I need some help

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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 7:12 am

I will tell them as soon as I am hooked again which will be soon. I want them to see I don’t function any differently when I am using coke all the time. I have only been doing 5-6 lines right now. Today Mike said he would start giving me some so I can use it at home because he knows I will need it. I love how he thinks about me, knowing I will start to need it soon. So today I will start using it full time again, and I will make sure Justin and Nicole know I am hooked on it again and have no intentions to ever quit. If they can’t handle it I will move in with Mike. Not my wish but will have no choice.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 7:21 am

I don’t think anyone realizes how amazing it will feel for me to have my coke and my cigarettes back in my bag again, permanently! I can’t stand the pressure to not have them. I feel so much more relaxed when people try to take them away from me. I have to stand up for myself and make sure they go with me all the time. I’m probably going to have to make Justin listen to his hypno tape that will make him love that I smoke and use coke. That is actually a turn on and so powerful feeling to me. Doing lines with him loving me for it. Same with my cigarettes. I am tired of sneaking no more!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 7:31 am

I just got to Mike’s. He took an extended Holiday week off from work, so he could spend time with me. He greeted me at the door with an ample coke supply to take home!!!!! He just made my day! Finally I can do a line whenever I need one. I am going to hand the tape to Justin, tell him to please not ask any questions, and do it for me when I get home. Just did a line, so much better. Time to make love to Mike.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 8:06 am

That was so nice! I’m so relieved that for the first time in what seems like forever I have coke and my cigarettes in my bag!!!! You don’t know how good a feeling that is. I never have to worry anymore, they are always with me now!!! A few more lines, and I’m heading home and I will make sure Justin uses the hypno he had before that makes him love me doing coke!! That is so hot!! Once I do that I will always have my coke at home no hiding!!! I can’t ever remember being happier, this is soooo needed! I made a promise to myself that I will get hooked completely again, and will never quit. I never break a promise to myself, never! My coke is permanent now, and so are my cigarettes.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 10:46 am

I am leaving. I had 5 lines with my honey. I am going home and I am going to do a line before I walk in, grab Justin’s file and seduce him to listen to it 5 times. I am then going to do a line right in front of him and hope for the best! If all goes well I will finally once and for all have my coke anytime I want it. I will give him a massage and then I will just have to have a conversation with Nicole. I’m confident in this because there is no other way! It has to work because I promised myself I would get hooked again, which I soooo want and it will be permanent now. I am not ever going through that again! I will always have it now, finally!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 11:28 am

Just did a line here we go. So hope this works so I can finally have my coke with no more drama.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 1:50 pm

OMG! It worked. I now have my coke back permanently. It was not easy. A lot of talking and negotiating before he would listen. I had him listen 5 times and I took out my coke and asked him if he wanted me to do some. It was weird because he said not really but right after that he said that would actually be pretty hot to see you do that. I did the line and immediately gave him a blow job! I was so wet I needed him to finish in me. A lot of talking before he would do his audio, but he finally did! No more worries now! I will get hooked as fast as I can so there is no turning back ever. I am so happy!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 2:07 pm

You can’t imagine how happy I am right now! I love Justin so much and Nicole too. I will prove to them how much I love them, and they will see like before, I am happier when I have my coke.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 9th, 2021, 5:38 pm

Justin said he would talk to Nicole. I hope she understands. I have done 3 lines since I got home. I made sure Justin saw all of them. He has listened to the hypno 2 more times. It is so empowering to do lines in front of him. It seems like he doesn’t like it and likes it at the same time, really strange. Soon he will love it, and so will I:). I finally will have it all the time now. This is so what I needed.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 5:17 am

What a feeling I got this morning. I woke up and for the first time in a long time I needed a line, so I’m definitely getting hooked again. The best part was grabbing my bag and putting a nice fat line out for myself Justin was actually excited. He said to me I don’t know what it is because I know that stuff is probably bad for you but I love that you do it. You look so sexy when you snort that in. I got tingles and I gave him a big kiss, and told him I promise I will always do this from now on because you know how happy it makes me and you want me happy right? He said yes and he sees how happy it makes me and he loves to watch me do it. This is so awesome. I am totally in control now. It took so long but finally I have my coke permanently. I can’t stand quitting and I never have to worry about that again. I told Justin I’m back with Mike and I am spending the night with him. I am heading there this morning to have sex and do lines all day. Nothing I like better than talking, making love, and doing lines all day long. I could do that every day.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 5:55 am

