Creating Files for General Consumption

This is a place to discuss Files you want to create, script writing, and hypnosis technique.

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Creating Files for General Consumption

Postby redneckdemon » October 11th, 2013, 5:59 am

I'm flashing my newbish colors here, but I can't seem to figure out how to download or even view 'scripts' on the site...I suspect a premium subscription may be the answer.

But regardless of that, I can't help but notice a marked lack of voices on this site. My question, I suppose, is thus: how difficult is it to record these here voice files, and what is required of the person doing the talking? The right words, certainly, but I mean...aside from that?

I fancy that I might be able to render a pretty fair version of some of the files I've listened to, without the occasional 'lost track of what I was supposed to say', or other similar verbal gaffs. Having a fairly deep baritone voice probably doesn't hurt...but I'm not sure I'd be able to pull off recording files of my own with words somebody else wrote.

Can anyone offer thoughts or observations on this topic? I'd fancy a go at submitting an audio file or two, but have exactly zip point squat experience at all with hypnosis from any end but the receiving one.

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Joined: October 5th, 2013, 12:00 am

Postby Endo » October 11th, 2013, 8:13 am

Neither did I, but I just started scripting and TTS'ing, then I briefly upgraded to crappy self-voicing with a crappy mic. I attempted to get someone else to voice for me, but there were issues that I won't go into. And now I have privacy issues with roommates and such.

But, in any case, not every file has a script attached. Some files are actually scripts disguised as files, so everyone can view them.

If you do actually submit a file, you'll get 3 months.

If you'd like, I can give you a few of my un-voiced scripts for you to practice speaking, or even just reading to grasp (my) flow and what you're generally looking for in a file. If you do voice one of those, and if you want to submit one or two under your own account, I'd be fine with that. Just send me a PM, and we can hash out details.
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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 1:00 am

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