I have gotten one file to work.

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I have gotten one file to work.

Postby jeremiah » April 23rd, 2005, 9:34 am

That was FemaleOrgasm. I tried to do TrigFemaleform, but I cant seem to get it to work.
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Postby dharden » April 23rd, 2005, 12:27 pm

That's known as one of the hardest ones to get to work, as it not only calls for a rather extensive change in how you perceive your body, but for that change to happen on cue and persist until dismissed. Keep trying, and don't be put off if any results you do get are partial and/or transitory.

On the side, I'd expect FemaleOrgasm to be one of the easier ones, as it's a guided virtual experience.
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Postby susanbitv » May 29th, 2005, 3:25 pm

Last night I was reading these forums and although I had tried a number of files without much success(I honestly don't think I listened often enough) I decided to try the female orgasm one. I must admit that I didn't hold out much hope, It was a hot evening and the fan blowing cold air onto me was making quite a racket. The usual induction started with a pleasent feminine voice and I concentrated hard on her voice.She went into the deeper relaxation stage and I found my self scratching where the blown air was tickling me thinking this will never work, then as she went into the "seduction" part I foud myself really responding. This was so strong that after a few minutes(even before getting to the orgasm part)I realised that I was going to cum.I panicked and draged my knickers down and had a huge male orgasm into my cupped hand.I never did get to the "proper"orgasm and to tell the truth I think I came out of what must have been a trance too quickly as I felt shaky and rough afterwards.
I'm going to try it again in a little while and I'm wearing plastic knickers so what ever happens I can finish the file properly! :wink:
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Postby Agriff » May 29th, 2005, 9:01 pm

Advice- Even though you were hot you should have turned the fan off, its a major distraction. Also, don't move at all. You're moving in the right direction when you said you are going to wear plastic pants. You may very well be in the small percentile of people that are VERY easily hypnotised. Mainly because your post put up a couple of red flags but still yielded positive results.

1. Your fan. That distraction would have made the trance much deeper, between the noise and the tickling

2. You were moving around. Moving durning hypnosis is a sign that you arn't in a very deepr trance.

3. You were concious of all of your actions and thoughts. People in deep trances are focused, VERY focused. If you were in a deep trance then you wouldn't have cared about cumming in your pants, or might not even have realized doing so.

These 3 things are signs that would keep any normal person from going ino trance. I would suggest experimenting more with hypnosis and it may prove to be a very essential tool in crafting your mind to your will :).
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Postby susanbitv » May 30th, 2005, 2:27 pm

Thanks Agriff, last night I tried again wearing plastic knickers and again I actually came just before the first orgasm part of the file it was very intense and I was aware of coming back to the surface. This time I just cocentrated hard on her voice and funily enough when I surfaced properly this time at the end of the file I didn't feel shaky or grotty as before.
I did get very keyed up and excited before trying again which I don't think helped. I will try the lr womanly file next as I don't think it is likely to be so sexually charged and therefore I'm more likely to relax properly.
I will keep trying on the female orgasm one too but I really want to get into a good trance to get the most out of these files. :)
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Postby gemini76 » November 7th, 2006, 1:02 pm

I'm just wondering. I think it's the same female orgasm file we're talking about. In the session it says to move your arms here and there after the induction. Are you suppose to just imagine your arms moving? Or physically move them?
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