I need some help

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 19th, 2020, 12:08 pm

OMG! They are still in the bedroom. Must be having gun. I want to talk to Justin if I decide to be with Glenn if he wold let me move in with him for an extended time. He has Nicole, so we would both have someone, and I have something to prove to Justin, he can trust me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 19th, 2020, 1:22 pm

So we all had lunch, Amber and Nicole sat down for a cigarette, next thing you know they are going at it, clothes coming off and they are going to have sex. Amber says come join us. I said I’m out of gas enjoy! I slept with Amber this morning and Nicole twice since Amber left. I have two extremely sexy women, that have crazy high sex drives. This is unsustainable. I read what Amber wrote, and I’m fine with it, but instead of living with Glenn for an extended time, she should do it week to week and see how it’s going. If it goes well then make it an extended time week by week. Honestly, right now, I am going to need a break so if she was living with him periodically I could catch my breath, seriously! I’m taking them to the club Amber went to tonight. I told them get as high as you want and dress as slutty as you want. I will drive and stay straight. I just want them to have a good time with each other. Amber said to Nicole get as high as you can wait til you see this place, so I’m going with 2 high horny slutty dressed women. This ought to be awesome to watch!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 19th, 2020, 3:42 pm

I haven’t seen Amber having this much fun in a long time. Her and Nicole are such a good fit. They are in the bedroom trying on clothes for tonight. Amber is doing Nicole’s hair and makeup. They come out and model the clothes for me. Then they look at each other and start kissing. Amber says I love Nicole’s boobs, I’m definitely getting mine done. Then they sit with me and we all kiss. I’m loving this. Amber will never be able to live with Glenn she will never see Nicole
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 19th, 2020, 6:02 pm

Amber just finished making over Nicole, as if she doesn’t look good enough already. They are going to smoke a lot before we leave. This night is gonna be interesting. Can’t wait to see what they decided to wear. Amber is so happy right now. She not only has a new close friend, they love each other. As for me, I can hardly believe I’m with both of them, and love both of them. Amber you are an amazing woman. I love you so much, and thank you.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 19th, 2020, 9:13 pm

They are so high. They have been dancing together several times. After one dance they stood on the dance floor kissing for about 3 minutes, and even the band stopped. They got an ovation! They went outside for a cigarette several times and must have 6 or 7 phone numbers between them, from women and guys. I danced a few times with each and another together and they were both kissing me after the dance. Amber has her belly chains on, real low cut tight top no bra. Nicole has a real low cut cross cross mesh type top with tons of cleavage and a real tight skirt. Both have probably 4” scrappy heels on. They both look so freakin hot and this place is loaded with beautiful half dressed women. They are having so much fun, Amber is totally into Nicole, and Nicole is totally into Amber. I’m so glad for both of them. This has been an absolutely incredible weekend so far. I got to get a chance for a life changing event for Nicole, and help her a bit. Yes, I have really fallin for Nicole. This morning the 2nd time in bed with her I realized she has gotten to me. No doubt Amber has. It’s kind of strange but we all seem to fit together so well. I think Amber is having too good a time to feel jealous. We will leave in an hour or so and I’m sure more fun. I want to sleep with just me and Amber tonight. We need some one on one.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 20th, 2020, 6:52 am

That was one crazy fun night. It didn’t end when we came home. Amber and Nicole are enjoying each other on every level. They are similar personalities, and seem be bringing the “wild” out of each other. They had so many phone numbers when they came home they didn’t remember who was who. Figured out a few of them, but were clueless on the rest. We all slept together last night. I had sex with Amber, but went down on Nicole with Amber. I feel like I’m in a dream world right now. Amber said she isn’t jealous of Nicole at all
. I told her that was the happiest and excited I have ever seen her. She asked me about my feelings about Nicole. I told her I said I love you to her yesterday morning while we were having sex the second time. She gave me a kiss and said you know what, I love her too. I told Amber nothing had changed, you will always be my Princess, if anything I love you more for having experienced all this with you. She said just don’t neglect me I may not be jealous but I still need your attention. Tonight we are sleeping alone, Nicole has to work tomorrow. I get Amber all day through Friday, and that will be healthy for us. I can tell Nicole loves being here. We love having her. She fits like a glove.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 20th, 2020, 7:18 am

The one thing I am living is there is no chance I can keep two ultra sex driven women satisfied. Not even close. Even with them having sex with each other. If I try I’m going to not be able to function very well. I’m not wishing Amber to rush back to Glenn but somehow I hope she gets into at least a sexual relationship with him. I know at some point she is going to start feeling under sexed and that may be when she starts to feel jealous. My eyes are wide open. We need open and honest communication, Nicole and us as well. I’m sure this can get complicated. Right now we are all perfectly tied together, but I’m sure there will be moments.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 20th, 2020, 7:57 am

