OK, there are a number of trance series which contain "use by anyone" trigger phrases, usually with an (optional or otherwise) ability to choose not to be triggered. The most popular ones here (going to abbreviate, just in case) are Sl*** T*** FY, and H-F.
In my continual threat to make new hypno-files (I haven't released any in several years), I am looking to create a series, where, at least in the beginning, each one builds on the previous ones. The long-term goal (for anybody who chooses to go that far) will be to have a trigger phrase that will turn the subject (with a "safety", to prevent abuse or embarrassment) into an entranced slave to whoever gives the trigger. So far, there's certainly a good degree of "been there, done that" involved.
One thing that I am looking for that's "different" is to create a phrase which has the following features:
1) Associates with submission
2) Is made up of simple words (avoiding even simple, but technical-sounding terms like "activation" or "procedure")
3) As unlikely as possible to come up accidentally (so far, the aforementioned phrases both work fine)
4) Doesn't appear to be "kinky" to the casual listener (this eliminates the aforementioned phrases)
One thing that I have envisioned is something that the user or their dominant can program into an assistant program (such as Siri, Alexa, Google Home, Mycroft) without it signaling to the world that they are involved in hypno-domination, to allow for "surprise" triggering. Also, I would like an app to be creatable that will get past the censors (and include features like "turn off while driving"). Because nobody is perfect, as I mentioned before, there will be safety measures built into the trances to avoid embarrassment, but I am looking for a phrase that, if others hear it, it won't mean anything to them (how would you explain if your phone suddenly announced, "Here's your reminder. H*F*!" at work or with the meter reader coming in).
Here are a few discarded ones and the reasons:
"Follow the voice" - Too likely to come up by accident.
"Time for sleep" - same
"Go for obedience" - too hard to explain.
"Deep time for you" - nice, but I have a feeling that "deep time" sounds too much like other things so it may cause problems.
Ideas? (By the way, if you think it's a bad idea in the first place, please say why, so that I might be able to create a fix for the problem(s) you see!)