Lucid Dreaming

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Lucid Dreaming

Postby morrcomm » October 10th, 2005, 9:39 am

I've spent the last three weeks listening to EMG's Lucid Dreaming files. Off-line life isn't given me much time, unfortunately, and I've been lucky to manage three or four of these trances per week since starting.

Even so, something is definitely happening. I'm remembering more dreams, and in much more detail, than I usually do. And I've already lost count of how many times I've realized something wasn't right during a dream and have been able to exert some level of control over it, even if I wasn't fully lucid and aware that I was dreaming.

So far, I've had one that was truly lucid. I was standing in the kitchen and frying up two very sad-looking pieces of bacon when I realized I was dreaming. And what did I do with my new-found, god-like powers of lucidity? Have sex with that girl who turned me down in high school? Walk the corridors of the "Serenity"? Save Gandalf from the Balrog?

No, I had to go conjure up several more pieces of thick sizzlers in the frying pan instead!

At least my wife got a good laugh that morning, though, as she watched me grumbling over my coffee, "Perfectly good lucid dream all shot to hell, because I had to go get a craving for bacon..." And once you have that first one, a lot of doubts about whether you can do it just fall away.

I can't wait for the next one.
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Postby Mallic » October 12th, 2005, 7:22 am

Yeah, what pisses me off about lucid dreaming is that you never rember what it was you wanted to control, so after you excert you less-than-godlike powers over the dream, you wake up and go "NOOO!!!! I FORGOT TO FLY\MEET THE POPE\GO ON A HOLIDAY!!!!"
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Postby Goezgoez1010 » October 12th, 2005, 3:52 pm

Weird... I always had that problem too with lucid dreaming :lol:

I normally remember my dreams, even before I started using that file, when they were lucid, I ended up either losing lucidity or blowing a hole in a wall somewhere and zooming off. If I'm really lucky I end up having sex, but that's on a rare occasion. Weird how that happens... :D
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Postby aeroue » October 13th, 2005, 5:00 am

I listened for months to that file, it worked for a while only got about 7 lucid dreams though which i can actually attribute to it.

I don't get enough sleep I always wake up before the end of the sleep cycle which is the easiest time to become lucid.

And when I havn't got to get up for uni/work im too high to remember a thing. :roll:

However two random things that are good for lucidity...

Holiday- so long as you dream of being at home it is very easy to go wtf! im on holiday im at home what ahhh dreaming muaha :)

Drinking- Alcohol drink moderately for 4/5 days on the 4th or 5th day your seratonin level will be super depleted then you get a rush of it = mega dream. (seratonin = dream chem. )
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Postby morrcomm » October 14th, 2005, 6:54 pm

I'm finding I have that same problem, Mallic. Whatever I might have hoped to do in the lucid dream while I was awake, it's turning out there's always something in the dream itself that's so interesting or just plain bizarre that I can't help but go with it and see what's next.

The "false awakenings" are turning out to be a trip and a half, too... :wink:
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Postby Mallic » October 14th, 2005, 6:57 pm

I've never had a false awakening. I had a awkening where I thought it was a false awakening, so I jump out of bed, hit my head and nearly got concussion
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Postby TheKnife » November 4th, 2005, 10:46 am

Hah! You fools!
Your synthetic lucidity hypnosis files will never beat the power of being a natural lucid dreamer (Like me.)
I naturally have lucid dreams almost every night, and sometimes several ones.
It's been going on like that for as long as i can remember.
I win. :twisted:
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Postby Primus » November 4th, 2005, 1:16 pm

You only half win goober. You can only influence your dreams. Some of us can exert minor changes while awake those are the true winners.
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Postby TheKnife » November 4th, 2005, 2:16 pm

Well...I win the lucid dreaming part!
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Postby BillionSix » November 4th, 2005, 3:09 pm

I had a lucid dream once. It was years ago. I was still in the Navy and just out of school. I was riding along in a car with my family and realized I was dreaming. I asked my dad to keep driving, and climbed onto the roof of the car. Then I lept into the air, intending to fly. I slammed into the dirt. I got embarrassed. Then I woke up.

That's the only one I can think of.

All I need is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.
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Postby thisguy » November 4th, 2005, 6:48 pm


no results here with files for me, but for lucid dreaming i have my own formula:

first try to be up some 2 days.. maybe wednesday + friday, then go to sleep on friday evening and sleep waking up naturally. last few hours of such sleep are mostly half sleep long after morning and can go very easily lucid.

