Nipplepig Nipple File

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Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby grover27 » December 17th, 2019, 3:12 pm


I'm new to the forum but have been using files on and off from WMM for a year or 2. I'm a str8 guy in my early 40s who has never had any sensation from my nipples. They might as well be that back of my hand. I've been wanting to explore more new pleasures and thought I'd try MN_Friendly's Nipple Pig and Good Boy (which is a nipple file as well). I am very curious about tangible transformations from hypnosis. I wanted to see something really work that I could point to and say "yeah, that worked". I've been reading the CFG thread and that is captivating. I wondered if it would work but I have a wife and kids and don't need more complications in my life. So the nipple pig file seemed a safer bet.

So here's my success. I can now get hard and build up some precum from touching my nipples. I'm not quite at a nipple orgasm but I think I can get there now. When I listen to the files now, I leak a lot. I've probably only listened to each of those two files 4 or 5 times now, but I crave the file and I can't stop touching my nips. I now am trying to figure out how to make them bigger. My goal is to have an orgasm just from my nips and I am not masturbating until I do.

I'd love to hear from others on here who have found nipple play through hypno and other nip related thoughts. I've bought some butt plugs and want to experiment with prostate pleasure. I'd be interested if anyone has any suggestions for that as well. I've tried prostate stimulation in the past with limited success so I'd be curious if I can unlock that pleasure point too.
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby CyrilMtl » December 22nd, 2019, 9:08 pm

I am working on my nipple too, trying to reach the ultimate nipple hand free orgasm.
I like the nipple pig files, the good boy too, there is also a file from EMG on nipple orgasm.
I found another file outside of warpmymind on nipple orgasm by a mistress, more focusing on
nipple orgasm and no other sort of orgasm, a little too restrictive for me.
I am gay and also playing into chastity, I found a video on PornHub on gay chastity and nipple play
that is pretty nice (probably not your taste).

I can get a pretty nice hardon from playing with my tits, they get nicely sensitive, but still like you
can really go over the edge and cum from that 'yet'.
I like how they became sensitive, how I play with them often. Sometime only the feeling of the shirt
on them is teasing me.
I am looking for some handfree orgasm, from hypno, tits play, anal/prostate play ...

I can recommand you those :
if you want to have your tits growth, and become more sensitve.
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby grover27 » December 24th, 2019, 8:43 am

CyrilMtl wrote:Hi,
I am working on my nipple too, trying to reach the ultimate nipple hand free orgasm.
I like the nipple pig files, the good boy too, there is also a file from EMG on nipple orgasm.

hi Cyril,
Thanks so much for the reply and engagement. I have tried EMG's file, as well as Rick the Tist, and even tried to get into that pornhub one, which I like the idea of in some ways but not in others. I can handle a good amount of gay porn but the chastity in that one doesn't work for me b/c I'm unlikely to lock myself up (I'm married, and that's a little hard to hide). I also have tried a nipple loop on here that is about 60secs and even made it a silent subliminal, but not sure if it's doing much, but maybe.

I have listened to the NipplePig and Good Boy files about 5-6 times. I can now feel my shirt rubbing on my nipples and sometimes it's too much, like an itch I just need to scratch to make it stop. What's crazy to me is that when I touch both nipples at once, even when I feel like I'm not feeling too much sensation in my nipples, my cock just gets hard and starts to convulse after a couple of minutes. I guess it's like a dry orgasm. I haven't had a true wet orgasm and I had actually gone 20 days without ejaculating (finally ruined that streak on Sunday with normal bating). I really feel like my nips are wired to my dick, even though I expected to have extreme pleasure from my nips themselves, I don't really. Instead, it's like I'm getting my dick off and the nipples are the buttons. It's a pretty crazy thing. I usually touch them several times a day now and it's become a nice way to masturbate without masturbating and without the mess. It's like a quick hit orgasm and I'm back in action.

My nips are definitely getting bigger and harder, especially whenever I'm cold. I've looked at the supplenips but I don't like the price and not sure about what number I would get. I guess start I would start with 1? I'd buy a set of 3 size for $30, but 1 for $20 seems a little much. I've been using the 1/4 in. White Shelf End Caps for Ventilated Wire Shelving ( ... 672001-_-N) on my nips and that has been working nicely. I'd love to find another cheap alternative like that.

I"ve had a HFO from hypno once with a Shibby Says says recording but that's the only time. I do feel like I am close with the nips. I almost wonder how far I should take it or if I've gone far enough.
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby belgarion » December 24th, 2019, 8:42 pm

you got me intrigued about these nipple pig files, i'm just not sure i'm looking at the right ones when i search them, can you provide a link to the files your using?
it would be awesome as hell if you could do that thanks in advance!
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby grover27 » December 25th, 2019, 11:43 am

Not sure how to link but here's a go:

The GOOD BOY effect revealed in classical conditioning by IACurious (I believe former name of MN_FriendlyGuy) ... link=12451

NipplePig - Blink Induction by MN_FriendlyGuy ... link=15396

I like to listen to both in that order
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 5th, 2020, 8:20 pm

Ask any hypnotist here on WMM how they feel when they see one of their recordings listed in Success Stories forum... They''ll tell you the same thing I'm telling @grover27:

    Thank you for letting everyone know about your success. And, thanks for choosing my work for your experiment... experimenting with hypnosis and open to accepting a little kink into your life.