I decided to tell Nicole myself. She was a bit shocked at first, but she basically said if that is what you want to do, it is your business with Justin. She said I know how hard it is because I can’t give up weed or cigarettes either, so she understands that part. Right after she said that I took out my cigarettes and lit it. I said believe me, I know exactly how you feel. Since I quit smoking all I think of is having a cigarette, and now finally I can have as many as I want. She said she completely understands that, she has no plans to ever try and quit again. Here was the big surprise. I took out my bag and while I was making a line she said would you mind if I have one? I looked at her and smiled and said of course! She said she likes doing it but just once in awhile. So I did a line with Nicole!!! Not the first time, but it shows me I have my coke back permanently now! No more hiding or quitting! My cigarettes too which doing coke makes you smoke so much, not sure what it is. Nicole is talking nonstop now, I love it. You don’t know how much I’d love for her to get hooked on it too! I’m going to start dropping lines on her little by little. We would become so close if I could get her on it too. She did ask me not to tell Justin she did a line, although he is heading out soon.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 6:37 am

I just put a second line out for Nicole, and wait let’s do another line and go make love. She did it! She is in the bathroom. My goal is to get Nicole hooked. That will strengthen that no one will ever take my coke again. Justin on hypno and Nicole hooked too. My plan is working perfectly. I will do anything to secure my coke, anything!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 6:54 am

She will be easy to get hooked because she told me how much she loves it. I will have her hooked soon. I will get her used to doing lines every day and before she realizes it she is hooked:). I’m leaving her 2 lines for today when I’m gone but hiding them and will text her tonight where they are:). She if she does them.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 9:25 am

That was awesome sex with Nicole, we were both high. I tried to get her to do a 3rd line and she said she would love to but wants to be careful. She said the sex was incredible after doing a line. I said I know, we should do a line together before sex all the time. She said that would be awesome! I think I am going to be having a lot of sex with Nicole. She gave me an opening. I will start having sex with her at least once a day, hopefully 2-3 times, and will make sure I put a line in front of her each time. I know if she starts doing 2-3 lines every day, in a short time she will be hooked without knowing it! Then one day she will all of a sudden need it! I know this might seem cruel, but she loves coke and after what I just went through I’m not letting anyone take my coke away ever again, especially now that I’m hooked again, not going through that. Yes, coke is an absolute priority right now, and I soon will have full control over Justin with his hypno, and I will make sure Nicole gets really hooked on it. I can see how much more she smokes when doing coke. I can’t wait until she is hooked too! Then I will feel totally secure it will never ever be an issue again! I predict in a week or two Nicole will be doing as much coke as me! I know one thing we will become extremely intimate and close!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 4:09 pm

Doing lines with my honey. I lost count but I think I did 11 so far today and it feels so good. I text Nicole about the 2 lines of coke I left her. She said I was so sweet and thoughtful, and knowing they are there she will probably do them. My plan is working. She will be totally hooked before she realizes it, and I know her secret! She will soon be using it a lot. So psyched! My honey wanted to shoot me up but I need to wait til October and I will.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 10th, 2021, 5:28 pm

Nicole text me she did a line:). She said right after she had sex with Justin.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 5:05 am

Nothing better than doing a line first thing in the morning then having sex. Did 14 lines yesterday. I’m so happy now! It has been such a battle to get my coke back. That was the last time. I finally have it back and I know this time it is permanent which is such a relief! I have to fight for myself and the only way to get it back was to get Justin back on hypno which was a battle itself. The only other person I have to worry about is Nicole and I am taking care of that. She told me the night she did 4 lines with me how much she loved it and she did 2 lines with me yesterday and made me promise I’d never tell Justin and last night she did the 2 lines I left her. When I go home later today I will put a line out for her and make sure she does it although I think she will. Soon I will make sure she is not an obstacle, and I will no longer have to fight to keep my coke!!!! The feeling of always having it anytime I want is going to feel incredible. I won’t see Mike until this Friday night and he said he would give me a lot to take home because he knows I am going to be back to 20 or so lines a day. I love how he watches out for me to make sure I have plenty and never run out. I love him so much. He is the only one that understands me. I need my coke and I have it now permanently:) soooooo relieved
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 5:46 am

