Are there any files designed to make a girl more Dominant?

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Are there any files designed to make a girl more Dominant?

Postby alrightdriver » April 22nd, 2013, 1:29 pm

My gf wants to become a dominatrix but get nervous and could use some help.
perhaps a file to make her think about being the Dominant one more, and to help her enjoy being in control more. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. My searches have found nothing that i think would help.
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Joined: April 21st, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby HuntingWolf30 » May 4th, 2013, 4:49 pm

"confidence booster" is a file to help be more assertive, which is a primary thing for a dom. I've also been nervous in the dominant role and can say that confidence in one's self is essential. A sub can sense hesitation easily and it throws them off their personal groove. Planning a session out, while leaving a little room for ad-lib, helps.
I will say that if she is not a solid dominant personality, it won't be easy to change into one. This kind of stuff takes time and experience. Mentoring under another dom can be more helpful than any book, though some of the books help.
Good luck.
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Joined: February 25th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby Midnight68652 » June 16th, 2013, 7:14 pm

I think in your case you might need an actual hypnotist. Somebody to bring this desire more to the front of her mind. Because I've found that people who tend to be stronger minded with desires to control don't do well with files. Too impersonal. So I say find a hypnotist to help ya out he can adjust it to get your guys desired results.

As always when i say you need a hypnotist I offer my services. If you want hit me up.

Yahoo: midnight68652
Aim: midnight6865
Skype: midnight68652
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Postby chewtoy » January 14th, 2014, 3:05 pm

There are a few files out there written for this purpose. I have one called Enjoy the Top:

I wrote it in a more permissive, visualization sort of style than my usual, since that made more sense to me writing for dominant subjects. :)
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