The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Al48 » August 29th, 2015, 7:36 am

hunkhunter wrote:Not seen any post recently I was just wondering how some of you guys are doing? Any new converts came over to the gay side lately? Sorry for sounding so nerdy, but with the new Star Wars movie coming out I couldn't help thinking in terms of Darth Vader trying to turn Luke Skywalker to the dark side. :lol:

Lol...maybe straight is the dark side :D I've been about 3 weeks listening to CFG very often, and I can definitely say that the old, straight me is long gone. While I've yet to actually be with another man, it's only a matter of time. I think my only hesitation is that I don't want it to be something random. I'm not really into going to clubs or whatever, so it's almost like I don't know where to start with meeting some guys to just even chat with.
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Postby Dave564 » September 4th, 2015, 5:51 am

Hi boys :)

So good to come back to this forum and read stories of all the new turnees xxx

It makes me so happy that this thread has become such a thing, I always get so down that I don't visit this site often enough, I said this last time but I'm really going to make the effort to come on here more often and the chatroom too.

@man2queen I have a ton more girlfriends since becoming gay compared to when I was straight, being fem is fun and natural to me, I would definitely recommend it - feel free to pm me if you wanna talk about things to help with attitude adjustments and stuff like that.

@northpole @ gayblake how are you doing boys? :)

Oxyfemboi gave some great advice about going to a gay pride march, I first went to a march about 4 years ago and I was AMAZED at what a great time it was, and how many different people, (gender, age, orientation) all showed up and had such a great time (and the dancers and music were fab) you can go and blend in no matter what you think your sexual orientation is - it was a really eye opener for me and confidence builder, I went to pride in my town about 3 months ago with my boyfriend and it was just so fabulous, the atmosphere in the whole city was incredible even after the parade had finished, so many fab gay guy and girls out drinking and relaxing in the sun - I've never felt more accepted and happier than I do during pride.

@alanh26 I'm bottom also and I think the reason @xavious gave might very well be true, either way it just feels completely natural for me to be this way, being anything else with my bf had never crossed my mind.

@johndave if you still visit the site you should definitely om me :)
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Postby Dave564 » September 7th, 2015, 12:45 pm

oh im in the chatroom now babes if anyone happens to be online :)
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Postby NorthPole » September 9th, 2015, 8:44 am


I am doing well. CFG is certainly still doing the trick even though I haven't listened in six weeks or so, I have been thinking of listening lately though. It really does feel natural and I am enjoying it. I haven't been with a man but I am sure that will come eventually, hopefully a boyfriend too!

BTW, I loved reading your posts about your experience with CFG. When I first found them I couldn't believe my luck at finding such an incredible thread.
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Postby Dave564 » September 9th, 2015, 4:35 pm

That's exciting hun, I think your best bet would be to listen more regularly, but in time that should naturally happen I think :)

aww thanks so much xx mwah
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Postby NorthPole » September 11th, 2015, 10:29 am

Well I took your advice and listened again Dave. I have listened so much that I don't think not listening will change a thing. It was still fun though.
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Postby Dreamin4Men » September 29th, 2015, 2:05 am

Anyone listen to Gay For a Day? If you have listened to CFG but aren't sure if you're gay it's perfect. You will know for sure after listening to it. It is a super hot file.
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Postby Dave564 » September 29th, 2015, 2:20 am

Sounds interesting, I'm curious but I guess there's no point in listening to the file myself :)
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Postby Dreamin4Men » September 30th, 2015, 12:42 am

I didn't really need it either. I think it might actually be better if you are gay though. The file is like 40 minutes of gay hypno porn. I recommend it no matter how gay you are. I'm gay as can be and it still had me feeling more intense arousal.
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Postby Jullie » October 3rd, 2015, 4:50 pm

Hi everyone, I've been reading this thread for years and listening to CFG, and other files over the years. What I can say is that this file really works and I've been having strong same sex attraction for the last year. So overwhelming that I've slept with 3 guys over the past year as the bottom. I enjoy everything about men, from their face to cock and love having a man hold and kiss me. Problem is that I'm mentally incapable from coming out and living lie as a gay man... Im now 15% attracted to girls and have a long-term gf that I am romantically attached to. Problem is that this file has made me soo much into men that I cant have sex with her unless Im thinking about a guy. Any advice on files that could remove ALL my attraction to girls and accept my new life? I feel like ive tipped over the edge.
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Postby gayblake » November 9th, 2015, 1:09 pm

