Hypno help for a newbie

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Hypno help for a newbie

Postby sissya » January 11th, 2014, 3:20 pm

Just a couple of questions about this whole thing. When i listen to some tracks i seem to remember the first parts then nothing until near the end when i awake.. its almost as if im asleep? is this right? i've read that the majority know whats going on inbetween however i remember nothing in the center of the tracks.. Another question, for a track to work must you be relaxed? Or can it still have an effect listing to tracks if you are say, watching a movie with it on repeat in your ears? or reading/browsing blogs? Thanks guys.
Posts: 1
Joined: January 1st, 2014, 1:00 am

Postby Endo » January 11th, 2014, 4:58 pm

You may have hypnotic amnesia. It's a known side-effect. Some people get it, some don't. Either way, it's probably "good" that you have it. You may be one of the lucky few people who are super-suggestible.

Relaxation is only necessary for traditional 'nosis. Subliminals do not require you to be in trance, because trance is meant to bring your subconscious to the surface. Sublims bypass your conscious recognition, so you do not need to be in trance for the message to get to your subconscious. They're pretty effective, just loop them for some time each day for a while, and you should see some changes.
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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 1:00 am

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