ViVe's Dumbing Down series

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 28th, 2020, 5:30 pm

Day 8
As said before i switched tobmental erisiino ; i can t say alot for now
I played both files ; certainly havingnlestened the dumbing diwn setie as heloed a lot but i can t say for the molent what are the effects
It is very deep trancr so i don t remember thz content of thz fulies but i cannsay it seelms powerfyll ; hirnirt and fuzzier lind
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Axey » March 28th, 2020, 10:20 pm

We are all rooting on you, you are doing an amazing job!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 28th, 2020, 11:59 pm

thx axley
i.m’starting to not feel anway the effects of dumbîg down files ; i ve already remarked that with other vive loops. the effects don.t last a lot. I.LL. see if mental erosion will have a more prononced effects on the long time. I don.t know ; listened intensively many vive files these last years, but finally the most effective for me were the EMG ones. Maybe a question of voice?
i.ll continue listening a couple a days to see
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Pohners » March 29th, 2020, 12:28 am

Caro it’s a total pleasure watching your journey, it honestly is awesome ^^
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 29th, 2020, 1:39 am

Thx pohners too :)
What can i say it is that the dumbing down serie is addictive ; the effects are effective because we need to go back to the files. It is their strenght. I m fighting not to go back :)
I m also fighting not to go watching childish things like it is proposed in the Simple thoughts file. I imagine it will fade away in some days if i don t go back to the files
Nevertheless even if i m aroused and addicted i m not feeling dumb. I know it is just a smoke screen in front of my abilities
But i l eager to heard from other people who tried the files longer than me
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 29th, 2020, 10:53 am

Day 8 evening
first day without listening dumbing down series but replacing ihem bu mentak erosion. Many times i wanted to go back to the files. What I remark is the fact that I'm not eager to think alot, i don't want to watch tv, or read , just not be bother with all of this. Otherwise , no specific feeling or difficulties
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby robindf1 » March 29th, 2020, 1:49 pm

From what I understand, Mental Erosion is a slow but steady process that doesn't let up when you stop listening. Bit by bit, your ability to think is taken away. It's not as directed as the Dumbing Down series is, but it should result in the same effects, ultimately, and permanent ones.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 29th, 2020, 2:08 pm

Thx robin for your explnation
I've again listened Mental erosion this evenig , and it is indded hard to tell what are the effects ; it is not as clear than with Dumbing down.
In a certain manner it is frustrating... But I know that there are effects without knowing whch ones.
I'll tell you during the week what they are if posible
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby aurorarose » March 29th, 2020, 10:46 pm

mixing dumbing down wit mental erosoin is like the best way to go cuz yeah like it works all the time not like just when you listne and then its easy to not think about stuff so it like makes the dumbing down easyer
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 30th, 2020, 6:32 am

Day 9
I'm on Mental Erosion from now on. My mind is a lttle bit fuzzy, nevertheless I've worked quite normally this morning, even if I've had to focus maybe a lttle more to concentrate. I'll see how it s evolving during the day. Keep in touch
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 30th, 2020, 6:29 pm

tomorrow will be the last day of my try ; Mental erosion files seem to have an effect, but they are not particularly agreable in the daily life... maybe nevertheless they may have a longer lasting effect... we'll see in the next days after the end og listening
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby HFBIO » March 30th, 2020, 8:32 pm

Are you listening to both mental erosion files? Or just the first one?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 30th, 2020, 10:01 pm

I listened both files actually ; I'm going in deep trance with both, so it is hard to know what is really said inside
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby stupidbabyboi » March 30th, 2020, 10:58 pm

Im curious does anyone whos been effected by the dumbing down series have problems using the bathroom?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 30th, 2020, 11:11 pm

not my case :)
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby thoughtcow » March 31st, 2020, 12:01 pm

Will this file help me with the following?..

