Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

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Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » December 28th, 2017, 9:12 am

Hi folks!

You might remember that a few years ago there was a series of files available called the "Good Girl School" series. They were variations on a theme; asking the listener to visualize being a girl at a special school, where the lessons include triggers to flash, or to wet yourself, I think there was another one as well.

The files are still up, but the author said he wasn't impressed with them, thinking they weren't his best work. And since then, the author's name seems to have been changed to an empty string. I think he might have deleted his account on the site or something; or no longer wishes to be associated with those files. But the comments show that a lot of people liked the idea.

So I'm wondering, would anyone be interested if I made a new set of files following the same theme?

I'm considering setting it up so that each 'lesson' is a surprise, you never know what the teacher's going to teach you today. So each file has a variant of the same induction, and a suggestion during the induction to temporarily forget any times you've listened to the file before, and to forget which file you chose to listen to, so it will be an exciting surprise when the teacher "decides" what you're going to learn. Then I could use the anticipation and excitement, maybe a little nervousness, to help the subject feel more submissive and take in the suggestions more easily. It would also include a method I found pretty useful for recordings; the suggestion that if you listen to the file again, you will be looking forward to the suggestion so much that you start to sink into trance straight away during the pre-talk that explains what the file is.

Do you think you'd be interested in listening to files like that? I was thinking that it would be perfect for if you're indecisive; you could put a couple of lessons on shuffle and listen to whichever one comes first.

I've written out a rough first draft of the script, and I'd appreciate some feedback on the pre-talk bit. I don't want to make it long enough to put people off, but I do want listeners to know the pattern at the start. And of course, people who've listened to it before will find this introduction to be a trance trigger, so they can slowly sink deeper and remember all the fun that they've had before until the actual file starts.

Opinions, please?
Hello. You’ve decided to listen to this hypnotic recording, so I’m sure that you want to experience the thing it describes. If you’ve not listened to any recordings in this set, you should listen to my explanation to make sure you know what to expect, and you know how you should expect to find yourself responding. And if you’ve been to the Good Girls School before, then as you listen to this explanation again you will already be finding that my words remind you of how it should feel as you start to sink deeper.

I’m not going to give you a description in depth of what this file will help you to experience, because if you’ve chosen this recording you knew what you were listening to, and if you’ve put a couple of recordings on shuffle, you should find that it is a nice surprise. If you’ve been to the Good Girl School before, you will find that your memory of which file you chose is already fading, so you will be able to have a nice surprise when it comes to today’s lesson. But you know that I’m going to guide you into a light trance, and then ask you to imagine yourself sitting in class at the Good Girl School, and you will find it so easy to imagine being in class, and doing and feeling all the things I describe. Then the teacher might guide you deeper into trance, making it easier for you to obey some suggestion, or you might find that some behaviours are so perfect for good girls that they come naturally. You might find yourself learning something new, and it will always be something new, because when you are in the Good Girl School you will remember your previous lessons, and the fun you have had there, but you won’t need to remember having this lesson before. If you’ve been through this lesson in the past, then your past experience will make it easier to accept all the suggestions, and it will feel even more real to you, but at each moment in the story you will be eager to find out what comes next, rather than expecting it. And when the teacher asks you to remember a lesson you’ve had in the past, you will remember that lesson even more vividly each time, but the lesson you are experiencing now will always seem fresh and new.

You will, of course, remember all your classes at the Good Girl School once the story has ended and you are awake. It is only while you are in class that whichever class you are going into now will seem fresh and new to you.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby ProfessorPig » December 28th, 2017, 12:58 pm

the field of dreams rule definitely applies to hypnosis. if you make the things that you are passionate about others will follow. the format is definitely effective, i teach people how to follow their desires all the time.
Being a pig is about following your desires. If you would like help following your desires, you may enjoy listening to my work. Its interesting how the most profound changes can occur when you least expect them.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » December 30th, 2017, 9:13 am

So, what kind of classes could we have? I think this framing device could work with a variety of different things, so a subject can pick and choose the ones that appeal. I'll likely start with simpler triggers, because wrapping a story around each class will make it longer than a simple trigger file already. Maybe even a couple of variations for the same effect.

