Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop

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Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop

Postby Trystero58 » September 14th, 2021, 12:06 pm

Re Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop Starring Mistress Clarissa. Would appreciate anyone who has purchased either or both of these files these provide comments.

Is there background music? If so it is at a level that is distracting?
How would you rate the induction, body and awakener (if any)?
Does the UK terminology used in these files cause you any issue if you are not from the UK?
Any other comments or suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop

Postby Shadowsheep » September 15th, 2021, 1:25 pm

I purchased the Bedwetting file (not the loop)

There is lullaby in a few parts of the file, but the rest has no background music. There is a subliminal whisper that can be heard through out. Not distracting at all.

I really liked the induction of this file. It feels as if Mistress Clarissa is explaining who I am and that it is okay to be kinky and like the things I like. All this is done while also taking you down into trance.

The body worked well, there is conditioning, lots of positive reinforcement and good descriptions.

I’m not the best at judging awakeners, but to me it was okay. It’s slow count up with some more reinforcement at the end. It left me feeling pretty good on awakening.

I did not find the UK terms distracting( I am from the US). Even though “diapers” has a strong connection to me, “nappies” did not distract from the overall feeling or idea of the file. Descriptions of the items mentioned are done well so there is no confusion because of the terms used.

The way the file is conveyed and the message that Mistress Clarissa is giving you, I feel that if I did listen to this file often enough I would start wetting the bed all the time. The way the language and positive reinforcement work together to convince me, that this how I will be for the rest of life and I will enjoy it, leaves me with a great impression of the file. I enjoyed it through and through and recommend it if this is your goal.

Let me know if this helped
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Re: Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop

Postby Trystero58 » September 15th, 2021, 1:48 pm

Thank you for your prompt feedback on the MsJ, Mistress Clarissa Bedwetting file. In the past I have purchased MsJ, Mistress Clarissa Diaper Dreams Loop file. As many times as I have listened to the Diaper Dreams Loop file I am unable to recall any of it. I must be going deep without realizing when listening to Mistress Clarissa. Based on your description and impressions It sounds like the new file is one I should add to my listening.
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Re: Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop

Postby Shadowsheep » September 16th, 2021, 10:15 am

Have you had success with the Diaper Dreams Loop file? I have never tried listening to loop files at night. Do you use headphones or play it over speakers?
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Re: Bedwetting and Bedwetter Loop

Postby Trystero58 » September 16th, 2021, 11:16 am

Not as a loop, just listening all the way through and then I shut off my player. I listen with ear buds. I've owned the Diaper Dreams Loop file for a while, only listen once in a while. The words "nappy" and "nappies" do not get my attention the way the word "diaper" (not used in the Diaper Dreams Loop file BTW), does.

I always fall asleep while listening to this file. I can never remember all of what is in the file. Later, I have trouble remembering any part of the file. In summary, Mistress Clarissa's voice is very soothing. If I had a full bladder then I would certainly release while listening. I have not experienced any long term changes, at least not yet.

Originally there were two files Diaper Dreams and Diaper Dreams Loop. The Loop file was listed under MsJ and the other under Mistress Clarissa. The loop file was slightly longer, had additional content authored by MsJ so I purchased that one.

Ideally there would be one series of files for those who respond to the UK references and one for those of us who respond to the US words.
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Joined: September 28th, 2005, 12:00 am

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