by Fizbin » June 25th, 2016, 9:54 pm
First, understand that there is very little peer-reviewed literature available on the subject of subliminal effects and effectiveness. Any opinions expressed by anyone are related to personal experiences (or even conjecture) and are not "clinically" verified.
Second, the manifestation of any result is likely to be highly dependent upon both the nature of the affirmations and the personal experiences of the subject. Remember, exposure to subliminal messages is not like programming a computer. The affirmations are not isolated. They form a subtle "push" of the subject in their direction, but based upon the subject's starting point.
Think of a car going down the road. You apply a certain amount of input to the steering wheel. What happens depends on how fast the car is going, what the road ahead looks like, whether brakes are applied or even if other cars are in the way. Your steering input could gently guide the car onto a desired road, change lanes on the same road, or cause a crash into a tree.
Unfortunately, when applying a subliminal, unlike steering the car, you have no idea what may be in the road of your subject's mind. So, trying to predict with certainty either the interim (or even end) states of a course of subliminal exposure is, at best, an educated guess based on your knowledge of your subject.