    Both of these recordings are free. And they follow a permissive style of hypnosis. Those factors make the recordings a friendly introduction to kink hypnosis. And now, @grover27... now that you know how good feels to enjoy relaxing... you're ready for more, aren't you? My best to you as you explore!

    And I wonder how long it's going to take you to decide to tell your wife to play with your nipples.
There's another free recording available here on WMM for anyone curious about hypnosis - wanting to experiment in a safe way. This recording takes the listener down into trance and then brings them right back - a simple and enjoyable experience. And when something is enjoyable, they come back for more, don't they?
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby grover27 » January 10th, 2020, 10:06 am

It's so great to see a reply from the man himself. I just want to continue to gush about the skills of MN_Friendly. I have downloaded and at least previewed over 100 hypno files and his files have a quality that just doesn't exist in 99% of them. I haven't had an opportunity to listen to the NipplePig files in over a week but I am still incredibly sensitive in my nipples. I feel my shirt rubbing them, I find my self playing with them when I am driving or sitting at my desk. I have had one real HFO while listening to the file (probably on my 6th listen) but unfortunately haven't recreated that experience. But these files have convinced me that A LOT is possible through hypnosis and you really can change your mind and body. I still don't know if I believe a file can make you grow breast, increase the size of your junk, or whatever, but I think if anyone is wondering about the truth behind the success stores of files that involve mindset or behavior changes, I think you can believe that they are true. I think a file can change your sexual orientation leanings, make a Beta and Alpha or vice versa, or make you obsessed with something you didn't care about before. So be careful about what you wish for but also have fun.

Also, any aspiring tist should really listen to MN_Friendly's files for inspiration. I actually made my first ever file and put a lot of time and effort into it and I think it's pretty good, but I also know that it still missing that special sauce that MN_Friendly has. I hope to be as good as he is one day. He's a true master of his craft and if he wasn't retired, it would be very difficult for me to resist wanting to subject myself to whatever more he has to offer. I have Shore of Relaxation and haven't listened to that yet - so that may have to be my next listen.
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby grover27 » June 30th, 2020, 1:43 pm

I thought I would post an update in case anyone cared about this particular topic. I first posted in December 2019, so it's been about 7 months now. I have only listened to the file a few times more here and there. However, I find that it is still very much effective and I am probably self-hypnotizing myself at this point. One of the two files has a main part that tells you to start pinching your nipples at the suggestion of "Good Boy" and then stop at the command "Sleep". Then after 4 or 5 rounds, it switches to start pinching at "Sleep" and stop at "Good Boy". I started doing this in the past couple of weeks before bed (telling myself Good Boy and pinching, etc). I can now very reliably cause my cock to get erect and convulse like a dry orgasm by doing this. It's very pleasurable and I continue to enjoy the whole nipple thing. I have been playing with other hypnosis (mostly alpha, jock, bodybuilder, confidence stuff), but this file still proves to be the most exciting and effective erotic one I have played with.
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » July 1st, 2020, 3:33 pm

Thanks for the update you posted, grover27.
There's a reason this particular recording continues to be exciting and effective. It makes me wonder whether your subconscious mind is hiding that reason from your conscious mind? How fun would that be?

    grover27 wrote:I thought I would post an update in case anyone cared about this particular topic. I first posted in December 2019, so it's been about 7 months now. I have only listened to the file a few times more here and there. However, I find that it is still very much effective and I am probably self-hypnotizing myself at this point. One of the two files has a main part that tells you to start pinching your nipples at the suggestion of "Good Boy" and then stop at the command "Sleep". Then after 4 or 5 rounds, it switches to start pinching at "Sleep" and stop at "Good Boy". I started doing this in the past couple of weeks before bed (telling myself Good Boy and pinching, etc). I can now very reliably cause my cock to get erect and convulse like a dry orgasm by doing this. It's very pleasurable and I continue to enjoy the whole nipple thing. I have been playing with other hypnosis (mostly alpha, jock, bodybuilder, confidence stuff), but this file still proves to be the most exciting and effective erotic one I have played with.

Time will tell, won't it?
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby enemapup27 » July 5th, 2020, 1:40 am

Man, I remember Nipplepig being the first hypno I listened to way back when. Got nostalgic and had to buy all three available on WMM. I don't think I'd be the nippleslut I am today if it weren't for those files. Thank you *MN_KinkyGuy, you're one of the best.

*I know it's MN_FriendlyGuy, we all know it's MN_FriendlyGuy.
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Re: Nipplepig Nipple File

Postby ninasissygurl33 » February 10th, 2021, 4:28 pm

I simply adore Nipple hypnosis files. I find myself playing with them for hours hehe... I have had some incredibly intense orgasms but they are never full ejaculated ones like normal. But I tingle inside and my panties are always soaking wet afterwards. I love hearing from other people with similar stories... I will find my favourites and post links ASAP
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