by Muggster » December 9th, 2023, 2:38 pm
Jack's file's got it's charms, deffo. I love the neutrality and evenness of his voice in that one. He does good work and even with the blase attitude he takes to his subject, his presence shines through and intrigues you well enough to lull you in and make you accept what's gonna happen next: the casual and methodical way with which he instills in you -- the patient and ever present listener -- the reinforcement of the tighty whitey wearer identity you may not have even know you needed.
Technical competency aside, the commission-nature of the file is apparent in the repeated emphasis to switch from boxers. You're switching from boxers. You're giving up boxers. You never cared for boxers. Boxers itch and sag and offer no support. Love white briefs, bro. Crisp, white, clean, stoic, manly.
They're what you gotta wear, man.
When you sit and listen, you can hear how he sounds like he's taking a request which he's executing to the best of his abilities. He's received a set of instructions and is performing flawlessly. He's stand-up gent and a renegade artist-craftsman and you will praise him for he has delivered the goods.
Rick the Tist's similarly much worthy and more than adequate file has a similar problem in the opening visualization induction where you walk past multiple walk-in closets worth of designer underwear (Only his first Gruntboy file knocked me as deep, bro) before allowing you total immersion in the endless sea of crisp white cotton now forever swathing and girdling your leaky, throbbing lprick. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knockin it. The underlying reasoning is clear.
When you're a fine young man switching back to classical, fraternity-style, brotherlover briefs after cementing an intention to rip out the validation-based inferiority implant chipped into you by advertising sorcerers, you're gonna wanna move away from that association by firmly anchoring and abandoning it.
You know that briefs represent a set of strangely alternative and persistently classical values based around commitment and vulnerability, which is the reason you wanna make the total and complete switch to nothing but briefs. Always white briefs. Always. White briefs only choice. Post about it online, take photos of yourself in your briefs and find ways to be discreet about being seen in your briefs publicly ... at least until you're ready to man up and start boldly striding forward in nothing but your tight snug obnoxiously masculine and revealing undies which hurt poor lil baby eyes and so draw total attention to your leaky bulge.
For those reasons, I'm still always gonna prefer Tighty Whitey Briefs curse for its exclusively of subject and style of sibilant whispering; the atmosphere of total absorption, gradual entrapment, of which the climax of Rick's file is a spectacular full-surround re-distillation, the feeling of continuous and utter beckoning is and remains the reasons why I've been in white briefs three years and got no desire to switch, bro.
It's real conductive to looping if you snip out the induction. It announces you're listening to the tight whitey briefs curse and that you want to be listening to it.
Then the reinforcement begins and continues.
For this reason, Rick the Tist's file is also conductive to looping, for the induction composes part of the body and only brief section containing to the non-briefs need to be abridged. Then you can leave your headphone on, bro. Tighty whitey loops on repeat. Turning your brain to mush, browsing Reddit, browsing Tumblr, lookin at other dues in their whities, brain turning to mush on white brief hypno, bro.
Totally easy to let yourself get trapped and tricked into briefs, nothin but briefs forever, bro. Like the other dude said. Wrapped up in BVDS.
Feels good, feels right. Feels free.