I told Justin that I don’t want to be with anyone else anymore. This seems to be a very good fit for all of us. If I stay involved with Glenn I will be managing 3 partners, and it would lead to problems. I want us all to be committed to each other. No other outside relationships. I’m probably going to have jealousy episodes, and that’s where Justin is going to have to reassure me. I have no thoughts that Nicole will ever try and steal Justin. Honestly, I don’t think this could ever work with anyone else. Nicole has made that clear many times. She also said I won’t be with anyone else as long as I am living here. Please be sure of that. I’m with you and Justin only and always. I know she is sincere. She is very careful to allow Justin and me our own time. She knows her role because she has lived this role in her mind for a few years. We talk like we have known and trusted each other for years. I really love her in every way. I don’t think I could have a sexual relationship with any other woman. It just clicks for the 3 of us in an amazing way. If we keep a careful eye out for everyone’s behalf, we will continue to do well. I see Justin with Nicole and I actually have good feelings not bad. Justin loves how he sees me with Nicole. He said you needed a girlfriend to talk to about personal things and so doesn’t Nicole. He has a great instinct about women and he usually is right. I do need Nicole that way and her me.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 21st, 2020, 7:35 am

What a weekend. Yesterday I spent most of the day with Nicole helping her move out of her apartment. It was very small. Justin volunteered to help but I gave him a wink, and he knew we were doing more than moving. It gave me some time with Nicole. We had a chance to talk a lot. She is really a very sweet woman that has had a rough go. Hard to believe she maintains such a healthy outlook. Her Mom from what I understand is just 44 had her when she was 18, and knows what Nicole is doing and supports her. She doesn’t even know where her Dad is. Sad. Covid took her from a good job to working as a receptionist/scheduler in a doctor’s office, she barely squeezes by, and moved to this tiny apartment. She had a serious discussion with me regarding Justin. She said, yes I love Justin, and you as well, but please Amber if there are any signs I am having a negative impact on you and Justin, I will walk out immediately. She said as long as we communicate, all 3 of us, we will be fine. I told her some things about Glenn. I told her how we moved in together for a short time, and it was so nice, and how I want to experience that with him again. She asked if I was serious enough with him to ever leave Justin. I told her there is no circumstance where I would ever leave Justin. I said the issue between Glenn and I is we seem to indirectly be using each other for sex. I thought if we lived together for awhile, and then on and off, our relationship could survive. Justin knows I want to live with him, but I don’t know what I want to do. Now if I move in with him I won’t see you at all, because I will be seeing Justin every day while he works, but you will also be working. She said if you feel the need to be with him, maybe we could get together once during the weekend, but said don’t adjust your own desires for me. I love you, and the time we spend together. I have until New Years Day basically to figure this out. If I move in with Glenn for 5 days when he comes back, it is either going to end there, and I keep seeing him as an occasional stay over, or it could turn into something that lasts for weeks, but 1 week at a time. He has text me a lot and I have to share those with Justin, as he keeps pulling me to live with him. I have to figure this out.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 21st, 2020, 7:59 am

I had to share these with Justin and I warned him as I told him before, I am telling him what he wants to hear so if I do move in he feels secure.

You know all our trouble occurs when we are not together. When we lived together before you even said what a relief it was that we were finally going to be together

Yes, but the circumstances were different then, I do want to see if it really feels like that.

So don’t I, and you know if you give us a chance and you are waiting here for the night I come home, and we have those 5 days together, we will be on our way.

I know you are probably right. I’m just not sure what to do.

I’m sure if you stay here, and then keep living together beyond that, you will never leave. You know that don’t you?

Yes, I think that is a strong possibility.

Then please be here when I come home. As soon as we are making love every day you know we will stay together. Don’t you at least want to feel that?

Yes I do. Just need some time. I think if I get there, it will be hard to ever leave.

I have a meeting and will talk more later. I love you!

I love you too.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 21st, 2020, 8:06 am

Justin basically said as he did before. Don’t try to make it long term if you decide to do anything at all. Don’t think 6 weeks, think 5 days, and go accordingly. I don’t want you to go for 6 weeks, but at the same time I’d be a hypocrite now that Nicole lives here, so I can’t deny you having something yourself resembling that. I’m afraid if I move in with Glenn for an extended period Justin and Nicole will be together
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 21st, 2020, 8:37 am

The only way I will ever have a long term relationship with Glenn like Justin now has with Nicole is to turn just sex into something meaningful. The only way that happens for us is if I move in with him for an extended period. For me do I want to make that commitment. That is hard to decide, but Justin has someone now and I don’t what a change. It was me before. I’m leaning on trying it. It will be hard if I do and hard if I don’t. I may as well gain something if it is going to be hard.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 21st, 2020, 2:08 pm

Looking at the messages you two came very close to loosing each other again. I can see why Justin thought he was not being treated as your primary relationship. But I can also understand the honeymoon period in relationships tends to be very strong emotionally too.

Nicole seems a great fit tbh she seems very understanding of you and Justin and is more of a third in your relationship than Glenn is from what I see.
She seems to care for you both and is just grateful to have met you both.

Glenn however doesn’t seem that way, he’s an outside person who loves Amber clearly however the more you post with his texts the more he wants her to move in with him. If it was me I wouldn’t push someone to do something like that. Not unless they were comfortable with the idea too.

I get you want to give Justin and Nicole space but do not do something your uncomfortable with especially if you think Glenn is controlling.