...I really want a file that will give me the feeling of borderline severe mental retardation, where I will struggle to speak properly, make involentery movements, but will slowly be able to report my experiences on this forum. Or I can skype with someone who can interpret my slow talk and type for me.

I also try to practice being severely intellectualy disabled with a feeling of bliss and not having to care about anything. If anyone would like to talk to me about this, or even watch me practice this, please reply! I would love all the help I can get in trying to become more dumb and also letting people see watch happens to me.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » March 31st, 2020, 12:26 pm

Welcome thoughtcow
I'm not the right person to tell you how to achieve this. Nevertheless, if you try the dumbing down series intensively and on the long time you may maybe reach a point where many behaviour are difficult..

I've tried during a week to see the effects ; they are there but it is very time consumming and seem not to last on the lon time, exceptly if you don't give up with them.

I've also started since sunday Mental Erosion level one and two , normally until tonight... I expect to lsitent ot them another couple of days because I've notice today whn I played a new game with friends that I had some difficulties to understand the rules. It was the fisrt time that I remarked an effectve effect. So two days more will be certainly a good test to see what will be going on...
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Axey » March 31st, 2020, 11:47 pm

Hello thoughtcow!
I am honestly really impressed you aspire to be this dumb like this. It would be cool to talk about what exactly that entitles, if you are cool with it yourself. It would be awesome to see what you have in mind and what that practice would look like. If you are okay with exchanging your discord or Skype, I would totally be up for talking
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby stupidbabyboi » April 1st, 2020, 6:20 am

Axey wrote:Hello thoughtcow!
I am honestly really impressed you aspire to be this dumb like this. It would be cool to talk about what exactly that entitles, if you are cool with it yourself. It would be awesome to see what you have in mind and what that practice would look like. If you are okay with exchanging your discord or Skype, I would totally be up for talking

Me too!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby thoughtcow » April 1st, 2020, 6:46 am

thoughtcow wrote:Will this file help me with the following?..

...I really want a file that will give me the feeling of borderline severe mental retardation, where I will struggle to speak properly, make involentery movements, but will slowly be able to report my experiences on this forum. Or I can skype with someone who can interpret my slow talk and type for me.

I also try to practice being severely intellectualy disabled with a feeling of bliss and not having to care about anything. If anyone would like to talk to me about this, or even watch me practice this, please reply! I would love all the help I can get in trying to become more dumb and also letting people see watch happens to me.

I have created a discord server to talk about my dumbing down and showing my progress, if you want to join, just message me :D
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » April 1st, 2020, 10:16 am

Last update (maybe :) ) of my experiment. I thought to continue listening Mental erosion, but i'm not sure this serie is effective a lot. The triggers are put in place, so I'll see in the next days if they are still effective or not...
Thanks for having followed this journey in dumbing world.
@thoughtcow... why not continue posting here on this site instead of discord?

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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby thoughtcow » April 2nd, 2020, 2:04 am

carohypno wrote:Hello
Last update (maybe :) ) of my experiment. I thought to continue listening Mental erosion, but i'm not sure this serie is effective a lot. The triggers are put in place, so I'll see in the next days if they are still effective or not...
Thanks for having followed this journey in dumbing world.
@thoughtcow... why not continue posting here on this site instead of discord?


@carohypno I will also post here, but on discord I can post voice and video clips too and it's easier to chat
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby gamingforlife » April 2nd, 2020, 10:30 am

Been playing about with these files. Been following the instructions of doing each file until I cum 5-10 times. Currently on the third file though not sure if it's having any effect?

Any tips for becoming dumber, I really want to be totally dumb and stupid.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » April 5th, 2020, 7:53 am

I've finally tried to listen to again the Mental erosion files the last week. I wanted to know better the effects. Up to now, I don't feel any visible effects.
But what I know is that the files make me systematically in deep trance and I emerge only when the counting is up. My question is then to know if the files may be nevertheless effective or not while I don't remember at all the contents of them.