Ideas so far:
  • Beginner Classes - Most of the files would probably include these elements/feelings, but a subject who's finding one part less effective could use a more focused class to enhance it.
    • Feelings of happiness/excitement
    • Submissive feelings
    • Obedience
    • Enhanced suggestibility
    • Trance trigger "When you start listening to one of these files"
    • Feeling like you're doing something for the first time
      • (initially for the class sessions themselves, but could have an optional file to make that triggerable in other situations)
  • Young schoolgirl; see yourself as a specific age during classes (maybe a few variants for different ages)
  • TG schoolgirl; allowing guys to see themselves as schoolgirls for the duration of the file
  • Arousal trigger
  • Obedience self-trigger (compelled to obey after saying "Yes, Sir" or "Yes Miss")
    • Training to address your chosen 'teacher' as Sir/Miss automatically
  • Uniform training
    • Maybe different versions, depending what you think the uniform of the Good Girl school will be
    • Arousal when wearing the designated uniform
    • Automatic obedience when in uniform
    • Automatically wearing uniform
    • Reducing embarrassment about revealing clothes; or turning it into excitement
    • Transformation: Making the young/TG schoolgirl variants above last as long as you're in uniform
  • GG trigger (sexual/nonsexual variants)
  • Innocence trigger (Any sexual activity, you're super excited and a little bit nervous, like it's the first time)
  • Masturbation trigger
  • Incontinence trigger (like the original school files)

Yeah, that's a big list. I'll probably start off picking something at random each time I have privacy to do a recording, unless someone expresses preferences for a particular one.
The trigger ones could each be triggered by the teacher during the file; self trigger; people you trust to tell them about it; or anyone.

Anything else that should be put into the hat for me to choose from?
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » January 3rd, 2018, 6:53 am

I've scripted some of these files, recorded one myself, and possibly found someone else willing to record one (some?) of them.
If you're interested in these, let me know. It's the inductions, and the interesting possibilities of the classroom setting, that interest me; I'm into the methods more than the effects. So if there's an effect you'd like to see, please let me know.

Current schedule for the Good Girls Academy:
  • OBEY101 - Self Obedience trigger. You can make a request or commend irresistible by answering "Yes Miss" or "Yes Sir". During the file, this is tested by the teacher asking you to lick your lips, and to sit demurely with your hands together in your lap. At the end of the file, after you have awoken, I also ask you to leave an honest review for the file if you haven't already; you may choose to test the trigger yourself with this instruction if you want, but there's no suggestion to make you do so. Scripted, recorded my version, and looking forward to hearing someone else's version.
  • WET111 - Punishment Rhyme. A homage to the original 'Good Girls School' file. A girl makes a mistake in her homework, and is punished by the rest of the class reciting a rhyme/chant that will make her wet herself. You (the subject) are so excited, and envy the girl being the center of attention, that you can't resist joining in and wetting yourself too. This sets a trigger; whenever you hear a line from the chant, you will repeat the line that rhymes with it. After two or three lines, you will find yourself unable to resist the urge to repeat as many of the rhymes as you can remember, and wet yourself before you finish. I've scripted this one, but it still needs a little editing.
  • READ101 - Script Reading. The girls read a book about good girls reading a book as part of a lesson. You find that when you read a script in this series aloud, you will be able to visualize the class perfectly, and will feel so excited to find out what is going to happen to them. You will be eager to see my new scripts, and excited to find out which ones I'm going to write next. If you record yourself reading one of these scripts then you will be able to imagine it so vividly, and you will then listen to it and find it even more powerful. When listening to GGA files you've recorded yourself, you will imagine any dominant traits you have transferred to the teacher, making you more submissive and receptive to their instructions. Started scripting, not yet finished.
  • FEE101 - "Financial Domination". The teacher walks around the class collecting tuition fees from each student, talking about how the enjoyment of the class might compare to the price of a pizza, or a movie. When the teacher picks up a small pile of coins from your desk, each one will give you a greater and greater wave of pleasure, and the last one may make you orgasm like all the other girls. After listening, you will find that after you listen to a free hypnofile for the first time (not specifically my files), you will think about how good it was, how much you enjoyed it, and how much you think it was worth. You will then send/donate a reasonable price that you can afford to the file's author. When you make the payment, you will orgasm again. You only feel like you need to do this the first time you listen to any specific file, or if you are especially impressed with its effects one time, but you can always choose to do it again if you want. An idea that's been floating around my head. Might try recording it simply because I'm desperate not to lose my home, and because I can't publish any new books until I can get my laptop repaired.
  • SEX102 - Masturbation trigger. You get extremely aroused waiting for the class and anticipating what I might make you do. So I decide to let you masturbate in class, and teach you a command that will make you so horny you can't help masturbating immediately whenever someone says it (in a place where you wouldn't get in trouble). Requested by a subject. Ideas welcome for what the trigger words should be. If people want, I might do SEX112 as the rhyme-trigger version
  • UNI101 - Uniform as Trigger. You are called up to the front of the class so that the teacher can praise you for following the uniform code so precisely. As the teacher points out each part of your outfit, and how it makes you feel more submissive, obedient, and aroused, you find it getting even more powerful. You will pick some of your clothes to represent the GGA uniform; or you will visualize the outfit, and will buy those clothes as soon as you can after listening. Whenever you wear those clothes, you will be constantly reminded of what a good girl you are, and you will feel naturally submissive. Some other lessons say that a trigger works for anyone you have given permission; wearing your uniform around someone gives them permission to use all your triggers. Someone expressed an interest in this. I will likely say that the uniform is a particular set of jeans and T-shirt that you have chosen; UNI121 will be the same file but with descriptions changed to a short skirt. 131 and 141 will include more detailed descriptions of an outfit if anyone wants them.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » January 4th, 2018, 4:52 pm