It’s clear you don’t want to loose Justin but you need to be very careful and careful who you let in to your life. As it could end badly for both of you if your not careful.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 21st, 2020, 5:59 pm

Danny you are always the voice of reason. It is hard, each situation seems flawed. The one great thing is Nicole. She is so perfect for this. She seems to understand the dynamics better than me and Justin. I could never do this if it wasn’t for Nicole. I have to say Justin gave me so much attention while Nicole was at work. I really needed it. Nicole definitely has not made him lose anything for me. He is the same Justin. All 3 of us for some reason just click so well. I hate to change that dynamic. Nicole already has become my best friend as well. What is unique is her and Justin are also friends. I have never been in a three way, so I don’t know what normal is. Have to get back to Justin and Nicole. We are going to watch Christmas things tonight all 3 cuddled in the bed, couch is too small. Nicole loves to get high, but says she never does it during the weekdays.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 21st, 2020, 9:11 pm

So our sleeping agreement is Amber and me every other night, 2 days a week all in the same bed, me and Nicole I night, and Amber and Nicole 1 night. Nicole said if ever Amber and I need more time with each other, she won’t feel slighted if it takes away one of her nights. She is so perfect for this, She is a participant, but always pays attention to the health of me and Ambers relationship, and she comments about it a lot. She says she can just see it in our eyes how much we love and care for each other, and she is right we do. We are getting married Thursday, it will be quick and without fanfare. I had Nicole pick out a car, she did, and I will be going Saturday to let her drive it to make sure, and hopefully she drives it home. I told her it would be a good thing for her to bank as much as she can every week. Her lease on her apt expires in June, I will take care of that. She will be out next Sunday. Her bills are essentially gone. If or when she is no longer with us, I hope that doesn’t happen, I will find a new apartment for her. I want to sit down with her and plan a trip to the Mayo Clinic, and get a complete batter of tests so she can find out exactly what she needs to be able to safely get pregnant. She is not in a hurry for that, but By her reaction, I know deep down inside she would love the possibility. That’s the only reason I hope she ever leaves us. I’m blown away by how Amber accepts, and actually seems to enjoy Nichol knowing we have connected sexually and otherwise. Amber has her own relationship with Nicole. It was really stimulating but now it just makes me happy to see them like that, really strange! It is there night, they already went to bed. Sleeping? Doubt it lol. Amber is all worked up regarding Glenn, what to do. I have become a listener, I don’t want to make it seem if I tell her be with him, that I must mean I’d rather be with Nicole. I will never leave Amber, I won’t even mention that again, I just won’t. I have to say the last 4 days have been so good. Nicole loves our rule that you can’t just walk by someone in the house heading opposite directions without a hug or a kiss. It makes everyone feel good, and wanted. I have a plan in my mind, soon to be put to action. I want to sell this house, get closer to the water, and get something considerably larger. I’m really missing my fitness room, and we all have to get back to work. Have a couple things here but not enough. Need a better set up. I made a lot selling my house vs what I bought it for so the upgrade will not leave me out of pocket much. Right now I feel like a very fortunate man to be in this situation. I want Amber to always know that. I am really giving her a lot of attention, which I always have anyway. She needs to always know who I covet most. It will always be her. We just have that certain something. I will always work to preserve that.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 7:50 am

Last night I spent the night with Nicole, it was the first night either of us slept a night with another woman. We both agreed in the morning it was really nice, and yes different but kind of special in its own way. We were both virgins to another woman in every way, and it seems to work for us. I have so many thoughts going through my mind. So many choices that all seem right, but at the same time each makes me give up something. The more I see of Nicole’s boobs the more I want them myself. Hers are so perfect in both size and shape. I could make a consultation and have them, but that means no sex for weeks, and a full week or so if soreness. That means Justin and Nicole will quench each other’s sexual appetite for up to 6 weeks. I can just stay here and enjoy our 3 way which is really awesome, but if I am not with Glenn when he gets back, that chance may be gone forever. I have a few reasons why I want to move in with him. One, I want to and to prove to Justin he can trust me, and he can, But I have to close any doubt. Two, our original intent was to have a loving committed relationship with another partner. I had that when Justin didn’t and now he has that while I don’t. We have never had that together. Three, Glenn and I have had a rocky time. We both agree the best of our time came when I moved in with him. I know it would make a difference, just don’t know how long I’d have to live with him, I’m thinking if everything went right up to 6 weeks. That’s how long I’d be out of action if I had my boobs done anyway, but then my time with Nicole would diminish dramatically. Glenn is tugging at my heart strings. Here is a glimpse of yesterday:

Have you decided to be at my house when I get home?

I have a lot on my mind, and this is so hard.

You know if you are there and we have that 5 days together you will want to stay.

You are probably right.

This is our last chance. You can’t blow this. Worst thing that could happen which I doubt is it doesn’t work. The likely thing would be you will never leave.

I know. Still hard.

Don’t you want us to finally be together, and have what we had when you moved in before? You know that will happen.

Yes, I do. Just confused right now.

The confusion will end if you are there when I get home and you know that don’t you?

Yes, I know our best time was living together. I still need time to sort this all out.

