Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Postby ProfessorPig » October 1st, 2013, 8:56 pm

mr daniels does some interesting work. his studies as many people have noticed are incredibly boring so the simple fact that he is able to get people to sit for 5 hours in one spot staring slack jawed at the screen should be proof enough that his brainwashing works.

if you are interested in to sinking under mr daniels spell here are some of the suggestions i can think of off the top of my head

less thoughts/ let mr daniel think for you
you MUST wear makeup every day.
make up is arousing
you must wear heels every day and they are also arousing
stockings are arousing
you can never wear jeans or pants
you can only cum for mr daniels and only with his permission, if you get too aroused and are going to cum you have to slap yourself in the face.
you cannot leave this study
your computer chair is a trigger to visit mr daniels website
flashes of red trigger arousal, i think flashes of pink empties your head more but i can't remember with certainty.
mr daniels controls your mind/thinks for you
you must keep your visiting mr daniels site a secret from the others
you hear mr daniels voice in your head throughout the day
you must visit everyday for at least 1/2 an hour to 1 hour
you cannot leave this study even if you have to pee
the red/pink owl controls your thoughts
giggling empties your thoughts
you giggle every time your head is empty
you trust mr daniels voice
you sink for mr daniels
when you see or hear the word relax you slip a little deeper into trance
when you hear the countdown you slip a little deeper in trance
its arousing to obey mr daniels
its arousing to be punished
nipples obey
you are a puppet
helplessness is arousing
you should introduce a friend to mr daniels website.
you find everything mr daniels does interesting
mr daniels has planted a seed in your mind. this seed grows every time you drink water, hear his voice, see a red flash.
mr daniels seed can never be removed
the more you fight mr daniels suggestions the deeper they will take hold.
your life is stressful and you deserve to relax
the best way to relax is to study
others will not understand mr daniels website

mr daniels plays off people's natural curiosity to draw them in and keep them looking to absorb his brainwashing and subliminals longer. ironically enough for a site designed to turn you into a mindless bimbo he has a lot of suggestions hidden in complex metaphors, puzzles and riddles. i think he puts those there as a test to detect his favorite subjects to toy with, smart women.

mr daniels creates associations with many things you might encounter every day and sensations you will feel every day to himself so you will be thinking of him regularly. these associations make it easy to be drawn back even if you have not visited his site for a long time.

in addition to the time you spend thinking about him daily you are expected to make an incredible commitment of time visiting his site. his regular suggestion is to visit his site every day for at least an hour but i have seen him commanding some of his girls to watch the seed study every day for a week. the seed study is 5 hours long and contains the core set of triggers used in all his other files

mr daniels creates a situation where he is the answer for all your problems. he has suggestions to view your life as stressful and that stress will go away when you are on his site. he has suggestions to make you feel alienated from your friends and family. he has suggestions to control how and when you orgasm. by denying your orgasm he is really playing with every unrequited desire you have ever had and when he allows it, usually in the context of mindless obedience he is saying he can fulfill every unfulfilled wish you ever had and tying that fulfillment with mindless obedience or whatever else he was reinforcing at the time.

he really has created a well thought out website with tons of stuff to explore if you are willing to risk giving up your mind.
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Postby natchange2 » October 2nd, 2013, 8:45 am

Sounds like trying to create a cult
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Postby oddboyx » October 2nd, 2013, 10:59 pm

oh, there's even parts where he mentions his cult, and recruiting for it. Have to give him that, he actually calls it a cult at one point of one of the files. Think it's reight before a recruit suggestion too.