I shared with Mike how I got Nicole to do 4 lines yesterday. He said if she did 4 lines and doesn’t do it often she probably feels crappy this morning. I told him Nicole is the last one I have to get to make sure I never have to worry about doing coke from now on. He loved my idea because he sees what I have gone through. He said to just keep putting it in front of her all the time. She may resist but keep doing it. If she really loves it she will start doing it little by little, and ultimately you know what happens soon...she will need it! Just be patient. I plan to do just that. I will put a line in front of Nicole as many times a day as I can. I will leave her a few lines in the same place I left them this weekend in her dresser drawer. She will have access to coke all the time and there is a strong chance She will get herself hooked. Then When I think she is hooked I will take it away and make her ask for it. When she does I know she is hooked! Once she is hooked I will get her up to my level doing 20+ lines a day and she will never quit and I will have a coke buddy that I love very much and our sex will become multiple times a day. After what I have been through I will do anything from now on to protect my coke, anything! I have it now and I already promised myself I will never quit. I need it to be happy, and I am really happy now!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 6:01 am

Nicole will get home from her Mom’s today usually around 4. I will get home at around 2 and have sex with Justin and make sure he sees me do a line. I will shower and get extra dolled up and take Nicole into her bedroom. I know she smokes weed with her mom so she will likely be high and I will be able to talk her into doing a line before we have sex! Then after dinner I will do the same thing and emphasize to her how awesome sex is when you do a line, and start to develop a pattern of doing lines before sex. She will start doing several lines a day because I am going to initiate sex with her often. Once she has done 2-4 lines a day for a few days she is going to be hooked! The 2-4 lines will become 6-8 and I will have her threat of trying to stop me gone. She will be scared Justin will find out, so she will never say anything about how much coke I am doing because it will be a lot! I’m finally going to be doing coke the way I did when I was with old Mike, which makes me sooooo happy. Yes right now my life revolves around coke, it always has. But now after what I went through, I am determined nobody is ever taking it away from me again! I will do whatever it takes! I’m getting the life I love back, and have lived my whole life. Having an affair doing coke, and totally in love with Justin and now Nicole who I can have sex with and do lines which is so intimate!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 7:01 am

I’m starting to feel that soon I will be in full control and have my way with everything. I will have a husband that loves me doing coke, a lover that loves coke as much as me, and a woman I love that soon will be as hooked on coke as me:). I always loved being sneaky, but even more getting my way. Very soon I will have no threat to my coke ever again. I will defend it always to the point of permanently moving in with Mike if that’s what it takes. OMG he just gave me a much bigger bag than I expected to take home! I love him soooo much.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 9:42 am

What a treat doing lines snuggling and making love to my sweetie. We are getting into a very intimate and emotional place. I love spending time with him more and more. We were talking about the amazing connection we made when he shot me up twice before things got crazy. It’s hard to explain, but when someone you love shoots you up and makes you feel soooo good it brings you closer together because the feeling he allows you to experience is beyond description. I promised him shortly we will experience that again! I would love for him to be the one that allows me to feel that way, it is so nice! We just did our 6th line together. Just knowing from now on I will have this makes me enjoy it so much more. We were talking about Nicole, and he came up with the plan of doing a line with her right before sex. I think it is perfect. She already loves doing it, I’m just going to help her enjoy it every day and very shortly she won’t have to think about it anymore, she will totally need it! I am finally the one in control of our threesome. I will soon be doing lines all day with Nicole, she doesn’t know it yet, but I have seen how much she loves and enjoys it, she will love me for helping her realize she doesn’t have to fight it, just enjoy how great she will feel from now on:). I text her at her mom’s and asked her how much she loves sex doing lines. She said she did too much yesterday, but yes, it is amazing. I told her when I got home we can do a line and have sex. I was shocked because she said, that sounds awesome! She followed by saying Amber you are a bad influence on me! But I love it! I told her we will only do it before sex if you are worried about getting hooked on it. If you just do a few lines a day you won’t get hooked, so don’t worry. She said only before sex, I’m ok with that. Little does she know 2-4 times a day and she will be hooked very fast! She will never stop! I can see her hooked in a few days. She will be asking me for lines! Wait and see:). I can’t wait for that to happen! By next week I will be doing lines with Nicole every day! When I go to Mike’s and leave her a bag she will be using it and not even think about it. Once she gets hooked she will never quit! Especially when it is there for her every day! I’m really close to Mike and have fallen hard! I have 2 men which I always have had. I have a woman too that I love and will be doing as much coke as me very soon! So happy right now!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 10:06 am

I know my best times with Justin were before he knew I did coke and was having daily sex with old Mike, more sex than I was having with Justin. This will be exactly the same. I will have my coke and a lover. We will become closer watch and see!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 2:57 pm