Once i heard like this some reportage about candyfactory from the radio. While reporter described how the sweet masses flow between floors and even when he told he tasted it and said how sweet it is.. i was there and experiencing it in parallel :)

then lately when i become aware of my dreaming, i'm able to stop random people on the street and undress them.. and control them .. like shapes and stuff ;) .. ( i know, i read too much BE stories :P )

then i have remembered very good, that in case i find myself flying, it's dream for sure. At one point in such dream i took a bunch of porn DVD's and started to fly into them.. like trough windows into some separate pockets of reality.. just to be thrown out of there after few moments - for some reason they appeared to be "DEMO variants" :)) but good news was, that there were a lot of them :)

i have found that the most helpful thing for lucid dreaming is autosuggestion. go to sleep keeping a picture of the place you want to be in a dream in your mind. think about being aware of your dream few hours before you go to sleep. just fill some random corners of your mind with different hints about recognizing weird things while dreaming.. and eventually, it will happen more often. in the beginning you will "lose it" as easily as you discover it.. but i have found that you should make major changes in your dream the moment you become aware, even if you lose it later, the changes should mostly stay, so you could incorporate some visual clues in your changes, that will remind you again easily.. ( lots of neikkid people perhaps? ;) )

but it's definitely worth experimenting to find a place inside you, where you can play god :)
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Postby AGAMEMNON » November 6th, 2005, 1:30 pm

It works for me.Curseluciddreaming2.I had already three times,after listening a file.
I listen the file whith another brainwave program in 4-5 hertz frequence.
At once I was Listening at 8 hertz,but than in 4-5 as I said.
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Postby Cairn » January 23rd, 2006, 10:32 pm

After 4 days of nightly listening to curse lucid dreams one I had an LD :!: YAY :!: Intrestingly enough that night i fell asleep before the file finished so it kept playing all night (although I dreamt I turned it off)

I like having a success story. :D
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lucid dreaming

Postby juniper » January 24th, 2006, 2:09 pm

The "false awakenings" are turning out to be a trip and a half, too... :wink:[/quote]

I didn't know that was lucid dreaming. coooool:) I always thought I had never lucid dreamt, but I used to do that all the time when I was in high school. just a little rambly two cents.

One by one the penguins steal my sanity... hehe
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » February 1st, 2006, 5:18 pm

I've had 2 so far. The first was where I was in some dark scary place, and I was like really scared of being in my own head. I realised I was dreaming a turned on a light switch in the dream, and burnt the room down with a conjured fireball. Then the house turned out to be in the middle of a picturesque field. Yay.

Another was where I was in some huge gang knife fight in a train station, on the back of a train. I got stabbed and woke up in hospital. I realised it wan't real and started commanding all the other people to die.
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pretrancing lucidity

Postby jothan_s » April 8th, 2006, 1:33 am

back in my college days, WAY back cause this one is older than dirt, read a magazine article about lucid dreaming. know about suggestion now, the article was basicly about autosuggestion, steps to lucid dreaming....

EVERY night before going to bed, tell yourself what kind of dream you are going to have. repeat the scenario over and over, telling yourself when it happens you will be aware you are dreaming.

Be sure to include some kind of written material in your dream description to yourself. explicitly include it. THen when dreaming, and you see the written material, read it....look away....and reread it. When you notice that the words are different, and in some cdases weirdly different, you KNOW you are dreaming and can immediately take control of the dream.

If you feel yourself beginning to wake up before you want teh dream to end, the article said to start spinning in place in the dream to maintain control and you slip back into a deeper dream state.

Have dreams so like reality, intensely so now, but do not know they are dreams at the time, COMPLETELY real to me, scarey. some not so nice, and i can NOT wake myself up because i BELIEVE the dreams are real life. very detailed dreams like lucidity, but opposite in that i do NOT know they are dreams.

rape dreams are common for me now.
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Postby Mallic » April 8th, 2006, 5:38 pm

I remember that hard exercise helps improve your chance of having a lucid dream. I can't find any mention it now. Can anyone elaborate.
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Re: pretrancing lucidity

Postby OMGWTFBBQ » April 8th, 2006, 5:56 pm

jothan_s wrote:
Have dreams so like reality, intensely so now, but do not know they are dreams at the time, COMPLETELY real to me, scarey. some not so nice, and i can NOT wake myself up because i BELIEVE the dreams are real life. very detailed dreams like lucidity, but opposite in that i do NOT know they are dreams.

rape dreams are common for me now.

I have dreams where I try to turn it lucid and it works for a bit, but then I'm afraid it'll mess up, and scary stuff happens, so then I wake myself up, but I wake into a pseudo-normal dream! It's really annoying, but at least I dont wake up. :D
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Postby Senji » April 10th, 2006, 12:25 am

I hate whenever you (try) to have sex in lucid dreams you (well, I) always wake up. It feels really good though. I've only had 2, and those were right after I spent about 5 hours looking at lucid dreaming sites. Good stuff.
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Postby parws » August 11th, 2006, 8:50 am

Hello, for me Cardigans files always work the best.
Therefore I asked him to make a file for me (and all of us),
where he tells you to have lucids dreams.
He has put it onto his webpage
and you can download it for free.
Thx to Cardigan
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Postby Skribblez » August 24th, 2006, 4:42 am

the other day I was having a dream that I was in a hospital which spontaniously turned into a lucid dream, after the lucidity began I dont remember much...
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