ON the use of auxilary files, scheduling, and blacking out

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ON the use of auxilary files, scheduling, and blacking out

Postby Arthurr » August 15th, 2014, 12:26 am

How much does the use of files like the accelerator help? Would I be better listening to the accelerator for a bit before I decide on a file to start listening to?

Also, what do you do to fit hypnosis into your schedule?

Do you know how I can train myself to black out during trance, so that I absorb the information better and don't get bored, such that I would wake up when the hypnotist says so?
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Postby lew897 » August 15th, 2014, 9:23 pm

I guess that accelerator file works in mysterious ways because it says that every listen will implode upon itself exponentially over time. I could not for the life of me get it to work. No matter how many times. But that was back when I was a beginner. I honestly don't know if it would work now, I also don't think that I would want to have a file work like that for me. Although it would be interesting for some fling idea. I would suggest a file that relaxes you, then after a while hopefully there is a another file that builds deeper into that file or theme. Also, if its something that you want to happen to affect your life, I suggest listening to it immediately before you do what you want. For example, I listen to my women attraction files before I go out into the world and it works like magic. I honestly don't know how, but the brain is extremely powerful. Yesterday, this woman at the gas station was staring me down. It was quite interesting. lol.

To fit hypnosis into my schedule is extremely easy to do since after literally listening on and off for about 3 years now I just jump right into it since I know how much is too much or too little. Id say 40 minutes per session is good enough. I listen twice aday since it really rounds out the tension in my muscles every time I listen. I really just jam it in when I know Ill have company and only once per day. When Im alone, I really amp up the experiments to my brain. Listening to subliminals, listening sometimes three times a day, creating files, etc.

That's pretty interesting observation. I honestly don't know how to do that without a little experience and knowledge of your suggestibility. Take it slow, and really go for your passions mainly focusing on relaxing. I haven't found any file that has my personal requirements yet. mainly subliminal stuff with tons of relaxtion voices telling you to relax, having complete relaxation of the body, etc. I seriously believe that I am a extreme case of hard to trance ability, but I can be tranced easily if that makes sense. I suggest listening while your asleep. Literally asleep. Also, while doing other things that don't require you to risk life or death situations like driving a car or giving surgery.
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Postby ProfessorPig » August 18th, 2014, 3:27 pm

i found chewtoys files to be especially effective in helping me get better results from trance. amnesia based suggestions are a specialty of his but he covers a variety of subjects that will help you achieve better results with any other files.
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