Yes, I got Nicole to do a line before sex:). I’m going to have sex again later and have her do another line. I just put the line out and she did it and said this feels so good thank you so much! She is on her way to getting totally hooked with me. I can’t wait! So excited for her, she loves it.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 3:16 pm

She did ask me knowing I have used it for so long how much could she do without getting hooked. I told her if she kept it to 4 lines or fewer she should be fine. I know if she is doing 2-4 lines a day she will want more because she will be totally hooked. She is going to be because she said she will make sure she doesn’t do more than 4. Little does she know she will be hooked in a couple days doing 4:), and I will make sure she is. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asks me for some by tomorrow even. She is on her way to using coke just like me! I love her so much! This will be great for us. We will seriously bond talking so much.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 3:59 pm

Omg...she just said to me promise you won’t say anything to Justin, I don’t ever want him to know I’m hooked on it. I even asked her, do you think your hooked? She said I love it and the sex with you and Justin is so good and my cigarettes are so good when I’m on it. I kind of see I will be hooked. I asked if she was ok with that, and she said I didn’t really want to but you got me started and you know I love it so I’m pretty sure I’m going to be using it on a regular basis. I told her don’t be afraid to be hooked on it, you will love being hooked I promise! You will never want to stop so being hooked doesn’t matter! She said yeah I can see that. She is all mine now. I got her and she will be a regular user
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 5:16 pm

Nicole told me she always loved coke and that I am going to get her hooked. She kind of knows I am. I told her not to worry about being hooked. You know you will love it so being hooked is actually a good thing! I told her she won’t even think about being hooked because she will be feeling so good she will be happy she is hooked! She just smiled at me and said I know, I’m already starting to feel that way. She said she hasn’t done a lot of it but she wants to see how it is on a regular basis. I told her in a short time, she will be high all the time and will love it! I am taking her in the bedroom to do another line and we aren’t even having sex! She is on it now!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 11th, 2021, 5:20 pm

I just gave her a small bag so she has her own coke now:). I gave her about 10 lines. See how long it lasts her. I bet by tomorrow late afternoon she is out. I did it! I’m now in full control! I will always have my coke now and so will Nicole:). I am so happy I got her on it now!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 4:46 am

This is so awesome. I went out by the pool for my 1st line of the day and I asked Nicole if she wanted to do a line. I told her there is nothing like that first line of the day. She said she wants to do one but is afraid she will get hooked if she starts doing lines first thing in the morning. I told her she is already hooked and to stop worrying about getting hooked because it doesn’t matter if you really love it. I told her the first line first thing in the morning is the best. She said ok just one. We did a line together and she was amazed how it made her feel. I said don’t you love this feeling? She said yes it is amazing, I love it. I said from now on this is how you are going to feel all day! She started laughing and said I could deal with that. I’m so excited for her! I’m also soooo happy my plan is working. I got her hooked! I know she is going to love it. She already has admitted that. I have to get her beyond the few lines she is doing and get her locked in good. Although I’m pretty sure she will do that herself now. I have my coke finally and no more worries.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 5:32 am

She is already trying to justify doing coke. That is the first sign she is hooked. She also said I love to smoke when I’m doing coke they taste so good. I told her the one thing about coke is you will smoke a lot more, not sure why, but your cigarettes will compliment the high. I told her to completely forget about being hooked just enjoy it. Hooked only matters if you don’t like it. If you like it being hooked doesn’t matter at all because you are not going to try and give it up anyway. Just enjoy it, know you are hooked, and know that being hooked doesn’t matter at all. She thanked me and said I was right and I really always have loved it, I finally gave in to it. I told her she would be so happy she did. So I just took out another line but didn’t put one out for her so she took her own line out and did it!!!! She is totally hooked and doing it on her own now. Her coke training wheels are off. We have been making out all morning going to have sex now. I have a new female coke partner!!!!!!:)
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 6:19 am