He pulls me in. I want to do it, but so many choices none are perfect.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 8:00 am

I do know if I do this I have to make him feel like I’m his now, and I will be, but it is temporary. I have to get him deeply emotionally involved, and that is going to require living with him for awhile. Then I can have him long term as a secondary partner. Once I do that, I can spend weekends living with him, because when he works he is in bed early and up at 4:30 so I wouldn’t see him much anyway. I could still meet him for lunch at times to keep him locked in. Then I will have someone just as Justin does. I have to decide if I want to put all that energy into this. Is it worth what I will have long term? So hard to figure out which is the best road.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 8:05 am

The thing holding these thoughts together for me is I have to prove to Justin he can trust me. Even if I moved in with Glenn for several weeks, I am coming back, that is guaranteed. I will also be very attentive to Justin as he has been with me with Nicole here. If I do this, that will be an important reason why. I know even though he says he trusts me, deep down I know there is a part of him that may wonder. I need to permanently erase that.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 8:40 am

One other thing. Justin and I will be married. He is the only man I will ever be married to. There is no chance if I move in with Glenn that I will stay there. The longest time I would ever live with him would be now if I moved in with him, it is likely going to be a lot more than the initial 5 days. Seems like each option is good but each one gives something up. I would miss so much being with Nicole, I would see Justin 5 days a week alone, but I wouldn’t go to bed at night with him, and that would be very painful. So hard.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 9:30 am

I finally gave in to Glenn. I made a compromise. He text me you know if you are here when I get home we will have great anticipation and our feelings will come out, and you will know right away.

I said how about instead of 5 days, we are it just Friday and Saturday?

He said, yes, you know what is going to happen! So if what you know will happen does, will you move in with me after that?

I said if it goes that well, yes! But I want it to be 3 days the next weekend.

Perfect, ok. Then would you move in to stay after that?

Yes I would.

You know once we are together you will never leave? We will finally be together.

Yes, If that is the case you are right.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 9:33 am

Justin knows I am telling him what he wants to hear. He also said if I am going in that direction, 2 days is smart, and then 3. Instead of trying something long term right away. I agree.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 9:41 am

Maybe I am a bit jealous of Justin and Nicole, but not for the reason you would think. It’s because he has a loving relationship with her, and I don’t have one right now. I want that with Glenn and if I can get to the point of moving in with him I will have one too, which was our original goal. So if this works, I will definitely move in with him, and hopefully if it gets to that point I will be there for several weeks. I do have in my mind it will not be more than 4 weeks, max 6. Then I will start pulling time back to Justin and convince Glenn that long weekends and lunch is perfect. That I will be his from now on.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 9:48 am

I will test Glenn just like this time. If I end up moving in with him, I will meet him for lunch sex most days. After a few weeks of that I will start pulling back on that and see how he reacts. I will also avoid sex on a weekend day. I will know if he truly loves me or it still is all sex. If it is that will be it. Not looking for that and that isn’t a long term loving relationship.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 11:17 am

I did text back to Glenn to let him know I was still going to be seeing Justin you have to be ok with that. He text back, That’s ok, once we are living together you will slowly let go. It will be just like before when you moved in, just longer and better. You know once we move in together you won’t be leaving this time.

I text back if it is like that, you are probably right.

He said that will take care of itself. You know you will be mine.

We will see how we do.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 11:37 am

I am going to do this, but my priority is Justin and then Nicole, if this in any way has a negative impact on either, I’m back immediately
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 12:28 pm

Tonight after dinner we all go grocery shopping. You ever stop at the store and once in awhile you hear the clip clip of high heels and there is a hot woman all dolled up and you wonder where she is coming from looking like that? Well I am used to that, but now I will be with 2 of them lol. They aren’t bashful kissing me either. Gonna be strange.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 3:30 pm

Had a talk with Amber about living with Glenn. I asked her how long she thought it might be at the outside edge. She said she had no idea. I just told her if it becomes longer term like 4 weeks or more, please make sure we are getting a lot of reassurance from each other. We are really going to need it. She said I know. I will make sure of that from day 1, until I get back. I will be back that is certain. I will prove that however long it is. Honestly, I don’t think I could last 4 weeks. I want him to be secure I am his, and then I know we would have a complete relationship so he thinks he won. I don’t know how long that will take. Sooner as opposed to later. Then I can slowly get him to realize Mon-Fri we barely see each other, so weekends.
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Re: I need some help

Postby danny1988 » December 22nd, 2020, 3:51 pm

Reading the latest messages from Glenn just sent up some red flags for me.

“Once we are together you will slowly let go”
So he’s under the impression the more time Amber spends with him the more it will make Amber have stronger feelings for Glenn and let go of Justin?
I know I don’t know anyone here but that can happen emotions are complicated. He wants Amber to be all his so he will do everything to win her affection and love.
It’s clear he wants it to just be him and Amber from that.

“Once we move in together you won’t be leaving this time”
Honestly I find that rather controlling and also very alarming! Yes I don’t know Glenn as a person but he does come over very controlling. That for me is a big red flag here, as I have no doubt he will snoop if he suspects something is up if he’s that controlling.

