can distinguish between their desire and real life. This might allow them to continue on with chatting with women and getting laid with a better understanding of how to get into her pants. My main concern is how to change a persons desires so that they can get with women. What desires need to be changed so that reality is the main drive to get with women. Im assuming that reality is what stops most guys from getting with women. What needs to be there so that they see women as approachable and themselves as worthy to sleep with them. So that eventually your sexual advances with women becomes a choice. Any comment will be taken into consideration of future files I make.
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Postby Jon999 » May 31st, 2015, 7:45 am

There was a file called Get More Sex. It worked around the idea that even not so attractive women can give you pleasure. Masterbate while thinking of the plain women you meet irl instead of imagining the hottest girl possible like you said. I personally find 10s and other ice queens boring as hell and don't even talk to them.
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Postby lew897 » June 3rd, 2015, 7:14 pm

That's a weird blowback! For you to go to the extreme, of not wanting 10s, because of a file that Im assuming was meant to make it possible to get with hot women. I personally feel most people are never boring! A part of my way of looking at women is based off of Tom Lykis. It makes a lot of sense that there are women who just want to have sex with a man. He claims that women are after your money if they dont give out. He also made me kind of realize that most women are extremely selfish! I really want to make a file or idea that helps a person to make the type of woman available to the listener that he/she wants. For me, half the battle is figuring out which women want sex and who don't. I usually find out when they start flirting with me. I also find myself at odds as to what really gets me into the sack. The files that I make that say I attract women, which I know works because often women do double takes. I also personally couldn't see myself with a woman who isn't hot as hell. There are girls who just undress me with their eyes. I think I look good but I do wear glasses and wear outlandish clothes sometimes.
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Postby Jackstock » November 18th, 2015, 10:34 am

Youre thinking about this a whole lot. Its really interesting and i can see the fact that these women are going to manifest for you. You seem to think a lot about the HOW this is going to happen. Dont worry about how. Paths will be cleared on their own, and when you focus you can get whatever you like. No one truly knows how this works. We just know that it does.
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Postby HypnoZorro » November 18th, 2015, 3:49 pm

@lew987, are you asking about helping guys change their inner game to help them get more sex ?

I am an omega male, so there are other options being an alpha male. I had two major experiences as my crucibles to becoming an omega male. There were also other defining moments for me. Back in college, I had two female friends in my circle of friends. Eventually I flirted them/sought a date with them. Both turned out disasters. The second gal was interested in nice intelligent guys, but then she started going out with jerks of one type or another. When I saw her disappointed with a guy she was pursuing and he was an insensitive apathetic jerk, I dropped her from my internal list so quick. Another crucible for me was when I got booty calls from a woman. She started treating me like a man puppy. It got so fed up with the situation, I lied to her to get out of motel sex with her that day.

At one point in my life, I had interaction anxiety with women, but at about the same time, I was hypnotizing women for various effects/reasons. I had a recreational erotic hypnosis group and a regular hypnosis group. After a second woman from my regular hypnosis circle told me she was getting aroused, I was going what the hey ... :)

For inner game adjustment I would suggest two groupings using the same principle. First a transfer of confidence of performing a hobby or participating in an interest. The second is a transfer of comfort of being with the female friends and an average looking girl they just met. Then you add more average type girls, and reinforce that anchor. Also you need to have the subject calibrate their response in that type situation. Do they feel ill, unable to speak, tingly all over, think of xyz, etc

The next step is to have them interact with an above average girl in their minds eye, and fire the anchor. Also transfer the comfort level from the hobby at some point.

Then I would reinforce the above average girl comfort level for at least a few sessions. Especially with a loop of starting with an average girl and female friend and working up to the above average girl.

Now for the hot girl/model type, I might do a minds eye theater where the model is intrigued by the strobe light used in the photo shoot and is hypnotized by it. I actually saw a video that a model put in line where she was hypnotized by the flickering light used in the photo shoot.
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Re: How to get with Women

Postby lew897 » February 5th, 2016, 8:25 pm

Thanks for the advice hypno zorro. Thanks for the encouragement Jackstock. Yeah Ive thought about doing the whole association thing but Im not sure how exactly I would do that. The thing that I really don't want to do is say get good at talking to normal or average looking girls. I want something that can allow a person to know who or what type of person they are attracted to and get the confidence to be able to talk to them. After listening to Bandlers free interviews he says that confidence is being competent at something. So to get good at talking with women and gain confidence the person has to be talking to them for a while and then they will gain confidence. So I really have no clue as to where to go. But hypno zorro your idea is probably closet to what should be done but I really would like to expand it as far as possible.
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