Hey everyone, just checking in to see what is up with here. Having the urge to listen again, so we'll see where that goes and I'll keep all you turnees posted!
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Postby Dave564 » November 10th, 2015, 2:24 pm

good luck babe x
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 10th, 2015, 8:26 pm

Jullie wrote
Im now 15% attracted to girls and have a long-term gf that I am romantically attached to. Problem is that this file has made me soo much into men that I cant have sex with her unless Im thinking about a guy. Any advice on files that could remove ALL my attraction to girls and accept my new life? I feel like ive tipped over the edge.

This file will definitely help you accept your gayness:

? Name: Accepting your desires, changes and your self
Description: This file is based on an email I received. It is about once struggle with change and the conflict some may have between the joy of what they want, but internal or external issues preventing you from enjoying it to the fullest. With this file you can eliminate the negativity to fully embrace any change or desire, any fetish. The Swiss knife of fetish acceptance :-)


However, this is no file that will help in coming out as a gay guy. The motivation needs to come from within. The tipping point occurs when you realize that it's easier to come out as a gay dude than to live a lie.

You might want to consider how your gf will react when she finds out that you're more interested in (literally) any anonymous dude than in her ... especially if you've made a serious commitment like proposing or even, if it gets that far, after the wedding. Humiliated, angry, and/or betrayed will not begin to describe it.

When you do come out, I am here to support you. I'm sure the others contributing to the thread feel the same way.
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Postby subdad36 » November 11th, 2015, 6:28 am

There hasn't been much going on in here lately. I hope all is not lost, lol. It has been a while that I have been running this file on and off. It was in my nightly play list for a while, but I feel that I no longer need the file, and tbh want to get away from a bit of the negative connotations regarding men being "all I deserve". That is my only beef with this fantastic file.
As far as an update, wow! I am a single dad with 2 kids at home 4-5 days/week. I had an fwb relationship for a year that ended this past August. I have started seriously dating, and am coming out to all in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with the right man, and I couldn't be more excited to live life as I am and who I want to be. It's actually pretty damn liberating, and a lot of the fears go away if you approach it with the right attitude.
I didn't believe guys in this thread when they said they couldn't think of themselves as str8 anymore, but that is totally me now. I lost 18 lbs since June, am working out regularly (thanks Luggy!), and have a whole new gay wardrobe, lol. It is so friggin' awesome to be who you really are and what I have always known I am.
I'll kep updating as I go, but I wanted to let everyone know how this helped!
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Postby gayblake » November 12th, 2015, 5:47 am

Yeah I've noticed there hasn't been as much activity around here as there used to be. I've been listening on and off for the last little while, but I'm getting back into it again. It seems to go in cycles for me, where I get a little further along everytime. I'm in pretty deep this time, and I just discovered Curse Stroke Gay, which is really good too. Anyway I will keep you all updated as to my progress, and hope the rest of you have a good time turning.

Also to anyone who is thinking of starting, all I can say is to go for it. You'll love the new experience, it's like discovering your sexuality all over again. So if anyone is debating about giving it a try, don't be scared, give it a try.
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Postby JackDrago » November 14th, 2015, 7:47 pm

For those of you looking to turn gay as a TOP with no humiliation aspects and no commands to feminize you; I have a new file up called [url=]Man Fucker[/url] (click for file) This file does a gentler sort of straight-to-gay conversion without humiliation, and includes attraction to male faces and bodies not just dick and ass.
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Postby Dreamin4Men » November 26th, 2015, 3:15 am

Happy to see some activity again! Hope you guys start posting more, half the fun is watching your fellow listeners fall down the rabbit hole. One early sign that everything is working is a weird feeling towards penises. I was grossed out by them for my whole life, but after only a few listens I suddenly saw something in them that drove me crazy and fascinated me. Now I look back and wonder how they never turned me on in the first place. Happy turning guys!
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Postby jacktag » November 28th, 2015, 12:17 am

Years ago out of sheer curiosity I listened to this file several times (maybe 5-10). Before I listened, I truly had never felt attracted to a man and was repulsed by the idea of sleeping with one.