Scripts written for 4 files now.
OBEY101, WET111, SEX102, and READ101.

My attempt at recording the first of those thwarted by background noise. Putting cushions around the door muted the answering machine enough that I couldn't hear it while recording, but the mic still picked it up over my voice. So I'll have to wait until next door are being quiet and try again.

If anyone else wants to record any of those, it would be much appreciated :p

Sooner or later I might try doing an alternate induction.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » January 22nd, 2018, 11:43 am

Finally, I can reply again! The forum's not been letting me post for more than a week.

Anyway, there's six scripts written now (OBEY101, READ101, SEX103, WET111, FIN101, and UNI101).

I've uploaded TTS versions of the first two; as well as the scripts. I think if people show an interest, I'd likely spend a lot more time fine-tuning the computer's pronunciation. I'd also like to do my own recordings, but not sure how many people would be interested in hearing them. I really don't like my own voice.

But, in any case,,, if you're interested in this series, please let me know what you'd like to see next; either from the big list of ideas above, or your own ideas of what a good girl might like to learn at this school? And, is there anyone else who'd be interested in recording some of these files? I'm happy to provide the scripts :)
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby eae » February 6th, 2018, 3:25 pm

I would like to see the wet file/script.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby ViralVixen » February 7th, 2018, 10:36 am

Instead of making multiple files for each possible uniform variation might it not be more efficient to make one general file that simply applies the feelings of submission to whatever uniform (or approximation thereof) the subject has to hand?

And I'm totally not just saying that because I have an old English style uniform that I doubt would ever come up in the preset options XP
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » February 12th, 2018, 10:11 am

I wanted to do a generic one, but linking each part of the uniform to different feelings is hard to do without specifics. So I decided to do one jeans version, one skirt version, with slight differences, but generic enough that they could be applied to other uniforms.
Might try again to come up with a more general one, but I think that's likely to be less effective.

It does say in the script that the uniform is whatever clothes you decide to consider your uniform; but that it will become even more powerful if you follow the uniform(s) I've chosen. I might do something for an old-school (heh) uniform, if there's any interest.

Know anyone who might be interested in recording some of these?
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » February 12th, 2018, 10:13 am

[quote=eae, 06 Feb 2018 21:25]
I would like to see the wet file/script.

Would you have any interest in recording some of them? Or should I just post the scripts?
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby eae » February 14th, 2018, 2:26 pm

demigraff wrote:[quote=eae, 06 Feb 2018 21:25]
I would like to see the wet file/script.