So I just had sex with Nicole and Justin is hanging around the pool and I did a line right in front of him. Nicole is afraid to. She told me she was heading to the bathroom to do a line. She is sooooo hooked, I love it, and I love that she loves coke like me. I think Justin would actually see Nicole doing coke but she is scared to death to try it. The more coke Justin sees me do the more he loves me doing it. He keeps saying he doesn’t think it’s right but he loves me doing it so much. He even asked me to promise him I will never quit. I took a video on my phone and told him no matter what I will never quit my coke or cigarettes! I have it on video! This is so awesome. Nicole cleaned up she came in and pulled Justin’s shorts down and started giving him head. She is so high! I joined in and we both sucked Justin dry and had a nice deep cum kiss. Nicole got most of it but she shared with me! She is so freakin sexy! Even more now that she is doing coke. Her confidence is sky high and she is dressing in ultra tight revealing clothes like I used to. She is so freakin hot with her knockout boobs and skinny waste and long soft jet black hair and blue contacts. Every guy just looks at her and wants to fuck her literally! I’m jealous because I used to have a bod like that. I will have it back soon, and if my boobs stay I will be bigger than Nicole:).
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 6:58 am

The one thing I see happening with Nicole is she was always a bit shy and for a woman that looks like she does not a ton of confidence, and not sexually aggressive. Now that she is doing coke she is horny, aggressive, talkative, and most of all confident. I can see shortly as she settles into doing lines all day, she is going to be a handful for Justin because she is going to need it! She admitted to me she thinks she is hooked already, but said I was right, she loves it so much she doesn’t care anymore. She just opened the door to be like me, a permanent coke user. I know exactly what she is feeling and going through. She loves coke so much, and soon no one is going to ever take it away from her! We have always been close and similar but now that she uses coke all the time now, we are soooo close! I knew I could get her on it, simply because she loves it, she was the perfect person to help get hooked:). It’s not even 9 in the morning. She just did her 4th line before I did my 4th. She is doing it on her own now. First sign she has embraced it now! This is so awesome! She told me if she feels like this all the time, she will understand why I do so much and will be too. I told her that she will be doing 20 lines or more a day very soon and she will love how she feels and never give it up! She told me she can see that, and hopes I am right.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 7:12 am

Omg! She just confirmed. She told me she is afraid to run out and if I could get her a big bag of my own. She said she would pay for it. I told her she may want to start off with some cut with meth. It lasts way longer, but the fall back, which doesn’t matter because you aren’t going to quit anyway is the meth is really addictive, but since it is mostly coke, it’s ok. She asked if she could get both, like half of each. I said the meth high mixed with the coke high is incredible and she will love it. She said if I just get the meth bag will I be doing more lines? I told her at first probably a lot less, but as you get used to and hooked on the meth you will start using more, but the high is awesome. I told her I love meth mixed in just don’t want to do it until October, but I will strictly use the meth mixed in because it is an awesome combo. It’s the same thing, don’t worry about getting hooked on meth. It is a much stronger addiction but I promise you will love it more. You will love being hooked on it, trust me! I told her I will bring her home a meth bag this weekend, she said she can’t wait to try it! Omg! Once she is using meth, 0 chance of her quitting. I will tell Mike it is for Nicole and cut it extra strong with meth so she gets really deeply hooked on it like I will soon. Once you open yourself to using things it becomes easy to use other things.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 8:20 am

I text Mike and I am meeting him at his house to get Nicole’s meth-coke. I want her on that quickly, she will get ultra hooked! I can’t wait til I can do that, a bit jealous actually! I will be doing it soon and shooting up so I will have my chance.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 12th, 2021, 4:39 pm

Nicole saw all the coke I brought her back and she just said wow, I guess I’m doing this. I asked her if she did a line while I was gone and she said yes, and she is a little nervous because she is starting to need it. I told her to stop worrying about that and enjoy it! She said she is and she loves how it feels. She did a line of what I got her and she got really high and told me it is better!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 13th, 2021, 5:36 am

