I have a few questions.

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I have a few questions.

Postby megamanrulesall » December 5th, 2005, 1:26 pm

I have a few questions that I would like to ask. Not sure if this belongs here in Help with files or another section. If it belongs in another section let me know or move it if nessisary.

1. Can the Continous Cum Production Curse aka CurseCCP be removed with the Deprogramall or does it have to be removed by EMG? Also can having Continuos Cum production be bad for the body physicaly? Part of me wants to try it & part of me is hesitant for fear of safety reasons.

2. For those of you that have had success with FurryTransformation & Trigmorph. Were you able to look at yourself in the mirror & see yourself how you wanted to change? Or look at your arm & see it changed? I really want to try this because it sounds interesting.

3. I was wondering how the reinforcer file worked. Do I have to listen to the files I want to have happen once with me being in trance & able to fully hear all the words & then from that point on just listen to the reinforcer file instead of all the ones over again? How exactly would I go about using it?

4. When I listen to some of the files, sometimes my body completly feels as though it's not there, yet I can be concentrating on the voice saying the words, but also able to hear the fan over my bed. I'm thinking that that is how I percieve a trance state. The first time I tried it, I was able to stay awake & listen to most if the files, but fell asleep at the last 2 I think & wke up halfway into the induction file again. I'm assuming for that instance I fell asleep & the last 2 may not have affected me. Though most of the time when I'm fully awake, my skin has very low sensitivity to the point where I can scrath my arm & not really feel it. Though it's on the surface. I can still somewhat feel temperature. But that has been happening for about a year now. But that could just have something to do with my Asperger's Syndrome.

5. Are the premium versions of the files better than the free version? If so, how are they better?

If I can think of more questions, I will post them here. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! :D
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Postby Mallic » December 5th, 2005, 6:14 pm

1+2: I suppose that if you are just starting in hypnosis, then a curse or a transformation file. The furry file work in both circumstances, and BTW EMG wouldn't make a file that is life-threating.

3 Part one: yes, sort of.

3 Part two: File...Reinforcer...file...reinforcer

4: If you go to sleep, you will know because you will miss EMG waking you back up.

5: No. But the CD versions are better.

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Postby megamanrulesall » December 5th, 2005, 7:01 pm

Are the premium version of the file like a subliminal version or something? By the way thanks for the help.
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Postby Mallic » December 5th, 2005, 7:13 pm

Not technicly. The Premium file come out one month before a the plebs get it. I'm not sure, but I think the sublims and scripts are now under the same cycle.

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Postby EMG » December 5th, 2005, 9:05 pm

Actually that's 4 months. Premium access lets you access scripts, subliminals, body's and other such fun but the files don't change.

Mallic wrote:Not technicly. The Premium file come out one month before a the plebs get it
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Postby Mallic » December 5th, 2005, 9:09 pm

So, does that mean I can't use the sublims anymore?
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