Trouble listening to the same file over and over again...

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Trouble listening to the same file over and over again...

Postby Portalboat » October 14th, 2012, 11:46 pm

So I'm trying to listen to the TrigWoman2 w binaural and subliminal effects file, and listening to the same file over and over and over again (mainly the inductions, as I feel like I can get into a deep enough trance by myself now) is just really boring.

Additionally, if I don't see any progress I tend to get discouraged, but I know that you have listen to it a bunch of times in order for it to be really effective. But if I'm not seeing any progress, I don't want to listen to it, and if I don't listen to it I won't see any progress, etc etc.

Do you guys have any advice for me?
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Postby heinz85 » October 15th, 2012, 5:31 am

You could get an audio editing program like audacity. Trim the existing induction from the file and add a shorter one or one that you like better. :idea:
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Postby Kharon » October 16th, 2012, 8:44 am

Don't just sit down and listen it over and over. Listen to it once, then do something else after it finishes. You can listen as much as you like, and if it's boring, you've listened more than you like. My personal suggestion is either once per day or twice per day (morning and evening), and I've tried the continuous loop before.

As far as not seeing progress, a lesson I learned early on in my hypnotic studies was this: If you want progress, you may want to make progress yourself. Play along with what you know you are supposed to feel or do or think when triggered or as a result of suggestions. By doing this, you tell yourself that it's good and okay to do this, which helps you stop blocking the suggestions from settling in.

Finally, if you want to see progress, record a test file. Trigger yourself, allow yourself to remain triggered for several minutes, and then trigger yourself back to normal. Use the advice above if you want to see it work -- it may feel like playing along is just playing along, and not genuine, but it helps your mind accept the act as the proper response.
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Postby Foxfuz » October 16th, 2012, 11:36 pm

If you want progress I would suggest that you should pretend to be a good hypnotizable subject. By this I mean, whenever a suggestion is given (example: relax your feet) allow it to effect you and feel and/or imagine your being effected by the suggestion.

Also, another way to look at it is learning. Hypnosis is a lot like learning in a classroom except with hypnosis your in a deeper state of focus. So when your told to do something such as: relaxing, focusing, or whatever is in the induction, learn what the hypnotist is telling you.

This works great for hypnotherapists and stage hypnotists. The reason being is because you are putting yourself inca state of mind that is willing to co-operate with the hypnotist and changes to your mind can be fulfilled.
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Postby bookreader231490 » April 8th, 2013, 5:31 pm

I had this problem myself and the way I dealt with it was to A) try multiple inductions, and B) I put a body file after the awakener, I put it after the awakener so it doesn't actually hypnotize me since all I'm looking for is a mental break from the monotony of listening to induction after induction.

I'm no expert btw, but this worked for me. It helped me trance deeper, I doubt it would work for getting triggers to sink in, but you said you were just listening to inductions so I hope this helps.
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Postby lew897 » May 22nd, 2013, 7:34 pm

For me, Ive had this interesting way of thinking as well. But to me, it always seems to come back to being able to trance better. I sorta did what most people do randomly pick files and listen. Which helps because you find something that helps a bit and youll want to stick with it. I found that EMGs accerator, deepner2 and visualize help have all three working together put my mind into some kind of hypnotizeable mold. I listen to two files ina row, twice a day and it has done wonders for me. I also still listen randomly to files to test myself, mixed with enjoyment of the files. lol.
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