Rules of Unspoken Ethics Of Hypnotism (UEOH)

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Rules of Unspoken Ethics Of Hypnotism (UEOH)

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » May 1st, 2013, 10:46 pm

As a "tist" we are responsible for those who entrust us to do to them what they wish. it is an unspoken bond that is easily broken if the "subject" feels they are not being "used" properly.The following are the "unspoken" or "known" ethics of being a good hypnotist..

Too many times i have heard, or seen the abuses that have occured by novice tists or people who fancy on being one. Words are magical, powerful. From Politcians who solicit our trusting them to Druids, witches and the ilk, we use words to encite and elicit a desired response.

When Tisting or "tizing" you need to follow the basics:

1. Triple "R" Respect, Recognize,Reply. Respect their limits, recognize those limits, and Reply acknowlegement of them. this is a bond, a commitment to those terms. failing to do so will nullify the bond and neutralize the trust.

2. Check often. always have some sort of check and balance before, during, and after the trance of subject to make sure they are comfortable, happy with the current situation. use safeties to take them out if the are aprehensive, or upset, or anxious. it is not about the power we weild, but how judiciously we use it

3. Clarity. Be sure that both you as Tist and your subject are fully aware of the consequences and reasons for the trance and/or hypnotic suggestions.

4. Be concious at all times of your actions. We must as tists devote our undivided attention to what we are doing. intent focus will inhibit lack of perceived feeling. it will also prevent unintended results.

5. Be Thankful. Do not assume that people will automatically thank you for your time or efforts. but, be thankful of your subject for taking the time to work with you. This will enhance your bond with your subject should you continue working with them

6. Resist the urge to "abuse" your talents and powers. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely. be cautious to not overstep your limits and cause irreprible harm

7. Be Humble. Do not think that just because you have the power to 'tize someone that you are some hot-dog hypnotist. people do not respond well to arrogance.

8. Reputation. Be aware that your reputation is what sells your ability. always remember word of mouth will either make you or break you. if you are a good TIST, then people will flock to you. Become a bad one, and they will avoid you like the plague.

9. Always rememebr to respect Other Masters/Mistress' in regards to whom you are working with. always ask the subject if they have a master or mistress or tist they work with regularly. make sure that their mentor is ok with you working with them. this will prevent ill feelings all around.

10. Never, take on more than you can handle at one time. Set schedules if you have more than one subject you are going to work with. Set it and dont forget it. be sure to live up to your word, as much as possible. be respectful of your subjects' normal everyday life and schedules. Your subjects will feel like you dont care personally about them. this will negate the trust you have worked so hard to build.

11. Always remember to have fun. If its not fun, its work. We all work as it is. this is for enjoyment for most. if it feels too much like work, you may become stressed out and transfer your feelings to your subject intentionally or unintentionally. Be aware of your limits in this regard.

12. Keep Logs. this will help prevent any "he said she said" stuff regarding any potential issues with your subject. Do not just throw them out there and bad mouth your subject, this is unprofessional. use them if needed to show mods that you were in the guidelines of the chat/session

13. Composure. Always try to maintain a fun, yet, professional composure when tisting whether on the website or in private. Remember, you represent all of us. Tists will get upset with Bad Tists. as it mars our reputation. that makes it doubly hard to hypnotize one who has had a bad experience.

14. If you do not feel you can andhere to any of these simple golden rule like principles, then please .. dont try to hypnotize people. it is all about respect. For one's self and others.

thank you for reading this. If you have anything to add, please feel free

HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
Joined: March 4th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby qv » May 2nd, 2013, 1:04 am

Just dropping off some other WMM threads that get into ethics in hypnosis, though keep in mind, they delve into some true horror stories...
I also have other threads from other sites, but I don't want to advertise... :?



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Postby Joybringer » May 2nd, 2013, 12:48 pm

I've been involved in erotic hypnosis for a little over 3 years as both hypnotist and subject. Ethics in this practice are not optional. If you are not handling yourself ethically, you are a predator not a hypnotist. Here are some of my own policies, which have some overlap with Mistress Squirrel's.

1. First, do no harm. If your subject gets fired because he can no longer do his job, you're doing it wrong. I'm dubious of financial domination from the start; if your subject is inconvenienced by it, you're doing it wrong. I've seen a story of someone made to compulsively urinate during interviews: that's predation not hypnosis. Files attempting to intentionally induce mental illness are not good things.

2. Do not incite illegal action. This is to protect both of you. There's an otherwise interesting animal transformation file with a nontrivial cumulative suggestion to engage in actual bestiality. Do not do this.

3. Set reasonable triggers if they are openly triggerable. "Sleep" is not an acceptable trance trigger. "Obey" is not an acceptable command trigger. Public triggering with common phrases can at times be good fun but don't tie it to a disruptive response. There is a sliding scale there.

4. Age is a concern. It's the internet, so people can lie their asses off and we can't stop that. However, to the extent that we can trust self-identifications, I refuse to entrance anyone under 18 and engage in only soft activity and safety building with anyone 18-21, if that. This isn't a toy and it isn't for kids.

5. This shouldn't even need to be said. Do not attempt to subvert hard boundaries or defeat safeties. If you are that unhappy with your subject's limitations, they are not for you. Luckily, there is no subject shortage.

6. Encourage strong safeties. Responsible BDSM practioners discuss safety before bringing out the straps and paddles and responsible hypnotists do likewise. Strong safeties make the experience better for everyone. If your subject doesn't have safeties or they aren't adequate, discuss that with them, especially if you're doing more than a one-off! Conversely, don't assume the safeties are strong or adequate! Check in with your subject. You are responsible for your subjects' well-being. I consider my own safeties the most important part of my experience as a subject; folks on IRC can talk about my extremely fast recent triggering, but I'm able to enjoy that openness because, in part, I know that it will not trouble me during the day, when it isn't my safe mind time. In the end, the limitations make the experience broader. Teach this.
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Postby mystic-wolf » May 5th, 2013, 1:08 pm

Hm, Both of you have earned my respect as subject and person, though never myself have i ever really felt like trusting a tist due too what the bad kind of tists actually do, thats why i use sound files only and never asked a tist actively to hypnotize for things i want to try out, out of fear of them giving suggestions that i don't want like changing my personality, mentality and sexuality.
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Postby NomdeFemme » June 22nd, 2013, 2:24 pm

What a wonderful thread. Thank you!

I've played with a lot of hypnotists, and I'd say very few of them were safe and ethical.

But also, very few of them were what I'd consider predators, genuinely abusive types. Most were actually pretty decent people, but they just lacked the knowledge and more importantly the mindfulness to think about their responsibilities. They were just interested in having a good time, and didn't think carefully about what they were doing.

Hopefully some of them will read threads like this, and start taking a bit more care.
Posts: 3
Joined: June 21st, 2007, 12:00 am

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