Since I first listened I have had sex with several men (maybe 15). I wish that I had not and am embarrassed by this. I continue to actively date women, and still don't know if I could imagine being romantically involved with a man. I also don't typically find men attractive when I'm not already aroused. However, serious attraction to men's bodies when I'm am aroused is now a very difficult thing for me to get rid of, and it has had a negative effect on my ability to be with girls. I now often think about penises when I am sleeping with women and I too regularly have difficulty maintaining erections with girls. None of this was the case before I listened.

I really don't know if I could scientifically establish that this file had a causal relationship to my current predicament. But there certainly was correlation. I really wish I hadn't messed around with this stuff.

There are plenty of warnings here not to listen unless you want this. I strongly encourage you to not blow those off. The real life consequences are not pleasant. You are likely to regret it. Be careful.
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Postby jacktag » November 28th, 2015, 2:33 am

Also - if anyone has had an experience similar to mine and has had success undoing any damage done by this file, I'd be interested in speaking with you.
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 28th, 2015, 5:35 am

jacktag wrote
Also - if anyone has had an experience similar to mine and has had success undoing any damage done by this file, I'd be interested in speaking with you.

From what I've read -- I've been following this thread for an extremely long time -- nobody has found a way to reverse the effects of Curse Forced Gay. Some people have used Curse Forced Straight in the hope that this would reverse the effects of Curse Forced Gay. However it seems that CFG is stronger than CFS because others have always reported an extreme need to listen to CFG after becoming (mostly) straight.

If you don't want to be gay, there is a compromise file: Curse Forced Bisexual

Curse Forced Bisexual:
EMG's Curse Forced Bisexual w binaural:
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Postby subdad36 » November 28th, 2015, 6:44 am

Jacktag, the best thing to do is to give in to what your body and mind already know. You may think it is the last thing you want, but as you go through the process you open up an incredible side of your sexuality that is like a teenager exploring again. Accept yourself for who you are-a sexual being. Don't get so hung up over what or who. Enjoy it. I promise if you continue the positive so completely outweigh what you are afraid of. It's been an awesome jurney for me, and what keeps coming back to me is how much I would have missed if I didn't continue.
Food for thought, I don't want to convince you to do something you don't want to do. I'm just saying don't be so scared of it, accept it a little more, and you could be in for an amazing ride.
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Postby jacktag » November 28th, 2015, 10:29 am

subdad36 wrote:Jacktag, the best thing to do is to give in to what your body and mind already know. You may think it is the last thing you want, but as you go through the process you open up an incredible side of your sexuality that is like a teenager exploring again. Accept yourself for who you are-a sexual being. Don't get so hung up over what or who. Enjoy it. I promise if you continue the positive so completely outweigh what you are afraid of. It's been an awesome jurney for me, and what keeps coming back to me is how much I would have missed if I didn't continue.
Food for thought, I don't want to convince you to do something you don't want to do. I'm just saying don't be so scared of it, accept it a little more, and you could be in for an amazing ride.

I've clearly already done some exploring. Are you trying to say I'm permanently gay now? I just can't imagine that listening to some words 5-10x could do that.
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Postby transformed » November 28th, 2015, 12:00 pm

I've clearly already done some exploring. Are you trying to say I'm permanently gay now? I just can't imagine that listening to some words 5-10x could do that.

Just from my own experience, I would say that it can have an influence if you were in some way originally interested or fascinated with men in the first place. As you said, you were "curious" about the file...maybe just to see if you could disprove its effects on you or subconsciously had a deeply suppressed feeling about what it would be like to be with a guy.

At any rate, I think if you really found it repulsive, you would have probably stopped with just one or two...the fact that you were with 15 or so speaks otherwise! Add the fact that you can't get your mind off men's bodies when aroused is another telling sign. I know of others that have gone on this similar path and tried to say they were still straight or at least bi but with every one of them that I have talked to, all have admitted that when I asked them "over time, has your feelings for wanting men ever diminished or only gotten stronger?" they have all said its gotten stronger.