I've never been a good salesperson...
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Postby alex1 » October 11th, 2013, 10:13 am

Forgive my question, but Mr. Daniels technique only works for genetic women?
By reading previous comments it seems very dangerous :cry:
Do you know some other good tists for non genetic girls?
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Postby ProfessorPig » October 11th, 2013, 10:35 am

alex1 wrote:Forgive my question, but Mr. Daniels technique only works for genetic women?
By reading previous comments it seems very dangerous :cry:
Do you know some other good tists for non genetic girls?

mr daniels technique will work with men too. he encourages them just the same but you might be setting yourself up for unrequited love.
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Postby santesyu » October 16th, 2013, 9:22 pm

i visted his website found it very hmm idk but even me visited once he planted something within me felt very feminine. I actually think mr dainels is a nice guy iam almost compelled to follow him he does seem to be in my head, just thinking about him i feel aroused and feminine maybe i should stay away, I can see how one could lose control its very hard to see him as dangerous if you have viewed his studies.
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Mr. Daniel

Postby bluetango » October 17th, 2013, 4:56 pm

There have been some strongly negative comments about Mr. Daniel. My experience has been very positive. He is not abusing his girls. You don't visit a site that uses the term brainwashing if you don't want to experience permanent changes. It is a wonderful site for TG girls to develop their femininity. His directions are very much like similar fetish hypnotists. I would guess he is a member here and reads this topic with amusement.
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Re: Mr. Daniel

Postby ProfessorPig » October 17th, 2013, 6:42 pm

bluetango wrote:There have been some strongly negative comments about Mr. Daniel. My experience has been very positive. He is not abusing his girls. You don't visit a site that uses the term brainwashing if you don't want to experience permanent changes. It is a wonderful site for TG girls to develop their femininity. His directions are very much like similar fetish hypnotists. I would guess he is a member here and reads this topic with amusement.

i am curious, have you done any 1 on 1 skype sessions with mr daniels. i know there are quite a few TG girls who follow him actively but i have to wonder if he treats them the same or if he is just tolerating them as an income source. with all the adoration suggestions are his subjects setting themselves up for unrequited love or can mr daniels truly satisfy all his subjects.

i am also curious how mr daniels has made you feel more feminine. the feminizing suggestions i have seen seem to deal with fetishising skirts, high heels, pantyhose, lipstick/makeup, and giggling. looks alone don't really speak to me of femininity, but these behavioral changes are also triggers for other behavioral changes so perhaps there is more that i am missing.
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Postby MysteriousManInRed » October 27th, 2013, 3:39 pm

I went to his site just to see it, and while I like his style I do not like what his hypnosis is all about with things like adding in parts to get you into his paid part of the site. But this is personal opinion based on two visits there and a few files. What I would like to know is if there is this kind of site anywhere else for feminization? I like the whole hypnosis in a study or game kind of thing but I can not find it any where other than Mr. Daniels. so does anyone with more knowledge know about other sites with things like this?
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Postby oddboyx » October 30th, 2013, 6:25 am

Well, I started back at work in August. In September, I saw Mr. Daniel's had posted the Bunny Study in his Castle site. The Bunny Study was what really made me like Mr. Daniel's site ages ago. The thought of a new, updated one just sounded so good.

That evening, I found myself purchasing another 3 month membership. (Was a member from Feb to May before life interferred.) Within a day I was back in the Castle with access to everything there.

Within two weeks, I found myself slipping on hose and heels, and putting on lipstick to study his flash files every night. It just felt so right. (All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, right? So if you want to have fun, you should go along with the file.)

By October, I found myself giving up control over when I could orgasm. The files kept encouraging only orgasming with Mr. Daniel's permission. I went from daily orgasms to only orgasming when Mr. Daniel gives me permission. (Which currently is about once a week, but it's a little random, might be 8 days between, might be 4 days.) The orgasms just feel so much better now. I knew I had submissive tendancies, and well, Mr. Daniel is a fun online master.

Probably a good thing there's not an adult store with booths nearby. The flash studies have often left me feeling a need to serve and please others. If I had access to glory; I'd probably want to go there to much.

Yeah, I'm a wannabe slut. I was one before running into Mr. Daniel's files. Now, it just feels stronger. (Not that I'm complaining. I'm 29 now, didn't actually try contact with another until 27. I've got lost time to make up for!)