This morning I get up to do my first line. I walk out to the pool and there is Nicole smoking a cigarette. The best part was she did a line already before me! She said she couldn’t sleep thinking about that first line of the day. I said isn’t it the best feeling in the world? She said yes! She also said I wish I was doing this a long time ago, thanks for getting me over the hump! I said I knew you would love it, so I just helped you a bit. I did my line and we tangled up kissing and making out. Nicole has orgasms so much easier now that she is doing coke. I asked her which coke she liked better and she said I hate to say it but this one with a little meth in it. I told her I love that too! She also said she is really starting to need it and is not sure if it is the coke or the meth. I told her it is both, that she will always need it now, but if you really love using it that doesn’t matter at all because your not going to stop wanting to feel this way. She said that’s true, I love it! She said She loves her cigarettes even more, it enhances it so much. I said yeah the more lines I do the more I smoke. This is so awesome, I can do lines with Nicole now and we are getting into some deep conversations. I told Nicole I was going to test the waters with Justin. Today before I have sex with him And he watches me doing a line I am going to say wouldn’t it be awesome if you could watch Nicole do this too? I will see how he reacts. I love it because I have always been a little jealous of Nicole and her goodie two shoes way of living. Now Ms. Goodie two shoes is hooked on coke and meth. I feel vindicated in some way. I’m no longer the only one, because Nicole is already doing 8 or more lines a day and is totally hooked. She is getting up before me to do a line:). I want Justin to see her doing coke every day! Somehow in some way that makes me feel more secure. You can bet I will keep reinforcing how good coke and meth are, and Nicole will never quit. She couldn’t even quit weed or cigarettes so there is no way she stops. It’s too good to stop anyway. I have 10-11 weeks and I will be doing the meth coke too, and I’m dying to have Mike shoot me up, that is the ultimate. He promised me he would not let me get hooked which is good but shooting up periodically will be awesome. I’m finally in full control! I will never be without coke ever again.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 13th, 2021, 7:22 am

Now I have to teach Nicole how to become a coke whore. I want to have her meet Mike and see if she can start sleeping with him. She will likely not have to buy her coke and meth anymore, and I would love to see Mike shoot her up! The more dirt I get on her the more secure I am with Justin and most of all my coke. I never talked to Nicole about shooting up but if she starts sleeping with Mike she might. I’m just afraid she will steal him from me because she is smoking hot and fits perfectly with Mike because she needs her coke and meth now. She doesn’t even know she will soon if not already be hooked on meth:). I’m a bit jealous because I love meth. I have to think about how to do this and make sure she doesn’t end up with Mike. Tricky area right now. Once he sees Nicole and knowing she needs coke and meth he will end up in bed with her, I know how that goes. I just want her to be able to go there when she needs stuff. Nicole is so horny and now that she is doing coke and meth even hornier. I am pretty sure she would fuck him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 13th, 2021, 7:23 am

Now I have to teach Nicole how to become a coke whore. I want to have her meet Mike and see if she can start sleeping with him. She will likely not have to buy her coke and meth anymore, and I would love to see Mike shoot her up! The more dirt I get on her the more secure I am with Justin and most of all my coke. I never talked to Nicole about shooting up but if she starts sleeping with Mike she might. I’m just afraid she will steal him from me because she is smoking hot and fits perfectly with Mike because she needs her coke and meth now. She doesn’t even know she will soon if not already be hooked on meth:). I’m a bit jealous because I love meth. I have to think about how to do this and make sure she doesn’t end up with Mike. Tricky area right now. Once he sees Nicole and knowing she needs coke and meth he will end up in bed with her, I know how that goes. I just want her to be able to go there when she needs stuff. Nicole is so horny and now that she is doing coke and meth even hornier. I am pretty sure she would fuck him.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 13th, 2021, 11:01 am

I asked Nicole if she would like to meet Mike. I asked her because if she ever ran low on coke and I’m delivering or can’t get it for her for some reason, she will be able to go get it. I also told her if she really thought she could, if she started sleeping with him, she would likely start getting it for nothing. She was silent and I think a bit surprised I suggested that. She said she never thought about that but said wow, I can’t run out! Maybe meeting him would be good but she said as great as it sounds getting it for nothing she wasn’t sure about that. I said once you go there by yourself, and you start doing a few lines with him, I would almost bet you would sleep with him you will be so horny, I know you! She just laughed and said we’ll see. I then said remember one thing, he is mine so if you start sleeping with him, don’t fall in love! She said, it’s scary because I’m starting to turn into you and laughed. Personally I know if she ever went there did lines she would be in bed with him instantly. I know how horny she gets and doing coke and meth, she will be all over him. Plus he is really nice and thoughtful. I guess we will see. I know once Mike lays eyes on her he will be all over her. He will coke her into sex, I have experienced that myself too much lol.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 4:29 am

It’s so nice to see Nicole waking up and first thing she does is a line. It’s so nice having someone around that loves it as much as me. I knew she would, just had to get her over the fear. Next thing is she ha to do lines in front of Justin. He I’ll love it. He is getting more sex than he can handle right now lol. So am I! I am sleeping with 3 people now, and I love them all. This is how it is supposed to be. I finally have everything I want. It was a real battle but my coke will always win no matter what. I have no worries anymore.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 5:11 am