So, my point is that even tho you have only listened 5-10x, I think it may have served to ignite the flames that have been smoldering for quite a long time in you. Personally, I think the file is great because it just helps you "wake up" and embrace who you truly are and really appreciate the beauty and sexual (& non-sexual) beings that men are! If you allow the file to do what it can do, you'd be amazed at what you can do...and how much you would appreciate it!
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Postby OxyFemboi » November 28th, 2015, 9:20 pm


You might be interested in using this file:

Name: Accepting your desires, changes and your self
Description: This file is based on an email I received. It is about one's struggle with change and the conflict some may have between the joy of what they want, but internal or external issues preventing you from enjoying it to the fullest. With this file you can eliminate the negativity to fully embrace any change or desire, any fetish. The Swiss knife of fetish acceptance :-)

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Postby subdad36 » November 30th, 2015, 9:23 pm

transformed wrote:
I've clearly already done some exploring. Are you trying to say I'm permanently gay now? I just can't imagine that listening to some words 5-10x could do that.

Just from my own experience, I would say that it can have an influence if you were in some way originally interested or fascinated with men in the first place. As you said, you were "curious" about the file...maybe just to see if you could disprove its effects on you or subconsciously had a deeply suppressed feeling about what it would be like to be with a guy.

At any rate, I think if you really found it repulsive, you would have probably stopped with just one or two...the fact that you were with 15 or so speaks otherwise! Add the fact that you can't get your mind off men's bodies when aroused is another telling sign. I know of others that have gone on this similar path and tried to say they were still straight or at least bi but with every one of them that I have talked to, all have admitted that when I asked them "over time, has your feelings for wanting men ever diminished or only gotten stronger?" they have all said its gotten stronger.

So, my point is that even tho you have only listened 5-10x, I think it may have served to ignite the flames that have been smoldering for quite a long time in you. Personally, I think the file is great because it just helps you "wake up" and embrace who you truly are and really appreciate the beauty and sexual (& non-sexual) beings that men are! If you allow the file to do what it can do, you'd be amazed at what you can do...and how much you would appreciate it!

VERY well put transformed!!
It's hard not to acknowledge that your body and mind are now acting together and telling you something jacktag.
Quick question, how much more intense is the M2M sex than the M2F now? What do you think about when you cum when you j/o?
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Postby rigsby » December 7th, 2015, 2:18 pm

jacktag wrote:I've clearly already done some exploring. Are you trying to say I'm permanently gay now? I just can't imagine that listening to some words 5-10x could do that.

Jacktag, I have some bad news and some good news for you.

The bad news is: you have always been at least partially gay. CFG did not “install” gayness in you, or in anybody else. As far as anyone knows, that’s impossible to do. Instead, what CFG does (and it does it REALLY well!) is to awaken a guy’s existing gay tendencies in his deep subconscious and bring them to the surface. If those tendencies had not already been in you, there’s no way you could have forced yourself to sleep with 15 different dudes.

The reason you feel so sure that you weren’t gay before is simple. You, like every other person growing up in Western culture, were exposed to a lifetime of social conditioning that taught you to suppress and forget all gay feelings. That’s why you feel embarrassed now: CFG breaks through the conditioning, but it still keeps trying to get the upper hand. I’m willing to bet that every other guy who has used this file has gone through the same conflict.

Now for the good news.

Based on everything that today’s science knows about human sexuality, you are . . . here it comes . . . totally normal. The old idea of straight and gay being equivalent to a light switch is just that: old. It’s not even a 3-way switch with straight, gay, and bi. Instead, it’s more like a spectrum, and a little bit like the mathematical “bell curve.” In other words, almost nobody is totally straight or totally gay. Most people can be turned on by both men and women, whether they consciously realize it or not. Now that you know that this is a common, natural thing, you can stop worrying about the labels. You’re free to call yourself straight, gay, bi, or even none of the above, and choose your mates accordingly.

You’re normal, you’re healthy, and your sex life doesn’t need to be pigeonholed. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Least of all yourself.
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Postby jacktag » December 7th, 2015, 11:38 pm

rigsby wrote:
jacktag wrote:I've clearly already done some exploring. Are you trying to say I'm permanently gay now? I just can't imagine that listening to some words 5-10x could do that.

Jacktag, I have some bad news and some good news for you.

