New File: NIght and Day Part 2

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New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 6th, 2018, 8:00 am

Night and Day Part 2 builds upon the first file while reinforcing what's important and what's not. Have fun WOH ... e_id=11391
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby nikole » August 7th, 2018, 12:21 pm

Hello WOH,

When I read your entry yesterday I immediatelly downloaded your file and till now I already listened to it three times.
Unfortunatelly it's difficult to give you a success feedback within such short periode of time. But I am really very confident. I like that idea (at least those parts which I still remember) and I did not wake up alerted. It seems that my subconsciousness agrees ;)
I hope you find my answer at least a little bit helpfull...
Thank you so much.

Yours Mika
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 7th, 2018, 3:10 pm

Time will tell. Let me know how things progress. WOH
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby nikole » August 8th, 2018, 11:30 pm

Hello WOH,

I'm still listening to the file 2-3 times a day.

Maybe it's a silly question, but when a file always talks about wetting into diapers what will happen later, if I would not wear a diaper once. Would I wet like any other incontinent my pants instead?

I like to mix my files a little bit, but I don't know if that's ok. One the one hand I currently enjoy your "Night and Day Part 2" and "Night and Day", but I also listen to Sarnoga "Accustomed To Wetting" and MindMasters "BladderRetraining" every now and then. All files cover the same topic, but maybe that's not enough.

Yours, Mika
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 9th, 2018, 7:22 am

i leave that up to you in my file structures. Mindmaster, if I remember correctly, tells you that you cannot use a toilet or urinal, only diapers. I stay away from commands like that. I want you to decide what to do. They are called suggestions for a reason. When they crossover into demands or commands. they are no longer suggestions are they? The idea is to set up a conversation or debate in your mind. Get you to question which way is right.
You will figure it out. WOH
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » August 11th, 2018, 2:42 pm

I have an observation for you about this file. I try my best not to analyses the hypnosis files too much. I want to get and stay in trance, let the file speak to my sub-conscious mind and get results if possible. For this file, the jury is still out on the results part, but as usual with your files, I am able to get into a nice relaxed trance. One thing consistently bothers me though. When I wet, I feel liquid, pouring or dripping or flowing or soaking or any number of other possible verbs. I don't feel wiggling, squirming worms. That bit of imagery seems to clash with my trance. I don't know if there is some Eriksonian (or other school) reason for those images, but my feeling is that they are distracting.

I think you might be trying to create an image that takes us away from the direct act of wetting our pants. Like I said in an earlier post about some of my wetting dreams, the story line of the dream had nothing to do with actually wetting.Whatever was happening in the dream was more of a proxy for wetting. It may be the right approach to take, but I just don't like the wiggling worms in my diapers.

Again, there is a lot I don't know, so take that for what it is worth. I think your overall approach is definitely in the right direction for my goals. Keep up the good work.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » August 11th, 2018, 2:44 pm

Pardon my typo. I meant to say ... I try my best not to analyse the hypnosis files too much.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 11th, 2018, 10:13 pm

Those are just meant to be the kind of words you might find in a children's story. I was trying to come up with ideas that help to describe how the pee gets into your diaper without using the literal ideas as you have mentioned. It seemed like a good description of how a fluid winds its way down a long tube, which is what happens when you pee. It seemed cool at the time. WOH
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » August 12th, 2018, 12:13 am

Well it was a good idea. I'm obviously hearing it with my adult mind instead of my little boy mind. I like to think I can easily see things as a child, but perhaps I don't as well as I would like.
Darn! Why did I have to grow up?
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby nikole » August 12th, 2018, 12:26 am

That short phrase always gets my full attention, too.
But in my case it's not the content. I do not recognize those words fast enough, they are not common for me.
Luckily after a few seconds that problem dissolves automatically.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 12th, 2018, 7:15 am

I was thinking of these words in 2 ways. One is when kids have to pee they often squirm and fidget and when a kid is trying to get out of doing something it is often said that he is trying to worm his way out of it. Then I just tried to make a childish rhyme out of it. I thought about the literal definition of these words, but felt that it was still worth trying them.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » August 12th, 2018, 1:27 pm

Like I said, it was a good idea.
My question for you is this;
Finding the right combination of files, behavior and practice requires a bit of thought and self analysis. But as a subject of hypnosis, is that counterproductive to the process?
I'm a thinker, and it's hard for me if not impossible to simply follow directions without thought or questions. But I wonder if that keeps the suggestions from working.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 12th, 2018, 4:44 pm

childlike; Most say that too many suggestions will make things hard to follow. Maybe you should try and write your own script. Have you considered trying to do that? Maybe that will help you focus on the exact things that you feel are important. WOH
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby nikole » August 13th, 2018, 12:03 pm

I think I'm one of those people who prefer this style of trance files.
Currently I listen to that file and Let me do it.
WOH, I can't wait to try another file... ;)
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby nikole » August 13th, 2018, 1:30 pm

I forgot to mention that I think that this file just has an effect on my bladder but not my bowel.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » August 13th, 2018, 3:56 pm

Have I ever considered writing my own script?