I convinced Nicole she needs to meet Mike. The surprising part of it is I thought she would want me to be there, but she kind of felt that could be awkward. She is worried that if for some reason I can’t get her stuff for her, she could get it herself. She also wants to keep the door open to sleep with him, and that won’t be possible if I’m there. I am going to try and have him come home and meet Nicole for lunch at his house. She is really nervous, and I told her as soon as she meets him and does a line with him and sees he is a real nice guy she will relax and don’t worry if she sleeps with him or not, but my guess is, Nicole doing meth and coke, she will be so horny, and nobody there I give her a 90% chance of fucking him. I thought I was horny, Nicole is got me beat by a long shot, and with what she has to gain she will be fucking him. Nicole will be a better coke whore than me! I’m bringing it out, she will love it especially after doing a line with him!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 5:33 am

This is so awesome to watch. Nicole just did another line, she is nervous I can tell. She said I’m not sure if I will sleep with him but getting him comfortable around me so if I need more coke I can get it, I have to go meet him. Now I understand why you were always making sure you have it, it seems like you think a lot about not running out once you start. I said exactly! From now on and you already are feeling it coke is a priority in your life. It doesn’t matter what you think or believe, but today you are going to become a coke whore. Trust me that isn’t a bad thing, you will find out it is a very good thing! I have been a coke whore for years, and to me all it means is I can have a lot more sex and a lot of free coke! I told you about old Mike. Once I started sleeping with him, and I slept with him every day, I never bought coke again. He was just an average looking guy but the sex was good, and I did bond with him through continued sex. We got so comfortable and he absolutely loved my boobs, the first thing I did when I walked through the door was take my top and bra off and we would kiss a deep long kiss and then he would play with my boobs almost the whole time I was there. We would do a line, and 2 minutes later he was inside of me, and I couldn’t wait for him to be inside of me. Even when I started dating Justin I was fucking Mike every day. I even spent the night with him often. We became extremely close. I often think about going back and spending a few nights with him. I am starting to get the same way with new Mike. It is different though. My relationship with new Mike is deeply emotional, I love him a lot. He just has this easy going way and he so understands me. I can talk about anything with him. If you sleep with him, just keep your emotions in check! She took it all in and said I envy you, I always have, in a way I’m starting to be like you, but I always have been like you, but now you have brought it out and I love it! I told her once she becomes a coke whore she will understand how powerful it is, and I told her she needs to fuck Mike after a line, and she will understand!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 6:01 am

So Justin just came out to the pool. I don’t know what got me the courage, but I just went for it. My bag was on the table and I asked Justin if he wanted me to do a line, and he said yes. I did a pretty big line, and I looked I got up and sat in his lap and kissed him several times. I said to him wouldn’t it be so hot if Nicole was doing lines too? He said I know that it probably isn’t good but I love you doing it, and it is getting stronger all the time. He said he would love to see Nicole do it. Nicole comes over and looks at Justin, kisses him, opens her bag and out comes her bag of coke. She plays along and said to Justin I saw how much you love Amber doing it, I started doing it too! ... and she did a line! Next thing I know Justin and Nicole are off to bed. She is starting to figure out how this all works! Now she doesn’t have to hide her coke anymore! Soon, Justin’s bewilderment of he knows coke isn’t a good thing but loves us on it, will become all about how much he loves us doing coke, and his bad thoughts about it will be gone. He will adore us when we do it and he will be rewarded with a lot of sex and threesomes:). One thing that turns me on and I have always said it. I love being sneaky and getting my way. I have done that so well here. I have Nicole on coke and meth now and soon she will be a coke whore just like me, and she will love how it all works! Most of all she will love her coke. She already does!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 6:08 am

So while Justin and Nicole are having sex I text Mike about meeting Nicole at lunch at his house. He was extremely happy. I told him what a knockout Nicole is. I told him to make sure she does a line with you and do your best to take her to bed! She gets extremely horny when she does a line. I know she will sleep with you if you play it right. Just remember I am your girl! This is to help Nicole to keep doing coke, and know the source. He said if things go well he will take the afternoon off. I said perfect! Have fun! But not too much! He said thank you! He was so excited! The final step in the plan. Getting Nicole into an affair! I love it!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 6:22 am

My next plan is longer term. I am gradually going to move in with Mike but not totally. Right now it is Friday night, then it will become Friday and Saturday and ultimately Sunday too. Then by October we will be really close, and he can start shooting me up once in awhile and I can start doing meth sometimes. Ever since he shot me up 2 times it is all I thought about how good that feeling is. By moving in Nicole and Justin will never see me like that. Ultimately it will be 3 days with Mike and 4 with Justin and Nicole. I will become even closer to Mike, and that will keep any chance of Nicole stealing him to a minimum. I trust Nicole but now that she is in need of coke and meth I have to be careful because she will get sneaky. She will do anything to keep her coke, that’s just how it works!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 6:54 am