Any guy who has an experience with these files?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby gamingforlife » April 13th, 2020, 11:37 am

Samml update, been listening a biut more, still not sure how much of an effect it is happening. I do notice me making typos here and there which is really fucking hot .

I've also bene trying out Obeyandenjoy's Dumbass loop. Something about that resonates with me - I want to appear like a total dumbass and I want my behaviour to change to really reflect that. I want people to look at me or what i write and go "damn that guy is a dumb piece of shit".

Look forward to seeing how far the rabbit hoe goes.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby gamingforlife » April 15th, 2020, 5:08 am

People who have had more success - what files did you use, and how did you listen to them?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby gamingforlife » April 18th, 2020, 5:53 pm

So through a combo of Dumbass loop, you are not getting dumber and mental swutch itgink im getting some effect abd i love ot.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby rackafoos » May 3rd, 2020, 1:23 pm

Loving hearing about all of this. Any updates?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby losinmymind » May 9th, 2020, 7:22 am

Sooo, been listening to the files on and off for years now, the effect kinda wears off after a while but i still felt dumber than before like unconcentrated n stuff. Been pickiing them backup lately and everytine i start again they hit REAAALLY hard.
At first it was kinda scary, like i lost my train of thought in a conversation at a party once mid sentence, i bet they thought i was a moron. Or sometimes i misunderstand people when they talk to ne and answer stupid stuff that doesnt fit. I remember on 2 ocasions my friends asked me "are you actually that dumb?". It was scary first but thinking back to it makes me like SO horny.
Also im super addicted like i always come back to the files i love them so much.
Took me a while to write this, if more stuff happens i'll keep you guys updated =)
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Sammybossman » May 16th, 2020, 4:18 pm

Omg. Today was a bit of a wierd breakthrough.
Havent listened to all the files and not in order but shipped between 6a and 9 and 11 over the course of a few days. Today could not stop thinking simple thoughts even after I exploded all over the place. 4 or 5 hours later I'm still feeling the effects. But not ever orgasmed like that before
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby aurorarose » May 18th, 2020, 7:54 pm

congrast!!!! thats such good news! you dont like have to go all in order and like listen to all i dont listen to like all the files just the ones i like and thats still good so you can too!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Sammybossman » May 22nd, 2020, 5:12 am

Love being passive
Love having simple thoughts
Missed it up last night with some pig files which simple file helped me with
Love mixing it up.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby rackafoos » June 10th, 2020, 1:33 pm

So Sammy and losin, who's it going so far?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Sammybossman » June 11th, 2020, 1:35 pm

I had to take a break for a week.
I was literally getting to the point of losing myself and my thought process, it was actually quite frightening.
But still, I check in, because it is unbelievably horny and addictive.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby afganisasquatch » July 8th, 2020, 9:18 pm

Mi brans am solw n scarmvld n srinkign mi am hapi Lobdmi I wokrd ip 5 6 ipupans n droll lots n lots hrd 2tink but horni n dum branes mi amwanab duped salv 4 matr
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby babyboymoth » August 16th, 2020, 12:02 am

Hi there! My name is Moth and I’ve been a lurker in here for a long time. Well, I finally got the confidence together and I’m going to try this. For some context for anyone interested in how my transition will go; I’ve been a straight-A student all my life, I got accepted into Brown University (couldn’t go due to financial reasons) and I’m very turned on by the idea of being dumbed down.

I would love if I could get someone to help keep me going through this, as I have a feeling I might peter off as time goes on. At the moment, my goal is to listen to one file per night. If anyone is interested, please feel free to reach out! We can chat through discord, kik, or others.