It honestly sounds to me he would do anything for a relationship with Amber, is this his first relationship?
But I may be reading into things too much.
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Re: I need some help

Postby stupidme » December 22nd, 2020, 6:42 pm

I heavily agree with danny1988.
moving in with glen is not just a test for you it is also a test for glen and so far I haven't seen evidence that he would pass a multi-partner relationship test even if he's fine in a monogamous relationship.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 6:58 pm

I do appreciate the input. I always like getting outside neutral input, so thank you for that. I am taking this slow. Changed 5 days to 3 when he comes back, and just 2 days the following week. It seems like when I move in with him he is much different. I want to get him at that point so we have more than a sexual relationship. I do realize the way he is, it will be the only way I could have that. I think he has it backward though. I won’t be his, but I want him to think that, he will be mine! That will be when I can slowly get him to the point of thinking he has me, but I will be the one reducing the time spent with him, because of his work schedule. I think I have this so it will work. I have to prove something to Justin and I will. My problem is I don’t know if I could live long enough with him because I really love what me Justin and Nicole have, but I have to at least try. He isn’t as you think he is, but your right, he wants to have me for himself with Justin being secondary. He will feel that from me but never have it. Once he feels that way, things will change, he will be too emotionally involved with me, something that only happened when I lived with him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 22nd, 2020, 8:44 pm

It seems like Glenn is not viewed favorably here, quite understandable I guess. One thing I can say is no one knows him like I do. I have seen the best and worst of him. The worst is when we have just a sexual relationship. There are no real emotions in that. When I moved in with him, there was more emotions because we had more of each other. That is much different than meeting for an hour and not asking anything about each other, completely sex. When we had time to talk and do other things, and spend the night, we then had a relationship. That’s the point of living with him for awhile. We may not get to that point. We may get there and it lasts a week or two and it doesn’t work. We may last 4,5, or 6 weeks. If we do we will have real relationship, and ultimately because he works starting at 6 am and goes to bed at 9, our real time during the week isn’t well matched, so while he thinks he is going to have me moving away from Justin, just the opposite will happen. He will be secure I am his, and the weekdays won’t be important because we don’t have much time with him anyway. I will be with him all weekend, and sleep with him at lunch at first. Gradually it will be a couple times at lunch, and 2 days over the weekend. By then he will be emotionally involved with me and I him. He will be a much better and long term secondary partner. If it doesn’t work out that way he will become no partner because Justin will always be first.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 6:17 am

I got a chance to talk more with Nicole about Glenn. I told her that I was going to spend next weekend with him, and if it went well also 2 days next weekend. If it goes well, I will move in with him probably the next Monday after that. She asked me if things are ok with me and Justin. I said since you moved in they have been great. He is fine with it, just gave me some cautions to make sure that me and him give a lot of TLC as I will be with Justin Monday-Friday when Glenn works. She asked me how long I planned on living with him. I told her I’m not sure, I may miss you and Justin so much it might be really short, but I’m hoping If it is working to stay with him for up to 6 weeks, probably more like 4, but if we become really close probably will be 6 weeks. Then I will stay with him a few nights every week. She said I hope everything works out the way you want. Please know that I will not be trying to be you to Justin while you are gone, I could never be you, but I will make sure To make him feel good about me being here. I’m going to miss you so much. I said I know, we can get together for a few hours over the weekend. I will need some time with you. I am dying to see Glenn it already seems too long. I know what is going to happen as soon as we see each other, we will be in bed immediately and all these feelings are going to come out.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 7:49 am

Justin and I embarked on a new journey to each have a secondary partner. Our biggest obstacle has been the fact that I have had a secondary partner for a long time and that paused for awhile. During that whole time Justin didn’t have one at all. Now Justin has one and for the time being I don’t. We have not had them at the same time. Well, this is really the last chance for me and Glenn, and probably the last chance for us each to have another partner at the same time. This time I feel a lot more in control of my situation with Glenn. Yes, he is trying to pull me toward him, only this time I’m going to totally agree with him, and let him feel he has me, so we can get where we were when I lived with him before. Until he thinks he has me, we are nothing but sex. That isn’t sustainable. He was totally more loving when he thought I was his instead of fighting to keep me. Once I move in with him, if I even get that far, which is certainly in doubt, because I am really going to miss Nicole who I will hardly see, and Justin, because I truly love him like no other. Yes, if I move in with Glenn our emotional attachment will become strong, which is ultimately what I want. Justin has that with Nicole, and I had that briefly with Glenn. In neither case did I or Justin ever become secondary. I trust Justin and Nicole. I have to prove to Justin he can trust me the same way, because he can. Remember when I moved in with Glenn before, I saw Justin every day, made love to him, and made him all 3 meals. That will be the case again, no matter how deep I get with Glenn, which could be very deep if we live together for an extended period. He is texting me daily to make sure I will be at his house waiting for him, and I am making sure he feels secure he will have me. The latest.

I love you baby! Can’t wait to start the New Year with you.

I love you too! I know it seems like it has been so long.

Yes, but you know once you are here and we are making love again, it will be just like before, only this time, things will be even better.