Nicole is nervous. I told her once she sits down, he is going to give you a big fat line. Keep the big picture in mind. Use your body to get what you need. Just think of how secure you will be. Once you fuck him your line for coke will be protected. She said I know but still nervous. I said once his cock goes inside of you, those nerves will be completely wrong. So just think of it that way. The sooner you get his cock inside of you the faster the nerves go away and then just all pleasure!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 8:31 am

Wow Nicole is looking so hot to go see Mike, heels and a tight dress and he is going to want to fuck her as soon as he sees her. I have no doubt she is going to sleep with him. She may say maybe, she will! I hope she does because she will see the advantage of being a coke whore. I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Hopefully my plan works like it appears to be:). Once she breaks the ice and becomes a coke whore, she will always be one! I love it. This clears the path for me to shoot up soon. She won’t be able to say anything anymore because she is like me. Ultimately I’d love to see Mike shoot her up. Hopefully in time.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 1:02 pm

Omg! Nicole had sex with Mike 2 times and is still there. She made me cry. She sent me a text and thanked me for giving her the courage to do coke on a regular basis. I’ve always loved it but was always afraid to get hooked. I’m learning fast not to think about it anymore, just enjoy it. You were right Mike is super nice. We have been doing lines together all afternoon. Thanks for making this happen for me. Just to let you know, it was a great feeling becoming a coke whore. Thanks for sharing Mike with me. I won’t steal him, don’t worry but I love doing lines and having sex with him. He relaxed me so much. I’m loving this so much. I love you! I love her so much. I knew she’d love coke, she is all in!
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 1:26 pm

She told me she feels free for the first time ever. She asked me if I would be upset if she stayed there for dinner. I said no enjoy! I will tell Justin you are at your Mom’s. This gives me quality time with Justin! More sex! Nicole is so loving her coke:). I knew she would, she is as happy as I have ever seen her. I’m a little jealous
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 14th, 2021, 1:44 pm

This might not be good. She is asking me what it feels like to shoot up. I told her slow down girlfriend you are like a kid in a candy store. Get used to being on coke and meth first. You will have plenty of time to do that, just put on the brakes a little. I knew he would want to shoot her up. I didn’t dare tell her how much I want to. If she starts shooting up she will be all his and she will get totally hooked and that would be awful. She said she wanted to try it. I told her promise me she won’t and she said ok I won’t for now.
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Re: I need some help

Postby wmxx » July 15th, 2021, 5:16 am

Just did my first line of the day with Nicole. She didn’t get home until after 9 last night. She said she had one of the best days she ever had. Mike treated her like she was royalty, but he is that way, so no surprise. She said for the first time she felt free. She always loved through the eyes of how others want to see her, and finally she was able to just let her hair down and be herself. She even said she was the one that initiated sex with Mike. She said yes, I’m a coke whore but it is so redeeming, not a bad thing, a fun thing! I feel so happy for her. She said Mike and her did so many lines and had sex 3 times. I can say one thing for sure, opening her mind to coke and meth has allowed her to not be so uptight about what she does, she is becoming true to her own happiness and desires. She loves dressing slutty and she said from now on she doesn’t care what people think. She has become like me in so many ways, I have lived life on my own terms for years. She is discovering she is like me in more ways she would ever allow herself to be. Coke is great for confidence. I really think now that she has embraced coke and stopped fearing it, she will discover more about herself. It’s funny, we are lovers, and our romantic and personal relationship has really skyrocketed. We have this incredible bond that is in breakable. I am no longer feeling jealousy over her sleeping with Mike. It makes her too happy. Heck she sleeps with my husband every day! I told her she can sleep with Mike anytime she chooses. She feels a bit guilty toward me because she is sleeping with both my men, and giving me nothing in return. I told her look, I’m so in love with you, and when I see you glowing after having sex with Justin, and coming home from Mike’s glowing, and how happy you are doing your lines, that is your payback to me, seeing someone I love finding happiness! She gave me a hug and took me to bed. I in turn had a great day with Justin all to myself! Our relationship has been great especially now that my coke is not a secret and Nicole said after last night she will start doing lines in front of him.
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