The bad news is: you have always been at least partially gay. CFG did not “install” gayness in you, or in anybody else. As far as anyone knows, that’s impossible to do. Instead, what CFG does (and it does it REALLY well!) is to awaken a guy’s existing gay tendencies in his deep subconscious and bring them to the surface. If those tendencies had not already been in you, there’s no way you could have forced yourself to sleep with 15 different dudes.

The reason you feel so sure that you weren’t gay before is simple. You, like every other person growing up in Western culture, were exposed to a lifetime of social conditioning that taught you to suppress and forget all gay feelings. That’s why you feel embarrassed now: CFG breaks through the conditioning, but it still keeps trying to get the upper hand. I’m willing to bet that every other guy who has used this file has gone through the same conflict.

Now for the good news.

Based on everything that today’s science knows about human sexuality, you are . . . here it comes . . . totally normal. The old idea of straight and gay being equivalent to a light switch is just that: old. It’s not even a 3-way switch with straight, gay, and bi. Instead, it’s more like a spectrum, and a little bit like the mathematical “bell curve.” In other words, almost nobody is totally straight or totally gay. Most people can be turned on by both men and women, whether they consciously realize it or not. Now that you know that this is a common, natural thing, you can stop worrying about the labels. You’re free to call yourself straight, gay, bi, or even none of the above, and choose your mates accordingly.

You’re normal, you’re healthy, and your sex life doesn’t need to be pigeonholed. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Least of all yourself.

Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 8th, 2015, 1:55 am

jacktag wrote
Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Do you want to stop sleeping with guys? If so, stop. If not ... enjoy. [And always use a condom.]
Last edited by OxyFemboi on December 17th, 2015, 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby jacktag » December 8th, 2015, 7:36 am

OxyFemboi wrote:
jacktag wrote
Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Do you want to stop sleeping with guys? If so, stop. If not ... enjoy. [And always use a condom.}

I do want to stop.
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 8th, 2015, 1:42 pm

jacktag wrote
OxyFemboi wrote:
jacktag wrote
Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Do you want to stop sleeping with guys? If so, stop. If not ... enjoy. [And always use a condom.]

I do want to stop.

Then stop. Don't go on dates with guys.

If you find that you're still going on dates with guys, some part of you doesn't want to stop. In that case, maybe you should consider that you might not want to stop, no matter what you think. You might be gay.

In that case, I suggest that you listen to the file I mentioned earlier:

Name: Accepting your desires, changes and your self
Description: This file is based on an email I received. It is about one's struggle with change and the conflict some may have between the joy of what they want, but internal or external issues preventing you from enjoying it to the fullest. With this file you can eliminate the negativity to fully embrace any change or desire, any fetish. The Swiss knife of fetish acceptance :)

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Postby rigsby » December 8th, 2015, 3:13 pm

jacktag wrote:Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Oxy's right: if you want to stop sleeping with other guys, you can. And if you change your mind later, that's okay too.
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Postby jacktag » December 8th, 2015, 11:19 pm

rigsby wrote:
jacktag wrote:Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Oxy's right: if you want to stop sleeping with other guys, you can. And if you change your mind later, that's okay too.

I just want to get back to a point where I can sleep with women without imagining penis.
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Postby OxyFemboi » December 9th, 2015, 11:52 am

jacktag wrote
rigsby wrote:
jacktag wrote:
Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Oxy's right: if you want to stop sleeping with other guys, you can. And if you change your mind later, that's okay too.

I just want to get back to a point where I can sleep with women without imagining penis.

How long has it been since you last listened to Curse Forced Gay? Months? Years? You said years .... ? ? whistle ? ? Bro, I'm a superb subject; stage magicians salivate when someone like me volunteers to be part of their act. Files work really fast on me ... but even for me, a file rarely file works that fast or lasts that long without reinforcement.

If you need to imagine a woman has a penis to get hard enough to have sex ... you probably are gay at this point. I think, really, I could have skipped typing "probably".

Welcome to the team. *l'Chaim!* I'd buy you a beer to celebrate but ... yeah, you definitely need to listen to the Accepting Your Desires, Changes and Your Self file I keep mentioning.

CFG either worked extremely fast for you or you were mostly gay and in a deep state of denial. [Been there....]
Last edited by OxyFemboi on December 9th, 2015, 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby rigsby » December 9th, 2015, 5:53 pm

jacktag wrote:
rigsby wrote:
jacktag wrote:Do you think I can stop sleeping with guys?

