by Agriff » May 29th, 2005, 9:01 pm
Advice- Even though you were hot you should have turned the fan off, its a major distraction. Also, don't move at all. You're moving in the right direction when you said you are going to wear plastic pants. You may very well be in the small percentile of people that are VERY easily hypnotised. Mainly because your post put up a couple of red flags but still yielded positive results.
1. Your fan. That distraction would have made the trance much deeper, between the noise and the tickling
2. You were moving around. Moving durning hypnosis is a sign that you arn't in a very deepr trance.
3. You were concious of all of your actions and thoughts. People in deep trances are focused, VERY focused. If you were in a deep trance then you wouldn't have cared about cumming in your pants, or might not even have realized doing so.
These 3 things are signs that would keep any normal person from going ino trance. I would suggest experimenting more with hypnosis and it may prove to be a very essential tool in crafting your mind to your will :).