trance challanged

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trance challanged

Postby nikolus69 » December 16th, 2005, 7:17 pm

i would like to know what its like to go into a trance im trying the furry transformation thing i just cant go into one i need tips help crap like that
(edit) i also would like links to files that help me like the furry sumblim i keep hearing bout but cant find
Posts: 7
Joined: December 16th, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby devonimp » December 16th, 2005, 10:47 pm

How long have you been trying to slip into trance?
What kind of files have you been listening to?
It can take practice and regular sessions to achieve trance. I've been at it a few weeks and I have yet to, as far as I know, trance an entire session.
I reccomend what people have reccomended to me. Start light with inductions <Confusion induction and Focus induction are my personal favourites> and Deepening or Deepening2.
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Joined: October 24th, 2005, 12:00 am


Postby nikolus69 » December 16th, 2005, 11:39 pm

i have for 2 days now and im just out freash of trying it agine im lising to Brainwave Generator with-deep1/2 and trainsusept whatever well id like to know if im close i kinda tuned out a lot of things that id normally give thought too but i was fully aware plus at the end i kinda have something like a headache but not a headache
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Joined: December 16th, 2005, 1:00 am

Postby devonimp » December 17th, 2005, 1:03 am

If you are at all like me, you will need alot more than two days :P. I've been at it for over a month. Just gotta stick with it.
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Postby nikolus69 » December 17th, 2005, 5:51 am

did u have anything like i described yet? have you got near transe or nearer like i think i did? and on a totally unrelatied question do u like pee,s :P
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Postby tercota » December 19th, 2005, 1:02 am

I have had a lot of problems going into trance. I've started going really deep only once or twice since I joined. I have very analytical mind.

I was recently some advice by one of the other members, Ceot, on how to focus my mind when I'm listening to a file, or practicing self-hypnosis. You need to think about what it would be like to actually be a certain animal or anthro. Ceot can prbably explain it better than me.

Read through some of the other posts in the forum on what to expect while going under.

Don't give up, keep working at it.
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Postby nikolus69 » December 26th, 2005, 1:31 pm

i tried the bravewave gerator recording it in my own voice and lisining to it 3 times in a row i still am not even in the lightest trance >_< probly becuase wehn i record in my voice there is a airplane takeoff worth of static..lisin if anyone could point me to a extreamly powerful method of self hypnosis i would be greatefull im starting to think i dont even have a subconcies
o and sorry for my bad spelling i type at mach 3
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Postby Kharon » January 10th, 2006, 12:45 pm

I have had my best success getting into trance when I'm at a point where my mind is just too tired to bother trying to analyze it. I can achieve a trance at almost any time with a decent induction, but I've found several times at night that I was getting much more out of it because my mind was just too tired to bother analyzing the experience. And no, I wasn't falling asleep, because I was aware of the trance and files, just not analyzing them like I usually do.

For those with an analytical mind, a little sleep deprivation might help your mind reach a point where it stops trying to analyze (maybe try going about 28-30 hours if if wouldn't impact your normal life) and just accepts the trance. Once you achieve a good trance, your mind will probably be more open to it in the future, depending on how long you were there and how many times you get there. Note that I don't recommend repeatedly denying yourself sleep just to help you improve trance, just that it might help a bit if you do it once or twice.
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Re: .

Postby wdbames » January 10th, 2006, 5:34 pm

nikolus69 wrote:i have for 2 days now and im just out freash of trying it agine im lising to Brainwave Generator with-deep1/2 and trainsusept whatever well id like to know if im close i kinda tuned out a lot of things that id normally give thought too but i was fully aware plus at the end i kinda have something like a headache but not a headache

The thing You describe as like a headache, but not a headache, happens to me every time I trance. This is a sign that You are starting to make real progress. Your mind is learning how to trance. The thing now is to just relax and let it happen. fucus on what the speaker is saying. This will help keep Your mind from wandering. Just relax and have fun with it.
You are relaxed and obedient....
So completely relaxed.
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