I know what you mean. I’m looking forward to it.

It’s perfect. We will start the year together and finish the year together.

I hope so. Let’s spend the 3 days together, and a couple more the following weekend, and then we will know ok?

Yes, I know after that time, once you move in, you know you will never leave right?

If I do move in, it is going to be a lot longer than ever before for sure.

I love you so much, it will be so much nicer once we are together. I have to scoot have a conference call in 10 minutes.

I love you. Can’t wait til New Year’s Day.

These are daily texts now. He is just making sure I will be there and I will.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 8:13 am

I do worry some about Justin and Nicole spending weeks alone and together, if it gets that far. If it does though Glenn and I will be just as close and we will have what we wanted to strive for. We will have strongly bonded secondary partners, and it will be critical for me and Justin to communicate completely and honestly about everything. It will be the first time we each have that at the same time, which is what we wanted in the first place. I have to get to that point with Glenn, and It will be hard because I know I will have to live with him for quite awhile, and if it is 4 weeks or longer, it will be harder and harder to leave. Leaving is going to have to happen slowly. A day at a time until we find balance and Justin and I ultimately have the most time together, but plenty of time with our secondary partners. Jealousy hopefully will disappear. Our focus on each other will have to be paramount. It’s a long time, but in the end it accomplishes our goal. I need to do this for so many reasons, and I almost feel like how this turns out is going to be all up to me. I will make this work for all 4 of us, no matter how long I have to live with Glenn. Hopefully not that long, but I’m prepared to stay with him as long as it takes. Once Glenn thinks I am permanently his, I start going in the other direction, and migrate back to more time with Justin, because Glenn will no longer be using me for sex, he will be deeply emotionally connected to me, and me with him as well, just like Justin and Nicole.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 9:40 am

I figured out exactly how I will know if Glenn really wants me for more than just sex. Every time I see Nicole’s boobs and how perfect they are in size and shape, the more I need to get mine done. If I get to the point of moving in with him, and it is working, I am going to go out of my way to let him know I am his now. I will let that get deep inside of him make him feel totally secure that I am going to always be with him, and let him feel like Justin is becoming less than him. Then instead of extending this out to 6 weeks and finding out I may still just be sex to him, I’m going to find out after 2 or 3 weeks. I am going to tell him I am getting my boobs done. But what comes with that is several weeks of no sex! I will know right then and there by his reaction and questions if he really loves me or I’m just sex. This will tell me everything I need to know, because he wants me to get them done. So This is perfect. I will totally instill in him the confidence and security that we are finally together, and make him know He doesn’t have to worry anymore, I am totally his. This will mean a shorter time to see what he really is regarding me. I want them done anyway. This is the perfect time to do so. I love this plan. Now I can’t wait to hopefully get to the point of living with him. I will learn about him totally much quicker. I really think his questions to me are going to revolve around daily blow jobs and getting him off more than about my surgery and what it involves in terms of recovery. If it is what I think it will be, that will be it for me. If it isn’t I will get them done, and I will see how he is without sex from me, and how demanding he is for me to suck his cock for him, the affection level, etc. I will be so into him for those few weeks he will not doubt I am totally his. Then we will see!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 10:01 am

I actually love her idea. I was totally against her getting DD/DDD boobs because her body and shape she is already big on top. Then I saw Nicole with a similar body size and shape and they are stunning on her, so I have realized she will look better than I had thought. The only issue I have is I want her with me when she gets them done. I want to be the one that can take care of her initially when she is really sore. I asked her to reconsider, and at least share with him, if he wants, I will stay with Justin while I can’t have sex, and you are working anyway. Ask him if he would take a week off to nurse you through the most difficult time. I think you may find your answer faster. Then move back in with him and he knows no sex for weeks. You will see the answer you don’t want to get, I’m pretty sure of that. She agreed that is a better plan, I’d rather be with You the first week. That is the hardest part. I want to be the one there to take you home as well. If not, I really don’t want you to get them done. I need to be with you at that time. She got a bit teary, and promised me I will be the one there! Now I love her idea. I think she is going to be disappointed in him, I could be wrong, but history is on my side. That will mean in 2-3 weeks living with him, and likely she will be home to stay. That takes away my concern of her living with him for 6 weeks, and slowly getting back, just seems too long. Her instincts are telling her what she is afraid is going to be true, she just needs to find out, and this will be the quickest way she can. I totally love the idea. I think by totally telling him she is committed to him long term, will put him on the spot when she sees he knows he has her. He will once again reveal his true self.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 10:40 am

I’m so glad Justin is on board, that means a lot. I will be with him for my surgery and recovery. That is important to me, he thinks differently than a lot of men. I love him so much. I’m going to change my tone with Glenn’s texts so he starts seeing he is gaining on me to be his. I want him to no longer have any doubts me and him will be together going forward and I am now totally ready to be his.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 11:52 am

Glenn is at the airport, I am really letting him know how much I want him

I sweetness in the airport waiting to board. I love you can’t wait to make love to you on New Year’s night, you know how that is going to feel.

Yes me too. I have been thinking about that this morning. I think it could be the beginning of the rest of our life together

Yes, you know it will. After 3 nights together we will finally have each other don’t you think?