Oxy's right: if you want to stop sleeping with other guys, you can. And if you change your mind later, that's okay too.

I just want to get back to a point where I can sleep with women without imagining penis.

Dude, you're living too much in your own head.

If you're sleeping with a woman, and if you enjoy the experience, and if she enjoys the experience, why does it even matter what goes on in your head at the time? Nobody cares, and nobody should care. It's not supposed to be about anything but pleasure (unless you're trying to have a kid).

After all, they used to advise brides-to-be in Victorian times to "think of England!" :lol:
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Postby ftslave67 » December 17th, 2015, 5:08 pm

Rigsby--Great Post (12/07)

Jacktag--I'm troubled by your use of the word "damage" here. Do you think all gay people or people with same-sex attractions are damaged? You've been with you say 15 different men--if it's so horrible, why do you keep at it? Ever seen Rocky Horror Picture Show? That's your assignment--watch the movie and report back. I hope you come to some understanding of your motivations and your makeup.
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Postby masterpassionslave » January 4th, 2016, 1:58 pm

i listened to it once months and nothing has happened.
In the past, there were 2 occasions that a man edged and made me cum while hypnotized. Im still not interested in having any of that happening.

Just reassuring people. If you really don't want to be gay, you won't be.
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Postby OxyFemboi » January 12th, 2016, 6:56 pm

masterpassionslave wrote
i listened to it once months and nothing has happened.
In the past, there were 2 occasions that a man edged and made me cum while hypnotized. Im still not interested in having any of that happening.

Just reassuring people. If you really don't want to be gay, you won't be.

It usually takes more than listening once to a file for any file to have an effect. Maybe ... just maybe ... there might be some slight change in behavior after listening once. It usually takes multiple weeks of consistent listening for any file to cause noticeable effects.
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Postby Al48 » January 27th, 2016, 11:23 pm

Where's all the gaybois?
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Postby Dreamin4Men » January 28th, 2016, 4:43 am

Al48 wrote:Where's all the gaybois?

Still here and still very gay. Hopefully there's some new bois out there!
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Postby Dave564 » January 28th, 2016, 7:28 am

Always here babe x
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Postby NorthPole » January 28th, 2016, 12:49 pm

I have been listening to CFG a little recently. I don't need to at all but I keep going back. I have also listened to ViVe's feminine conditioning a few times. Not sure if I want to continue with it but I like it.
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Postby transformed » January 28th, 2016, 1:08 pm

I have been listening to CFG a little recently. I don't need to at all but I keep going back. I have also listened to ViVe's feminine conditioning a few times. Not sure if I want to continue with it but I like it.

It's a good combo, but if you have any feminine designs such as leaning toward a shemale aspect, Feminine Conditioning can be VERY effective! I have done both these files, but really don't need to listen to CFG as I've been gay for years anyway but it seems like when you put the two together, it seems to magnify the feminine least with me anyway!
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Postby NorthPole » January 29th, 2016, 7:35 pm

It's a good combo, but if you have any feminine designs such as leaning toward a shemale aspect, Feminine Conditioning can be VERY effective! I have done both these files, but really don't need to listen to CFG as I've been gay for years anyway but it seems like when you put the two together, it seems to magnify the feminine least with me anyway!

Yeah, being more feminine is appealing to me, always has been truthfully. The file was nice and I enjoyed the limited effects I felt. I did actually combine the two files once and noticed it felt stronger than feminine conditioning alone, I came out of trance feeling really fem and happy about it for a while.

Ultimately I don't know if something that sounds so effective is right for me as I am well above average height and pretty big. I was begged to play football in high school because of my size. That being so, I'd prefer files that allow me to be more private with my femininity.