Would you have any interest in recording some of them? Or should I just post the scripts?[/quote]

Just the scripts.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » June 7th, 2018, 2:10 pm

A while since I've updated this topic. Here's my current list of planned files.
There's a lot of them, so I'd really appreciate knowing which you'd like to see first.
Priority given to anyone who's willing to record them :p

  • Basic training / obedience syllabus
    • OBEY101 - Self Obedience trigger. You can make a request or commend irresistible by answering "Yes Miss" or "Yes Sir". During the file, this is tested by the teacher asking you to lick your lips, and to sit demurely with your hands together in your lap. At the end of the file, after you have awoken, I also ask you to leave an honest review for the file if you haven't already; you may choose to test the trigger yourself with this instruction if you want, but there's no suggestion to make you do so. Scripted, recorded my version, and looking forward to hearing someone else's version.
    • OBEY102 - Deepening imagination. This file uses a fractionation induction, guiding good girls into trance and then asking them to imagine waking up in the schoolroom. Looking back on how deep that trance was just makes all the suggestions stronger, and should train you to make the scenes i ask you to imagine more real in your mind. The primary purpose of this file is to make the schoolroom more realistic, and make it easier to sink into trance for any GGA files you use in future, but it may also boost your imagination in general. Currently writing the script for this one
    • READ101 - Script Reading. The girls read a book about good girls reading a book as part of a lesson. You find that when you read a script in this series aloud, you will be able to visualize the class perfectly, and will feel so excited to find out what is going to happen to them. You will be eager to see my new scripts, and excited to find out which ones I'm going to write next. If you record yourself reading one of these scripts then you will be able to imagine it so vividly, and you will then listen to it and find it even more powerful. When listening to GGA files you've recorded yourself, you will imagine any dominant traits you have transferred to the teacher, making you more submissive and receptive to their instructions. Script written. Recorded a TTS version, but it didn’t come out well. Anyone else willing to read this (and try it?) would be very much appreciated
    • OBEY103 - Honest girls. In the class, you get a lecture about being honest. All the girls feel like they should reveal any white lies they’ve told each other. Some girls admit tiny untruths, and feel a wave of pleasure. You can admit to anything you’ve told the teacher that isn’t entirely true, and you’ll feel a wave of pleasure, rewarding you for your honesty. After listening to the file, you will find that in all of the classroom fantasies, you will naturally answer all of the teacher’s questions honestly. And if you talk to me (or any of the other teachers), honesty will come so naturally that you don’t even think about it. If you’re embarrassed to say something, that will excite you, so it encourages you to speak. And every time you tell the truth, you feel a wave of pleasure and of pride, that’s a big reward for your honesty. You quickly find that when you’re talking to the teacher or to other Good Girls from the academy, in your imagination or for real, you can’t even think of being dishonest.
  • Faculty of Transformation - Becoming a good girl. The files in these sets will probably be designed to work in series, so to get a full transformation you start with 101, then add 102 to the mix, and so on, only stopping the older classes once you’re sure their effects have stuck.
    • FEM101 - Female mind (for trans girls). Encourages you to think of yourself more naturally as a girl during the lessons, so that when the teacher refers to you as a good girl, there isn’t any hint of contradiction. It seems completely natural, because you are a good girl, and that will make all the other files a little more effective. This initial file only makes the change when you are in the class, but it will seem more natural to think of yourself as a girl when you are listening to any of these files, and that will help the whole schoolroom scenario to feel more real.
    • FEM102 - Feminine mind. Encourages you to think in a stereotypical feminine manner during the sessions. When you come down into the classroom for the GGA classes, any tomboyish attitudes and thoughts will start to fade away for a while, making it more natural for you to accept the lessons, and to see yourself as the kind of good girl who is perfect for this school. This is for girls who want to feel more feminine; shouldn’t be specific to trans girls (though FEM101 might be)
    • FEM112 - Female body (for trans girls). Encourages you to visualise your female body, and to see it more clearly each time you repeat this file. When you go to another class with the Good Girls Academy, you will visualise yourself as the girl you imagined, and that will help them to feel a lot more real.
    • FEM103 - Out of school. This file extends all the suggestions from the FEM classes so that they don’t just apply in classes, but also when you’re following any of these suggestions. So any time you’re acting on the triggers from the Good Girls Academy, or when you’re acting in a way that you’ve learned in these files, it will also become easier to see yourself as a girl. You should listen to FEM101, 102, and/or 112 before this one, to make sure you are capable of feeling their effects before you come to extend them.
    • FEM203 - An extended version of FEM103, designed to ensure that your transformation continues whenever you are wearing your uniform. You should listen to both FEM103 and at least one of the UNI1x1 files before trying this one.
