Moderator: EMG
boy_arthur_tx wrote:Comments can help a new hypnotist to improve or maybe just provide encouragement to try again. PM is okay.
A '5' vote helps, a comment helps more.
A '1' vote without a comment - doesn't give a hypnotist the information about what was wrong: the voice, the pacing, the script, the idea itself?
the idea itself? Then why did you download the file?
The few people who take the time to enter comments either in forum, 'comments' for the file or pm helped me improve (a lot?).
The 'reverb' helped me to listen to my own files.
The ''reverb' didn't help others, was a distraction.
Too fast, slow it down. Okay, what files do i like? Slow down and imitate those who are already successful.
Thank you to each and every one who voted on my files.
A special thank you to those who hoped i could improve and help me do so by entering comments.
Tangy, hopefully, others will add comments for you.
i usually read the descriptions of all NEW files.
i sometimes post comments.
i don't have any 'Tangy' files in my playlist, right now.
The files you have don't match my current needs - admitted that i am VERY picky and sometimes weird.
p.s. Writing this at 3:19 am. Ever notice that the CHIRPING sound caused by an old battery in the smoke detector mostly starts between 1 and 4 in the morning?
lew897 wrote:Also, it seems like the only way to get good at a file is to listen over and over to an extent, what would be the point of critical thinking if your susposed to listen over and over and it still didnt work out. The person then is discouraged and rage quits and says they cant be hypnotized. Or vice versa, they are very suggestable and say it was a blast and the best file they ever listened to.
The point would be letting the hypnotist know that their file isn't as effective as hoped. When someone comes to me, mentioning that on of my files didn't work well for them, I tend to ask a handful of questions to try and figure out what kept that person from dropping and enjoying my file, and I keep their answers in mind when it comes time to record a new file.
slutinmyhead wrote:Whether I post new recordings or remove old ones is often determined by feedback or lack thereof. Files that don't get enough, I take down. When I don't get feedback for a while, I decide to charge for recordings that had been free and usually pursue interests more related to my day job. I ditch the community for a while... However, when I do get feedback, especially when it's frequent, I post files more frequently and lower prices.
I expect I will eventually fade away completely, as more and more, I am living the life I could previously only express online... And I'm certainly not getting the reinforcement online to keep me interested.
I remember how much it once meant to me to find a like-minded community of hypnofetishists... I have met a handful of really cool people... However, I'm definitely not getting enough attention for the work I put in... It seems it's that way for most of us... A shame...
xavious wrote:My problem is that the site has some formatting issues in the file and journal comment systems making commenting messy and difficult, so I prefer not to, at least not there. Also much of my response tends to be critique which I know that some people don't like, especially with many tists having dom attitudes that they dislike being challenged.
I actually had someone giving me the third degree because of comments I made over music players the other day so I've generally learned to keep my mouth shut a lot of these days.
WatDo wrote:Give your opinion and just don't give a fuck about what people think about it. Every bit is helpful. And if someone critiques it, oh well, what does it do to you?
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