I can't say I'm not tempted to listen though, so who knows?
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby OxyFemboi » February 6th, 2016, 1:19 am

Northpole wrote
Ultimately I don't know if something that sounds so effective is right for me as I am well above average height and pretty big. I was begged to play football in high school because of my size. That being so, I'd prefer files that allow me to be more private with my femininity

At least one file on WMM will shrink you in size. It is called Shrinking--Control Panel for your Height. I know it works because I shrank a few inches after listening to the file. The Success Stories Forum thread dedicated to the file (currently 32 pages of comments) starts at ... um.php?f=2
The link to the file is ... link=13532
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Ox & Honey & Yoshi & Rocky & Dave & Adam
Hypnosis & NLP are the install programs for fetishes and phobias.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby NorthPole » February 16th, 2016, 8:25 am

Well, I've stuck with a combination of Feminine Conditioning and CFG. So far so good! I did a little body hair removal this morning, not as much as I'd like but just areas that are hidden under clothes. The Girling Up loop by ViVe has been good too.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby ht2769 » February 24th, 2016, 10:16 am

So I started listening a few weeks ago every now and then and felt the effects just by listening at that rate. I was able to masturbate over gay porn and not feel as if it was wrong after and felt i was looking at men differently. Since last night I have decided to listen to it every day and I will post the results soon :)
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby Al48 » February 24th, 2016, 12:39 pm

So I started listening a few weeks ago every now and then and felt the effects just by listening at that rate. I was able to masturbate over gay porn and not feel as if it was wrong after and felt i was looking at men differently. Since last night I have decided to listen to it every day and I will post the results soon :)

What was your reason for starting to listen?
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby Bellman4642 » March 8th, 2016, 9:12 am

I thought I would share my story. I started listening to CFG about 9 months ago. It all started when I was looking at some kink websites to masturbate to and came across a Reddit page talking about hypnosis fetishes. Thought I would look more into theses sites. Came across a bunch of hypno video sites promoting you to suck cocks while listening to voices in the background. I watched and listened and masturbated many times. I did have urges to suck cocks which is something I never would have thought about without the videos. I enjoyed the videos as they changed my thought process about men and being gay. As I did more searches I came across CFG and other like files that were more intense. I had never done CFG to this point. I messed around with other files as I was scared to listen after reading so much about CFG and its effects. At this point I felt a little Bi but still had not had sex with another guy. I watched and listened to them as more of a way to get off. I would watch straight porn right after listening to a file then masturbate staring at the cocks of the guys in the porn. Very much a turn on for me. Who knew...Anyway, after a couple of weeks I decided I wanted to turn the excitement up and tried CFG. I listened a couple of times and did the same routine of masturbating to porn afterwards. This phase seemed to pass and I moved on with my life.

About 3 weeks ago I decided to masturbate to hypno porn again and dove right into listening to files. This time I tried the 24 hours gay. And I felt awesome after listening. Did it 4 days in a row and just had a different perspective on life. Decided to try CFG again or just came back to the file like it suggests. It was like I was putting on a clean pair of socks, very normal. Seemed natural and I did not miss a beat. I could also tell the trance was deeper this time and it felt like the suggestions grabbed a hold of me. Something was very different this time once I started listening again. The first day I listened to CFG once. The next day I listened to CFG twice. The third day I listened 3 times and have listened to the file 3 times a day for about 10 days in a row, On about the fourth day after listening to the file I started masturbate to gay porn exclusively each time after listening. I understand that I have set up a stimulus. I purposely did this as the excitement drove me crazy. My intention was never to turn bi or gay it was just the danger to change that turned me on and hooked me when masturbating. It was something different to masturbate to.

Now I plan my work day around being able to listen to the file 3 times a day. I am constantly looking to be with men. I know this will eventually ruin the life I had, but for the first time I am happy. I did not know that I was unhappy until all this happened. I know this has changed my sexuality, because the other day I was driving and saw a gay couple walking their dog and got the biggest hard on. I do not know what caused me to keep pursuing this file, but it happened. Am I gay? I am very confused right now. Proofreading this post sure sounds like it. If someone asked me if I am gay I think before I could think about my answer the words would probably blurt out a convincing yes. My suggestion is do not play around with the file or files like this. It is very dangerous. My intentions were to never change my sexuality. I understand after reading many of these posts some will differ with this opinion, but I am just telling you my perspective. I keep telling myself that this is probably a phase and will pass shortly, but those are just words. I do not think this will pass. Good luck to all that try this file. I hope you achieve the results you are looking for and please be careful.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby Al48 » March 19th, 2016, 12:14 pm

Trust me, it's no phase! This file will make you gay permanently.
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Re: The forced gay success thread...

Postby roshenclassical » March 19th, 2016, 2:35 pm

Been listening 3 times a day for a week now :oops:
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