    • FEM116 - Hormonal change. There would probably be more files before this one, so I picked a higher number for it. This is an experimental file, which should encourage your subconscious mind to stimulate hormone production leading to breast growth. This would also promote increased nipple sensitivity, and encourage you to massage your own breasts without realising, which has been shown to increase hormone production for some. I’ve seen a lot of opinions on whether or not this is possible, so would like to try it out with a willing subject.
      • FEM116x - An alternate version of FEM116, including suggestions to promote lactation.
  • Performing Arts and Exhibitionism - These files are ones I’d particularly like to see people try. Among other things, they will encourage you to respond to the file in some way, whether it’s leaving comments or feedback, or sharing pictures of you obeying. Later files in this series may go into full-on exhibitionism.
    • PRF101 - File reading. An alternate version of READ101 (see above), focusing more on the thrill of other people hearing your voice. This one will encourage you to share the files you’ve created, maybe sending them to me or posting them on WMM, and to feel an incredible wave of pleasure any time someone comments on one of your recordings. Using this in tandem with READ101 should make it even more powerful.
    • PRF102 - Watch me! This file will cause you to feel more submissive, suggestible, and obedient any time you are in front of a camera. You may find a growing urge to make a video recording of yourself, to show off what a good girl you are. You will want to record videos of yourself listening to the files, whether that’s files you’ve tried before or new files. Maybe you will want to share these on your blog, or on the WMM site, or privately with people you trust. That’s up to you, but you will want to make the videos, and to share them at least with someone. Maybe you could make videos of the files that you enjoy the most; or maybe you’ll broadcast yourself listening each day as you try a new file and find it growing stronger each time. And you will find that because the camera makes you feel more submissive, you will find that when you listen in front of a camera, the files will be more powerful than ever before.
    • PRF112 - Action! This file will make you feel submissive, excited, and aroused whenever you are in front of a camera. You will feel more inclined to obey the instructions of the director behind the camera, like a good model or actor who wants to put on the best show. This won’t be anything excessive, you won’t be compelled to obey, but it will be a little more natural to obey when someone holding a camera tells you where to stand, and give you a little thrill of submissive pleasure. This will also build a growing urge to take pictures or video of you showing what a good girl you are. You will get an urge to record yourself being triggered or otherwise responding to the effects of any files that work well on you. You will also have an urge to share these pictures or videos, but it’s up to you whether you share them on WMM, on some video site, or just send them to me or to your partner.
    • PRF113 - More Action! A follow-on file for PRF112. Whenever you see someone taking pictures or making video, it will remind you how much you want to share pictures or videos of you responding to these files. You will feel a growing urge to listen to more files which have a clear trigger, or which make you do something that would be obvious on video, so that you can better please your fans.
    • PRF103 - Uncensored. You’re in training to be the perfect celebrity, and you adore your fans’ attention so much that you become increasingly eager to please them. If you haven’t already, you will feel steadily building urges to start sharing videos of yourself either listening to or obeying files (or both). It doesn’t have to be open to the general public (and probably shouldn’t be); you could choose to post videos on somewhere like fetlife, or porntube, or even somewhere people have to pay. But you will need to set up somewhere that people can find and watch your videos. Once you have announced a schedule for your videos (whatever that schedule might be), you will feel compelled to stick to it. You can’t miss out a video unless there’s a real emergency; and if you want to change the schedule, you’ll need to let your fans know at least a week in advance. If you say you’re going to listen to a certain file, you are compelled to do it. And once you’ve made a video, you can’t decide not to do it unless it would be risking your safety or breaking the law. So if a trigger is more powerful than you expected, you can’t decide to keep it private. Similarly, if you have a viewer poll to decide what to listen to next, or if you say you’ll listen to a certain file when you get a certain number of followers, then you have to go through with what you promised. Anything you promise to your viewers feels like a binding contract.
    • PRF104 - Remote Control. Follows on from PRF103. But this time, as long as you have fans/followers/subscribers on your video channel, you will feel more pleasure the more control you give them. You might want to post a list of files to listen to, and have the audience vote on which one comes next. Or ask them to choose a file for you based on your limits. If you’re on a premium service, you could limit voting to people at a higher tier, but you will find that you need to ask for your audience’s instructions. And when you give the audience a choice, you are compelled to stick with it.
  • Humiliation Classes - These ones were inspired by the original Good Girls School files. I’m happy to add more if anyone can suggest good topics.