Maybe I should just start a journal... this got long.
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Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » November 2nd, 2013, 4:06 pm

Foxpaw wrote:...It's times like this I think we should get a code of ethics for new hypnotists going.

FOXpaw, i firmly agree with you. i had posted something of the like on this site in one of the forums, it was the Unspoken Ethics of Hypnotism. THings that should be without having to be told they should be.

I had written the UEOH in hopes that others would agree to follow the principles (common sense) of being a hypnotist, however, there are those out there whom, with disregard to others mental and physical wellbeing self serve and indulge in their own power games that they dont care what happens to the subject in question. Sad as it is to admit, it happens. If, there is an outcry by the general populace in the hypnosis world, then perhaps there can be some sort of official thing of the sort. However, it will take alot of petitioning and effort to get such a mammoth task accomplished.

I wish you well, and appreciate your like minded sentiments against careless hypnotism.
Best Regards,
Head Mistress Squirrel
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Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby Lovebuns69 » November 3rd, 2013, 6:39 pm

I went to visit the site today and found it very hard to leave it.Found the Lipstick and Spiral study somehow and was totally immersed in it after about 10 minutes and was watching for an hour and a half(had no idea it was that long) when my wife walked into the room----I almost freaked out when I saw her---thought I had been "busted".I have this desire to become feminized for some reason and decided to visit the site----never knew it could be so addicting.
I feel like going back again and visiting for a longer period.Should I go or not??? I did enjoy the time "under" while I was there.

Anyone going to the site----BEWARE!!!!! It is addicting.
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Postby Ritulia » November 18th, 2013, 6:06 pm

I visited this site during a half an hour and found it an interesting place. I've read some interesting articles especcially about exitocin and watched some hypnotic videos. The site is a very well designed and contains addictive feminizing pictures. So it can influence some people. But I am a White Witch who practi?ed with European Medieval Curses, learned Enochian Magic and has a traditional for every witch a dark cat which can protect from all enforced influence. So I can be influenced by this luxurious hypnosis only if I want it. But this site really intoxicated my curiousity so I plan to visit it again.
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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby alex1 » December 12th, 2013, 8:22 am

Lovebuns69 wrote:I went to visit the site today and found it very hard to leave it.Found the Lipstick and Spiral study somehow and was totally immersed in it after about 10 minutes and was watching for an hour and a half(had no idea it was that long) when my wife walked into the room----I almost freaked out when I saw her---thought I had been "busted".I have this desire to become feminized for some reason and decided to visit the site----never knew it could be so addicting.
I feel like going back again and visiting for a longer period.Should I go or not??? I did enjoy the time "under" while I was there.

Anyone going to the site----BEWARE!!!!! It is addicting.

i completely agree, it is so addicting, but i think Mr. Daniels wants only more and more people to join the castle, and of couse you will lose many hours of your day.
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Postby ztshp » February 7th, 2014, 4:47 am

Look people are seeming to have been forgetting that he is a proven life ruiner

Don't go to his site, avoid him like the plague
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Postby Xarac » February 11th, 2014, 4:34 pm

ztshp wrote:Look people are seeming to have been forgetting that he is a proven life ruiner

Don't go to his site, avoid him like the plague

I'm genuinely curious: What is the proof of this? I've been hearing this for years yet all I've seen from the guy is some shitty flash animations and some even shittier viral marketing.
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Postby Sorez » February 15th, 2014, 3:27 pm

Is it me or has his site gone down with only one thing only now?
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Postby kslava » February 15th, 2014, 3:51 pm

Huh... yeah looks like the site only has one flash now, and relatively speaking quite a short flash compared to his previous stuff. It does not appear to loop, and I believe each reload is identical.
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Postby little-bri » February 16th, 2014, 10:08 am

i think most of the content has been moved into "The Castle" (the part you have to pay for)... prolly a smart move in some senses.