Yes, I can feel it. If it is like I know it will be, can I move in with you right away?

Of course! You don’t have to even leave, we both know once we make love again we will always be together from now on.

I know, I’m ready to become all yours now! I love you so much.

That was the important part
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 4:15 pm

Glenn arrived at his Mom’s. We had a few texts back and forth. Most notable was how glad he is I’m finally seeing how things are going to be for us.

I just said I know once we are making love again we will get back to when I moved in before. It was just a matter of time before we had this chance again. This time I know it will happen.

He was very pleased. This is already working. Wait til we see each other when he gets back. He will know he has me after 3 days with him. There is a lot of NRE that will come out from both of us. It will make it very easy to feel things.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 5:33 pm

As of 10:00am tomorrow I will no longer be single:). I also will never be without Justin. This is a lifetime commitment no matter what. Yes, we will be playing around, but Justin is my soulmate.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 6:56 pm

Tonight is Justin’s first night sleeping with just Nicole. My first ever alone. Justin has slept alone a lot because I have slept with several men and lived with Glenn for a bit. I get a feeling when he comes home we are going to rekindle feelings and have some real high new relationship energy, and after 3 days with him we are going to be feeling some strong feelings. That will feel good, but open the door for me moving in with him right away. It will I’m sure take us back to when I moved in last time. We got really close. This time in a few days living with him he is going to know I am all his. I will agree to all his thoughts that we are now together. If there are emotions beyond sex in him, then he will feel them, and within 2-3 weeks I will find out for sure, because I am getting my boobs done, and he will find out about it when I know he realizes I’m always going to be with him this time. I’m going to set a consultation for as soon as I can. Usually takes 2-3 weeks just to get one. I will live with him for however long it takes for that appointment to occur. I’m planning on 3 weeks, it could be 2. That gives me 2-3 weeks of me letting him know that we are always going to be together now. It will also allow me during that time once he knows I’m his to see if he starts controlling me in any way. If he somehow shocks me and really does love me not just sex, I will likely end up living with him a little longer, we will actually become a couple like Nicole and Justin. Then we will both have a committed relationship with someone. That would be perfect, but I am afraid that isn’t something he is capable of. Time will tell.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 7:49 pm

It is becoming pretty certain that I am going to be with just Nicole for a few weeks. I’m not going to look for another house until she is back, so I tabled that idea. I’m going to use the time to get to know Nicole inside and out and her me. I want to get closer to her in an intimate way. I will also be using some of the time I have to get a few small projects done here. Oddly enough, Amber and I will be married, but I will be spending every night sleeping with Nicole and her Glenn. I do support what she is doing. It is the fastest way for her to confirm or deny what she had with Glenn. I’m routing for her success with him, because then we will have what we set out to have. I do know for sure just because she is who she is, I’m going to end up with a deeply loving relationship with Nicole. I’m halfway there already. I am in love with her. I ask myself a question if I met Nicole before Amber, and now Amber was in Nicole’s role and I am with Nicole, would I switch to being with Amber? My answer is easy, no I would stay with Nicole. It is also like that now. I am with Amber, I would never switch to Nicole. I’m loyal to my word and the woman I chose to be with. Nothing can change that, so I have no fear of loving Nicole “too much” So I have no fear of being in an intensely loving relationship with Nicole, I am already, it will get much stronger. I hope it does for her as well. I intend to talk to her tonight in bed about it. I want her to just let go, everything is ok to say, tell, do. Well I want to get ready for bed, and have some time with Nicole, she is up early.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 23rd, 2020, 9:29 pm

This really feels strange. My man is sleeping with another woman and here I am in the same house and separate bed. I do feel a little jealous right now. That’s all right, I will be with Glenn soon and in bed with him every night. I am just sitting hear daydreaming my thoughts. Most of which now that they are in bed together and reading Justin’s thoughts, by the time I get back him and Nicole are going to be really intimately close. Maybe too close. How do I integrate back into that? My thoughts are playing games with me right now. What if he loves Nicole more than me. Nicole and Justin day the right things, but several weeks together, and a lot can happen. The truth is, I don’t want Glenn as much as everyone thinks. After learning he was just using me for sex, and Justin losing some trust, this is personal to me now. Yes, there are some strong feelings I have for Glenn, but he will never be my guy. Right now, I’m going to have him completely believe I am spending the rest of my life with him. I am going to drool all over him with how much I love him. He won’t have any doubt we are together for ever. Then I will test him and he will fail because He has proven 3 times he is not capable. I am turning the tables, and everything will be on my terms, and he will be a great looking guy that I can have sex with as a secondary partner. My relationship with him will never be permanent, not even remotely possible. He thinks he is in total control? He has been and I was the fool. That is going to change. I just have to be quick. I wouldn’t be able to stand living with him for 6 weeks. I can’t be without Justin that long. Justin doesn’t know it but he will now. Like what he said about Nicole, he is loyal. So am I. Once we are married it is a lifetime commitment and I adore Justin. I trust him, I trust Nicole but I am also human. I will be jealous and I feel it now. I’m sure as I’m writing this he has his cock stuffed inside of her making love to her. This is my first bout with jealousy because I feel helpless. I better get used to it because before I get back they will have been making love for weeks probably 50 times or more. Nicole is as horny as me lol. I will work on Glenn quickly. He will be on the wrong side of things again. As soon as Im done I will be home for good.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 6:09 am