And as a last side note, I just want to preface with some of my other kinks such as humiliation, diapers, degradation, and more. Alright folks! Off to listen to file one!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Sammybossman » August 17th, 2020, 1:45 pm

how did your first listens go, babyboymoth?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby HFBIO » August 17th, 2020, 11:26 pm

It would be cool to see you mix this with diapers! ;) Too dumb to figure out the toilet.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby babyboymoth » August 18th, 2020, 11:48 am

Hey there guys! Sorry for taking so long to update. I’ve listen to file one three days now (three orgasms), so only two more left! I’ll be honest, the immediate after affects are so mind blowing, and a bit scary with how much I’m spaced out and just, well, dumber. I haven’t noticed anything in my regular life so far, but that’s as to be expected. I have been a little more horny than usual, but I think that’s simply the power of thought, rather than any hypnosis.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby babyboymoth » August 20th, 2020, 2:45 am

Update time!

Hey guys, how’s it going? I just finished my fifth listen of file number one and I am loving it. Yeah, the effects don’t really last so far outside of the immediate after affect, but for that brief period of time when I feel so simple? It’s amazing.

When I finally came to after listening to the latest file, I discovered I had drooled all over myself, which was incredibly embarrassing, and incredibly arousing.

I cannot wait to start file two tomorrow. I really want to get this going, you know?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby babyboymoth » August 20th, 2020, 11:12 am

hey there!! just finished file two. set up a new system where i listen to one in the morning, one in the evening. i’m gonna be trying to give each ten listens, aside from the first. still hazy from two. feels so great you guys. i know the fog is gonna lift soon but i love it so so so so very much
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Sammybossman » August 20th, 2020, 12:51 pm

Nicely done boy.
Its hot you found yourself drooling. Shows you were seriously mindfucked and gooned out
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby babyboymoth » August 21st, 2020, 1:13 am

hey everybody! listened to file two two times today. felt really good in the foggy period afterwards. if you’re ever wondering if you should do this, definitely just go for it. it feels fucking amazing. i’m going to loop the file tonight while i sleep!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby babyboymoth » August 21st, 2020, 1:14 am

Sammybossman wrote:Nicely done boy.
Its hot you found yourself drooling. Shows you were seriously mindfucked and gooned out

yeah!! it was super hot. embarrassing too. happened again the second time i listened. started thinking about the idea of getting caught drooling in public and that had me super turned on.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby HFBIO » August 21st, 2020, 11:10 pm

Looks like someone is forgetting to capitalize! Looks like drooling is your "stupid" trait. You'll be drooling in public in no time with this progress~
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby LittleBen » September 4th, 2020, 3:22 pm

I think babyboymoth fell down the dumb hole....
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby uBun2 » November 13th, 2020, 8:29 pm

Like so I found a firefox extenshun um like that kan replase text or words with others on a website 2 make it look more like wut a bimbo wud rite, like, n it has an added benefit of replasin ani text u tipe as wel, makin anithin u rite look dumber 2. It helps u get into a real bimbo mindset n help learn the rite wai 2 tipe, like so it is a gud wai 2 feel gud 2.

It's kaled foxreplase if u want it 4 urself
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby uBun2 » November 13th, 2020, 8:39 pm

if ani1 is smart enough, uhhh... there's also a script kaled bambi dumbtalk based on the Bambi sleep file series um like that adds extra words wen u make komas or other puncshun marks, or wen u start tipin a sentense um like that is 2 long. It does, however, hm... bi default replase instanses of "I" or "Me" with "Bambi."as um like that series sugests, but I legitimateli don't no enough about scriptin' 2 er figure out how 2 change it.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby notmuchdownunder » November 21st, 2020, 3:59 am

This all sounds fascinating and I'd really like to try being dumber for at least a while, not permanent though.
Silly question - I'm mostly into penis shrinking so I'm unable and unwilling to masturbate. Is that an essential part of this process or might it still work without it??
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby StrippedGears » November 23rd, 2020, 4:39 am

The files are set up to be part hypnosis, part conditioning. They're effective and addictive in part because masturbation while listening helps link sexual pleasure with the idea of being dumb. If you're looking for something temporary anyways, I'd recommend finding different files.
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