i fell under the owl's "spell" (influence, whatever) years ago when he was mostly on (the now long gone) Yahoo 360... i thought it was just some fun and games, but kinda found out differently as i realized that he had gotten pretty deep into my head. i never thought i would find myself getting weak and obedient (and also horny :oops:) for a male hypnotist... so if you're easily suggestible or such like that and don't want to get hooked, probably best to avoid his site (and shelling out the money for "The Castle").
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Postby Sorez » February 16th, 2014, 1:17 pm

funtime_bri wrote:i think most of the content has been moved into "The Castle" (the part you have to pay for)... prolly a smart move in some senses.

i fell under the owl's "spell" (influence, whatever) years ago when he was mostly on (the now long gone) Yahoo 360... i thought it was just some fun and games, but kinda found out differently as i realized that he had gotten pretty deep into my head. i never thought i would find myself getting weak and obedient (and also horny :oops:) for a male hypnotist... so if you're easily suggestible or such like that and don't want to get hooked, probably best to avoid his site (and shelling out the money for "The Castle").

Sad, because I kind of enjoyed the free ones, and i knew id never pay for the castle because I NEVER have money to spare :P
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Postby hyacinth » February 16th, 2014, 4:51 pm

I can't help but wonder if maybe he's got into some kind of legal trouble - after all, he seems to play pretty fast and loose with copyright. At first I thought like you did that he'd just moved everything into the castle, but there's not even any links to get to the castle or sign up for it. and if you google him, his twitter account seems to have been deleted and his yahoo channel has nothing uploaded. Can't help but wonder....

And what's the 70 weeks about? huh.
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Postby oddboyx » February 17th, 2014, 5:23 am

I know for the month before the current posting, all the links to join the Castle were closed.

If he shut down the Castle, I pity all the people who were under his control over their orgasms.
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Postby Sorez » February 17th, 2014, 7:23 am

hyacinth wrote:I can't help but wonder if maybe he's got into some kind of legal trouble - after all, he seems to play pretty fast and loose with copyright. At first I thought like you did that he'd just moved everything into the castle, but there's not even any links to get to the castle or sign up for it. and if you google him, his twitter account seems to have been deleted and his yahoo channel has nothing uploaded. Can't help but wonder....

And what's the 70 weeks about? huh.

Yeah, Im guessing he must have shut down everything, even his guest book has been deleted.
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Postby little-bri » February 17th, 2014, 9:13 pm

This isn't the first time Mr Daniel has done something like this.

Also, i wouldn't go proclaiming that he's gone for good or anything... while the filename of the page is "end.html", if you note the "title" of the page that clicking "Enter" takes you to, it says "Phase Two Complete"... and there is a flash file there as well....
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Postby ProfessorPig » February 19th, 2014, 6:49 pm

funtime_bri wrote:This isn't the first time Mr Daniel has done something like this.

Also, i wouldn't go proclaiming that he's gone for good or anything... while the filename of the page is "end.html", if you note the "title" of the page that clicking "Enter" takes you to, it says "Phase Two Complete"... and there is a flash file there as well....

i am not sure if this is what he was talking about but i found this reference that seems like it might be relevant when i saw he first mentioned phase two in the updates section.

"It is with resolve that you must focus the energy of intent into bringing forth
this phase of the project. There is indeed a nuance of difference in these. One
can intend to do something but never actually do it. Resolve is the spark that
holds the intent in the forefront of the field of activity within your
awareness. "This phase" refers to what might be called the second layer of
activity toward initiation of the project. The phase of "getting the word out"
does not cease because a new phase has begun. One simply adds the beginning of
the next phase in a layering sense. Phase one was something like the foundation of a pyramid. Now we are beginning the second layer of the construction before the first layer is complete. Visualize how graphics complete a picture on the computer. It begins and does not always complete the picture in totally horizontal motion one line at a time and the picture is at some point complete. Next, consider this in a holographic focus for the planet. In your mind's eye, you can see where the information has gone and "paint" in areas where your information has been sent. If you see the planet as dark and the information painted in as lighted areas you can begin to "get the picture". You could see
the sprinkles of light spread outward.