    • WET111 - Punishment Rhyme. A homage to the original 'Good Girls School' file. A girl makes a mistake in her homework, and is punished by the rest of the class reciting a rhyme/chant that will make her wet herself. You (the subject) are so excited, and envy the girl being the center of attention, that you can't resist joining in and wetting yourself too. This sets a trigger; whenever you hear a line from the chant, you will repeat the line that rhymes with it. After two or three lines, you will find yourself unable to resist the urge to repeat as many of the rhymes as you can remember, and wet yourself before you finish. I've scripted this one, but it still needs a little editing.
  • Sexual Training
    • SEX101 - Obedience is arousal. This file will encourage you to imagine becoming aroused in class, and fantasising about how good it feels to obey all of the teacher’s instructions. You will find that after this session, listening to the Good Girls Academy files will arouse and excite you. And more generally, acting submissive and obedient like a good girl will turn you on. You already know that if you’re extremely horny, it can be hard to resist sexual thoughts. Obeying the instructions in these files will build up the same kind of cravings. You will find that whenever you notice yourself following one of the instructions in these files (except for any that specifically tell you to feel innocent), it will arouse you; and the hornier you get, the easier it will be to follow suggestions.
    • SEX102 - Arousal trigger. In any place where it won’t get you in trouble, a certain trigger phrase (suggestions very much welcome) will make you instantly aroused. Imagine feeling so horny that you can’t get sex out of your mind even if you wanted to, and it’s very hard not to think about things that excite you. Your fetishes will be at the front of your mind, and you will probably agree to anything sexual that someone suggests, as long as it is safe.
    • SEX103 - Masturbation trigger. You get extremely aroused waiting for the class and anticipating what I might make you do. So I decide to let you masturbate in class, and teach you a command that will make you so horny you can't help masturbating immediately whenever someone says it (in a place where you wouldn't get in trouble). Requested by a subject. Have written this one, but would still appreciate suggestions for a better trigger phrase. If people want, I might do SEX113 as the rhyme-trigger version
    • SEX104 - Irresistible desire. When someone says the trigger, you will immediately be aroused, and you will need to please them. You will be unable to say ‘no’ to anyone who uses the trigger. As soon as they are say it, you need to do something sexual with them. This could be any kind of sex act, but you have to do something, and you have to try to please your partner. This will only work for someone you’ve told about the trigger and given permission to use it.
    • SEX106 - Orgasm trigger. If you’re already aroused, this file might be enough to make you orgasm immediately. If you’re not, then you could find that even the slightest movement arouses you more and more, sending waves of pleasure through your body, so that even the slightest touch will make you climax.
  • Uniform Training - There will be a few series here. The last two digits denote the uniform and effects. So 101, 102, 103 and so on will be files which cause a specific effect when you wear a jeans and T-shirt that you have chosen to count as your uniform for the Good Girls Academy. 121, 122, 123 and so on will be the same, but the uniform includes a short skirt instead of jeans. 131 and 141 will also be available, referring to specific uniforms, if anyone has a request for what kind of uniform they would like.
    • UNI1x1 - Uniform as Trigger. You are called up to the front of the class so that the teacher can praise you for following the uniform code so precisely. As the teacher points out each part of your outfit, and how it makes you feel more submissive, obedient, and aroused, you find it getting even more powerful. You will pick some of your clothes to represent the GGA uniform; or you will visualize the outfit, and will buy those clothes as soon as you can after listening. Whenever you wear those clothes, you will be constantly reminded of what a good girl you are, and you will feel naturally submissive. Some other lessons say that a trigger works for anyone you have given permission; wearing your uniform around someone gives them permission to use all your triggers. I’ve written UNI101 so far
  • Experimental / Miscellaneous files
    • FIN101 - "Financial Domination". The teacher walks around the class collecting tuition fees from each student, talking about how the enjoyment of the class might compare to the price of a pizza, or a movie. When the teacher picks up a small pile of coins from your desk, each one will give you a greater and greater wave of pleasure, and the last one may make you orgasm like all the other girls. After listening, you will find that after you listen to a free hypnofile for the first time (not specifically my files), you will think about how good it was, how much you enjoyed it, and how much you think it was worth. You will then send/donate a reasonable price that you can afford to the file's author. When you make the payment, you will orgasm again. You only feel like you need to do this the first time you listen to any specific file, or if you are especially impressed with its effects one time, but you can always choose to do it again if you want. I’ve written this one as an experiment, in case anyone wants to try it. Anyone who’d be willing to record it, and maybe split any income from it?
  • TODO
    • Intelligence increase/reduction
    • Age regression
    • Catgirl TF
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby RandomPoster » June 10th, 2019, 1:35 pm