Getting married in 3 hours. It is me and Justin forever. What a feeling. Strange part is we both will have someone else too. Nicole has to work until noon. We are all celebrating at home, should be a fun day. I love you Justin.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 7:20 am

About 9 months ago I met a woman that would completely alter my life. She is beautiful in body, mind, heart, and soul. I knew very quickly this was my life partner. We have something between us that is bigger than life. We have spent time experimenting in different lanes, and no matter what gets thrown in our path, nothing changes. I consider Nicole as a great gift from Amber, allowing me to experience something so special that few ever have the opportunity. I truly hope, no matter how I feel about him, if Glenn is your Nicole so to speak, and you get the same feelings that I get from your gift, I truly want you to have the same experience. On this day I commit to you a lifetime of all that I can be for you. I will live everyday preserving our ultimate gift...each other! I love you so much Amber, I have never felt so bonded with anyone ever before. Thank you for this day, and every day going forward.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 10:47 am

We are married! We made love for the first of many times. We are both glowing right now! Justin even told me he hopes I find with Glenn what I have found in Nicole. I think he is experiencing what I have so many times, how nice it is to have someone else with the blessing of your partner. We are partners now, for life. I feel somehow this ring says trust. We both feel that, it takes a lot of the fear away. We are both committed! I am going to put a full effort into allowing Glenn to know I’m his, see if it relaxes him, and I will ultimately end up just like Nicole and Justin. He already text me this morning.

Wish I was there can’t wait til New Year’s Day! As soon as we make love it will be the beginning of the rest of our life together.

I said, the more I think about it, I know you are right. You will no longer have to worry. I will commit to be totally yours!

I love you so much! Finally you realize we have to be together!

Yes, I can’t wait to move in with you. This time, it is going to be for keeps! I love you!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 11:38 am

Nicole just came home. She gave me about a 10 minute kiss, and was so happy for us, her and Justin kissed just as long. She said she just stopped home to change, she was going to call her Mom and tell her she was going to stop over and spend the night so we could have our night together alone. Me and Justin both-said, no... we want you here to celebrate with us. Justin bought champagne, a bunch of seafood and stuff. She was in tears and said I love you both so much. We went to the couch and had a group hugging and kissing session. I went from jealousy last night to being so happy, I’m glowing so much. She was so happy for us and so considerate of us, I love her so much! The more I feel her and Justin so happy, the more I want that with Glenn. Justin is realizing the happier I am with Glenn the happier we will both be. I’m going to do everything to stimulate that with Glenn.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 1:13 pm

Justin gave me a vote of confidence. He said it is obvious you have feelings/love for Glenn. You see something in him, and you have been trying to get it from him. I have to trust there is some good there. I’m feeling so differently about that now that I have Nicole. It feels so special you allow me that happiness. I love you more for it, I can see where you were coming from before when you had that and I didn’t. Now that we are married, and I have Nicole, I want you to live with him if you think there is something there. I gave him a big kiss and told him I needed to hear that. I just think he has always been insecure chasing me. I’m going to make sure he knows he caught me, I am his, because I will be until he realizes that. Then I will have him in my life like you and Nicole. He never had a girlfriend so he doesn’t even know how to be. My other problem, You set the bar so high he will never come close to you, I also have to realize that. I’m going to show him over a 2-3 week period he doesn’t need to compete or keep asking me if I am his. I will be. I will let him feel that. I also have my consultation to get my boobs done on Jan. 7th! Then if all goes well, 2 weeks later or so I will have them. So I have probably 2 up to 4 weeks of living with him, so I have to work fast and change his mindset from catching me to being all his. Then the test. Will he take time off my first week?
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 3:37 pm

From Glenn: I love you, missing you. All I can think of is finally being with you when I get home.

I wrote. I know same here.

He said this is what we always wanted when you lived with me before, and now we are going to have it.

I know. This time it will be even better, we both want the same thing.

Lot of other stuff, but he is always making sure I am his. I will make sure he knows I am.

Nicole wanted to know if we wanted to get high tonight and celebrate? We both said yes, I am really in a partying mood, Justin is too. We aren’t going anywhere so champagne, and great food, and lots of lovin. We drive Justin crazy, because me and Nicole walk around the house in our bras or topless. We kiss in front of him all the time and shove our nipples in his face, and Lick Nicole and she licks mine. I feel so small next to her, can’t wait to have boobs like hers, they are so perfect. I
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » December 24th, 2020, 3:49 pm

I was just in the kitchen letting Justin suck and lick my boobs. I came over to sit down. Nicole gets up heads into the kitchen, so I get curious and she has Justin’s pants down and he is fucking her boobs. I just realized something. We have so much fun here all the time, I don’t have that with Glenn. Everything is sex. I have to change that. It is definitely more fun here we all just love each other so much.
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