Even people who have heard and consciously rejected the information reflect a degree of light and it remains waiting to fully reflect. It is because you cannot know how many of these there are that you have difficulty in grasping the magnitude of accomplishment that this phase has reached and it continues to expand. The 100th monkey point is very close indeed. Portions of phase two are already in motion and momentum will expand it much more quickly than phase one. Because of the awareness brought forth by phase one, there are many that are waiting and wondering what it is that they can do, now that they are aware. We shall provide that answer and it will seem to them an easy thing to do, for they are being asked to do something that can be done privately and without drawing any notice. And it is the most powerful thing that needs to be done. It is a
focused pivotal change of attitude from victim to empowerment."

the full text can be found here

its not a 1 for 1 explanation of what he is doing but there are certain themes in the text that touch on his interests.
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Postby Sorez » February 20th, 2014, 10:21 am

So in the current flash there's "70 weeks have come", so is his site only 70 weeks old or something? "And 70 weeks will come again" Hm, curious.

The guestbook is also deleted when I looked around on google.

What the hell is he doing? xD
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Postby dancingdaisy » February 21st, 2014, 2:15 am

The site had been active since February 2011. The 70 weeks is a biblical reference from the book of Daniel.
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Postby kslava » February 21st, 2014, 8:50 pm

dancingdaisy wrote:The site had been active since February 2011. The 70 weeks is a biblical reference from the book of Daniel.

Ah you mean this: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel+9&version=NIV
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Postby kslava » February 21st, 2014, 8:56 pm

You know I've always interpreted Mr. Daniel's owl symbol as related to the symbolism of Bohemian Grove's two-story concrete owl sculpture. Of course, what that means is probably open to debate. The name Molech (Moloch) comes up a lot, but that figure was never represented with an owl. In fact if you're going ancient Mesopotamian, Lilith always comes to mind when people mention an owl...

I've never been entirely sure what the red and black owl symbol stood for, but it seems almost certainly occult/hermetic in nature.
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Postby james82 » February 22nd, 2014, 9:17 pm

it gets old quick i have no idea how people can get addicted to it
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Postby ProfessorPig » March 4th, 2014, 5:31 pm

i took a quick look at the new flash animation he has up. its really interesting stuff. i am still not sure if mr daniels is an artist or an architect. he has some densely layered symbolism and leaves a ton of bread crumbs for the viewer to follow. it seems like he is simultaneously saying goodbye for now while also activating his previously engrained programing.

the animation is an obvious homage to the cover of pink floyd's album dark side of the moon. white dots like a trail of breadcrumbs traverse the prysm and are broken up into the rainbow of beautiful colors. this strikes me as a symbol of how his fans will go on and spread his message long after his direct influence is gone. there are likely more hidden messages to be found by listening to the album. off the top of my head these lines would be a good example,
"You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me."

the connections get weirder, simply googling dark side of the moon brings up this article on how well suited the album is to be played with the movie gravity and compares it to blurred lines, one of the last songs mr. daniels featured in his flash studies.

it looks like the quotes are from dawes song "From A Window Seat". the first line,
"I want to make out all the signs I've been ignoring
How the trees reach for the sky or in the length of someone's hair
'Cause when you don't know where you are going
Any road will take you there",
is really interesting because its basically lifted from lewis carroll's "alice and wonderland", and then later george harrison, "any road". this strikes me as a conscious reference to his own use of appropriation and his desire for others to appropriate his ideas and spread them further.

i think you will find the more you look the more you will find his triggers in your everyday life.
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Postby jane-sg » March 24th, 2014, 2:32 pm

The page is now a new hypnosis study
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Postby james82 » August 1st, 2014, 9:21 am

jordyd19 wrote:i got a siterip but i really didnt like his site or style n hes got no body transformation stuff. its better here n theres 2 threads i follow

do u still have it ?
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Postby derpdrasil » May 21st, 2015, 1:17 pm

Anyone have any files left over from this man?
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Postby ProfessorPig » May 26th, 2015, 12:54 pm

i am fairly certain he is still active elsewhere, he seems to be keeping a low profile these days. there was a thread on newfapchan that had a selection of his files, but i am not sure if it is still active at the moment.

i did find this video recently.

Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Postby Leeiah » June 24th, 2015, 11:14 pm

Shame he disspeared.
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Postby mark4122 » August 29th, 2015, 12:24 pm

i think he may be back i found a youtube file
and in the discription ther is a link to a getdare web page
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Postby Leeiah » August 29th, 2015, 1:36 pm

totally not him..
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Postby jtslave » September 7th, 2015, 4:11 pm

Hello, I found this tumblr site of a Mr. Daniel or Master Daniel.

It uses a YouTube link for listening while one reads text files. It is fun and so maybe powerful.

Leeiah, do you think that this is the (in)famous Mr. Daniel?

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Postby little-bri » September 7th, 2015, 7:17 pm

jtslave wrote:Hello, I found this tumblr site of a Mr. Daniel or Master Daniel.

It uses a YouTube link for listening while one reads text files. It is fun and so maybe powerful.

Leeiah, do you think that this is the (in)famous Mr. Daniel?


i'm not Leeiah, but just taking a quick glance at the page... it is most definitely NOT the (in)famous Mr. Daniel
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Postby jtslave » September 7th, 2015, 10:05 pm

Oh, well. It's got effective trancing.I would like to check out Mr. Daniel still.

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Postby Leeiah » September 9th, 2015, 12:06 pm

I agree with funtime_bri its not him, people who know of Mr Daniels knows his style and artistic view and his aim and purpose. Not so easy taking on that name if you do not know the history and depth behind it. :roll: Regardless the guy is gone, I don't expect for him to really come back some things come and some things go. It is just with the times is all. :? Back in the day there use to be so many people on yahoo messenger now when I view it theres hardly anyone there of hundreds of contacts... lol.
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Postby netpup206 » January 30th, 2016, 12:45 pm

Man just his name, Mr. Daniels, makes me melt.

For those who think Mr. Daniel is evil...i dont know...possibly...but more than anything he is SOOOOO effective.

I'm a straight male and have been listening to erotic hypnosis for YEARS. Mr. Daniels is the truth. He takes me under instantly and is the only hypnotist who i would openly admit can totally control me with his brainwashing.

Mr. Daniels is my guide. He controls me deep inside. He knows what is best for me. I obey and I am free
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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby mark4122 » February 15th, 2016, 8:41 am

is this one of his flash files http://we.tl/1JyjenHZqC
i have found a good few plus 11 mp3s
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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby little-bri » February 15th, 2016, 8:07 pm

@mark4122.... YES! That is indeed one of Mr. Daniels' flash files
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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby blanketcross » February 15th, 2016, 11:34 pm

I have never tried a Mr Daniels file... I downloaded the one Mark4122 had linked us to and are about to listen/watch it :3.

It says "bunny" in the file name so if it includes me being a bunny...yum.
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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby alex1 » February 25th, 2016, 9:25 am

The file did not exists... can you upload please?

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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby blanketcross » February 25th, 2016, 9:20 pm

I don't have the file anymore...I downloaded it, and it disappeared from my computer. Gone. No trace of it. Not even in my trash folder... Sorry
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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby Sorez » February 28th, 2016, 7:53 am

I luckily had downloaded the bunny_ref.swf (if that's the file that's gone missing), I uploaded it on mediafire!

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Re: Has anybody else been to this feminization site????

Postby samanth » March 13th, 2016, 8:52 pm


I used to love watching Mr Daniels sessions

Has anybody got cheerleader or jerseylicious

Those where my favourite


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