Anal only

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

Moderator: EMG

Anal only

Postby ToolKing » August 28th, 2013, 1:45 am

I would like 2 hypnosis files for my girlfriend and I.

Mine would help me focus on having anal only or oral only after anal. One that would make me want to abandon her vagina from any stimulation.

Hers would help her abandon her vagina from any and all stimulation during sex. Something like a mantra that helps her acnowledge her anus as her only sexual hole except for her mouth after the dick has been in her ass.

It's a fetish, and a strange one at that but I would like to hear some hypnosis files based on an anal only way.
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Joined: August 28th, 2013, 12:00 am

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