Yes, I loved these files! It would be great if you were to continue them.

Personally my favorites were ones that focused on feminization and incontinence.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » March 28th, 2020, 1:31 pm

Hello again!

It's a long time since I posted here, but I've been experimenting with better (paid for) TTS voices. I've now uploaded versions of WET111 with 3 different "teachers". It's taken me nearly 12 hours to go through the script, editing it and playing around with pronunciation hints to get the cadence right and make it sound as close to natural as I can get.

I'm planning to improve the files, but would really like to get some feedback first. Can anyone help me with this? Just let me know if there are any parts that could be changed; or if the secondary voices (Joanna and Brian) have any pronunciation issues that I missed (because I was listening to Emma's version over and over while I edited it).

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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby exsquared » March 29th, 2020, 4:12 am

I'm really enjoying the new WET file voiced by Emma. Excellent concept and execution. I hope there are more punishment/reward rhymes to follow. I see you have plenty planned for good girls'sexual education already but something I think would be fun would be a file stopping good girls from ever doing anything sexual with other girls. Like hearing a punishment rhyme that makes her scared and sick if she looks at naked girls. Perhaps additional rhymes keeping her away from breasts and vaginas and uncontrollably vomiting if she gets too close to them. Then a reward rhyme for playing with boys instead.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » March 29th, 2020, 6:49 am

I've thought about doing more rhymes; but coming up with the rhyme itself is harder than I thought. I think the next one will probably be a trance training file.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby demigraff » January 27th, 2021, 7:47 am

Thought I should give you a heads up, in case anyone's still following this thread.

Hard to believe I've put it off for so long… I'm still working on this series, when I get the time in between stuff I actually get paid for. (Speaking of which… is there anyone who'd be willing to pay for these? If I get a donation or two, I could justify spending extra hours getting the next files ready).

Someone asked me recently if I was going to do a file based on the original author's second Good Girl School file, "The Brown Note", And after thinking about it for a few seconds, I realised that this could be a series in itself. Good girls can be programmed to respond to a note, that resonates through your body and causes you to respond automatically. I was thinking of putting together a distinctive binaural wave, which would be used as a trigger in all the files. Each file would describe the girls in the class around you responding in different ways based on the classes they have already taken; some of them already knowing the effect of this special sound wave, and some of them new to it. But each file would set the same sound as a trigger to do a different thing, as well as reinforcing any others you have listened to.

BIN classes might include:
[list=][*]The Golden Note - Whenever you hear the tone, you will lose bladder control
[*]The Red Note - Makes you blush, or feel like you are, making you feel both heat and embarrassment but also a desire to be seen by others
[*]The Brown Note - Like the original brown note file
[*]The Pink Note - The sound makes you incredibly aroused, so much that whenever you hear it you will be unable to resist masturbating. Also some mild pleasure enhancement
[*]The Deep Note - Sets the tone as a powerful trance trigger, making all the other files more effective and emphasising feelings of helpless obedience. All of the files will have this effect to some degree, but this one is specifically designed to make it stronger.

Any preference which of those you'd like to see first?
It might take some time, especially now I'm paying for the TTS, but I'm sure I'll get them all finished sooner or later.
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Re: Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Postby wohermiston » January 28th, 2021, 3:13 pm can't live without it.
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