plugging my own ideas. . .

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

Moderator: EMG

plugging my own ideas. . .

Postby Kendai » August 9th, 2005, 1:55 pm

i have a few files on the voting page i think some of you might be interested in.

ragdoll erection:
your body will become weaker when your penis becomes hard. would make you like a rag doll when fully erect. good for those who want to turn thier male partner into a toy.

dissove orgasm:
changes your usual orgasm, so that when you have an orgasm, it will feel as if your body is melting into pure pleasure, which flows into your head, which will then feel as it is exploding with a pleasureable sensation.

conditional orgasm:
good for slaves, the listenr would ONLY be able to orgsam when given a set of instructions, followed my "and then you may cum" obviously, the listener would recive an oragasm when the descrbed task is complete.

cum succubus:
makes the listener CRAVE as many ejaculations as possible, demanding cum from male partners untill they can give no more. they would want more ejaculations on/in them each time, or else feel an uneasy need for more sex (and cum) untill they (at very least) break thier record again.

this is a curse that will need to be removed by EMG, OR by triggering themselves to try and remove the curse via a special condition: they must beat the square of thier current record, a failed attempt would only add to the record (since an ATTEMPT would no doubt break the record)

maybe the minimum current record for this should be 4 or 5, that way removing it that way would require 16 or 25 ejaculations respectively.
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Postby demigraff » August 17th, 2005, 1:15 pm

Nice suggestions :) You got my votes. I'm particularly hoping to see conditional orgasm get made.

Mind if I re-use your topic to plug one of my own ideas? It seems redundant to create another topic with the same subject.
Echoes (new on the list today, 1 vote so far) makes you hear magic echoes, so when somebody says any trigger you've learned, you hear it again at the same time tomorrow, or the next day, or the next.
(And in case anyone who hasn't already voted for them and can be persuaded is listening, can I also promote "Can't fake it" and "Love potion", which I'd like to see both of)
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Postby Kendai » October 5th, 2005, 6:33 am

some of you may remember a pair of my idea that went near the top.

i havd viewtiful joe in my head, and thought it would be neat to adjust the speed of your own conciousness. long wait? slow your brain down. multitasking? speed up your brainspeed.

another popular one of my ideas. the idea is to reset your libito, so any sexual experience, sights, thoughts, would go back to how exciting they were the first time.

i have to promote re-virginize, same idea, but with suggestions to refresh your body, and actually makes you forget your sexual past rather than just making you sensitive to old hat again.
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Postby loony28 » October 8th, 2005, 3:54 pm

:twisted: Well since other people are plugging their file suggestions I think I will too. I'm just going to plug a couple of them for now though so here they are.

Reality Shift
Basically this file triggers you to shift into a different reality, one that has changes that you have written down. See the voting page for more info on this file.

Curse Reality Shift
It's the same as Reality Shift except that the only way you can come back to this reality is by dying in the other reality.

Both of them let you switch to a different reality and it could be anything you want. You could have dinosaurs still roaming the earth or maybe you'd prefer the South had won the Civil War. There are no limits to what reality you could go to. When you come back to this reality the file is just about over. The mind is not limited by time so you could spend years in the other reality and come back to this one and only a few moments have passed. :twisted:
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Postby Mallic » October 14th, 2005, 4:53 pm

People seem to be leaning to the free-form sandbox ones
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Postby tecywiz121 » November 7th, 2005, 5:06 pm

Here's my two cents... Wait I don't have two cents :(

This file allows you to pass over periods of time you would rather not remember. Also it could make you think time had passed faster than it really did.

Give me your ideas and please go vote for it!
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Postby Cairn » December 6th, 2005, 5:48 am


In case you havn't read it this basicaly allows someone to conjure people to pose for them.
I know tons of artists who really have trouble with poses and resort to stealing poses (I do it myself occasionally) from copywright drawings, this file would be a great help to all the artists open minded enough to try it (and artists can be a pretty open minded bunch) also good for those who just want to conjure people and pose them as they like (control freaks, voyers, anatomologists etc.)
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Postby Kendai » January 17th, 2006, 3:35 pm

anyone like the idea of train no sex toys? which would cause the listener not to feel sexual pleasure from inanimate objects? exaple: maybe good for a partner who isn't quite as interested you as you would like due to a certain "stress reliver?"
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