Yes I have. And I have the skill and facilities to professionally record it too. But I always figured there was some science and certainly some art to writing and delivering an effective hypnosis file. Shouldn't there be certain elements - what to say and how to say it? Is that something I could learn relatively quickly?
Also, You said you write these files for your self. How does that work when you are the hypnotist and the subject? I think I have heard someone say (maybe you), "all hypnosis is self hypnosis". If that is true, then it should work well. Conversely, I have also heard that one can not hypnotize one's self.

Oh damn! I really over think everything don't I?
I'll give it some thought. If I do give it a try, I'm sure I can get some feedback from this community.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » August 13th, 2018, 5:06 pm

I get good effects from most of the files I create. But the fact that I keep writing new ones should tell that I am still on a search for the right words myself. You can learn a lot from just listening to all the files here as far as delivery. As for content, you need to think about that some. I have linked to a great article on Erickson, which I studied in great detail for many years. Doesn't make me an expert or anything but it helps. Over time you develop a style and a signature. Either way, it helps you work through problems and see things differently. ... sebook.pdf
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » August 13th, 2018, 10:12 pm

Thanks for the tips WOH. I downloaded the article and i look forward to reading it. It should be interesting at the very least.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby nikole » September 24th, 2018, 11:29 pm

Small update: I still mainly listen to this file and some other files, too.
Wetting really gets easier and easier, but my last decission is still necessary :?
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » September 26th, 2018, 1:36 pm

Milton Erickson says the following: Contrary to such misconceptions, the hypnotized person remains the same person. Only his behavior is altered by the trance state, but even so, that altered behavior derives from the life experience of the patient and not from the therapist. At the most, the therapist can influence only the manner of self-expression. So of course you always have free will, and you are always the same person that you always were.

I am working on another file that uses a kind of sleep learning. We'll see how that goes.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby childlike » September 29th, 2018, 12:17 am

Congrats on your success Mika. And thank you for your insight WOH. It's true I have to keep in mind that hypnosis or not, I am in charge of what I do. The disappointing thing about that is that is that you or anyone probably can't hypnotize me into wetting my pants uncontrollably. The good news is that if that's what I want to do, I can wet my pants uncontrollably! As unimpressive as that sounds, it's actually very powerful.
The files on this site may very well have helped train me and given me permission to do what society has trained me not to do, but the final decision is always mine. When I look at my history and where I am now, I can say that I don't remember the last time I wore big boy underwear. The closest thing to that is the Depend True Fit I wear under my shorts to the gym. They are more than enough to soak up any pee while I am working out or shortly after. I live a mile away so I don't change in the locker room or shower at the facility. (I know... chicken).
I wet my diaper just about everywhere. Once in a while I find myself using the potty to save my diaper and not have to change it at a given place or situation (Still working on that but made a lot of progress), but I really do rely on diapers all the time.

WOH, I am always interested in trying your new files. Despite what I said above, I hold out some hope (or fantasy) that a file might push me the rest of the way over the edge of maintaining some control. I don't know if sleep learning will do it but it's worth a try. I'm not a fan of subliminal files though. I may know nothing, but I believe that if the ears can't hear the message then the brain (including subconscious mind) can't hear the message. Perhaps sleep learning will be different.

Keep at the scripts WOH. I couldn't apply myself to the Erickson article you sent me. It was more study than I could do. Maybe I will still try.
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Re: New File: NIght and Day Part 2

Postby wohermiston » September 29th, 2018, 9:12 am

Great feedback. The Erickson article is a very hard read because the writer, Rossi, is just too fond of his own intellect. The drawn out descriptions with the 50 dollar words, can make it tough to decipher. Even some of the direct examples, I find hard to believe the language used, But still, each time I read though it, I learn something. My concept of sleep learning is not what you might think. I want to set up a situation where you are sure to need to pee at some point while you are sleeping. and use the act of waking to pee as an extension of trance. Erickson says that if certain trance behaviors are repeated outside of trance, that trance can be re established. This new file will test this out. WOH
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