by childlike » August 11th, 2018, 2:42 pm
I have an observation for you about this file. I try my best not to analyses the hypnosis files too much. I want to get and stay in trance, let the file speak to my sub-conscious mind and get results if possible. For this file, the jury is still out on the results part, but as usual with your files, I am able to get into a nice relaxed trance. One thing consistently bothers me though. When I wet, I feel liquid, pouring or dripping or flowing or soaking or any number of other possible verbs. I don't feel wiggling, squirming worms. That bit of imagery seems to clash with my trance. I don't know if there is some Eriksonian (or other school) reason for those images, but my feeling is that they are distracting.
I think you might be trying to create an image that takes us away from the direct act of wetting our pants. Like I said in an earlier post about some of my wetting dreams, the story line of the dream had nothing to do with actually wetting.Whatever was happening in the dream was more of a proxy for wetting. It may be the right approach to take, but I just don't like the wiggling worms in my diapers.
Again, there is a lot I don't know, so take that for what it is worth. I think your overall approach is definitely in the right direction for my goals. Keep up the good work.