Having difficulty Achieving Trance

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Having difficulty Achieving Trance

Postby Mtndude » November 9th, 2014, 4:27 pm

Hello, totally new to this but intrigued by the experiences reported by others. I recall years back being turned away by a stage hypnotist at a party who said I was not a good subject, and perhaps he was right as I have tried to achieve the desired effects with these files here and fail to do so. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or if there is a recommended induction file for someone like me. My goal is to eventually try some non-curse variety files that focus on unique experiences and/or self improvement.


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Postby Endo » November 9th, 2014, 6:51 pm

You can go ahead and ignore that stage 'tist. What they do relies on VERY susceptible people as volunteers.

Now, we can't exactly pinpoint what's wrong unless we know what you're actually doing. Please walk us through a typical listen-though for you. Also, what's your listening cycle/schedule like? If you listen to a certain file once a month, you're not going to get much of anything. The typical recommendation is to listen to a file daily for at least 3 weeks before making any statements about the effectiveness of a file.
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Postby Mtndude » November 9th, 2014, 8:46 pm

Ok, so perhaps I haven't given it a long enough go yet. I have listened to the same 3 files daily for the past 4 days. Each time I do so while lying in bed with eyes closed and ear buds in place in order to isolate and amplify the instruction. I try to focus on the instruction and block out other thought while truly trying to be open to it. Each time I feel like I am becoming more and more relaxed but I end with either falling asleep or "awakening" with no feeling of any change having occurred or the anticipated sensation occurring.
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Postby Endo » November 10th, 2014, 8:22 am

Ah. As for falling asleep, try doing all this during a different part of your day.

Most times I've gone into a session, I don't feel a drastic or immediate change. Case in point, I listened to EMG's Train Anal for a while, on and off, and then one day, I found that I was obsessing over having and experiencing anal. Hypnosis is very very subtle, and if you're like me, then those changes may sneak up on you weeks, months after you stop listening to a file, thinking that that file doesn't work on you.

Or, you could be like so many other people on this site, who just haven't had enough practice in being hypnotized that any changes you could make are being made very inefficiently at this point.

I'd suggest Bubble, by Lutz. This is his most popular file, and arguably the most popular induction file on the site. It's pretty lengthy, but after listening to it for just a week, I found the induction trigger working very strongly.
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Postby zzzzz » November 10th, 2014, 9:22 am

Mtndude wrote: I try to focus on the instruction and block out other thought while truly trying to be open to it.

Sometimes it helps not to focus at all... Not trying too hard... Even thinking about other things while listening might help, it is not your conscious mind that you need to reach, but your subconscious...

Good luck!

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Postby Mtndude » November 10th, 2014, 10:01 am

Ok, thank you both for the recommendations, much appreciated. After seeing some report an "immediate" or "be-warned, this affected me after 1 listen," reply, I suspected the effects to be more immediate. I'll also choose a different time of day when I'm better rested and will try not to focus so much on the dialogue presented as you suggest.

Endo, in regards to Bubble, is there anything suggestive in it that I want to be aware of and warned about before proceeding with it? And also, would I want to line that up as the induction for the next mp3 instruction file in the cue, even if the next file starts with its' own introduction and induction (i.e. most of EMG's files)?

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Postby Endo » November 10th, 2014, 12:33 pm

Not in terms of CONTENT, no. However, it does have an included induction trigger, and if you're not careful on teh internetz, you may find your bank drained after a session with a random 'tist.

It does have an awakener, and is 45 minutes long, so I personally wouldn't chain other stuff off of it, but once you're thoroughly trained with bubble, you can use Audacity to edit the trigger phrase into your new files, which will allow you to spend less time being inducted for each file. And if you can do that, then you'll also have the technical skill to edit out awakeners, and chain as many bodies together in a playlist, capping it off with a single awakener at the end.
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Postby Mtndude » November 10th, 2014, 1:44 pm

Ok, interesting! When you say, "bank drained" what does that imply? You also seem to warn against the length in time, how long should someone safely trance for? Also, what happens if you're induced and stop the file before you listen to the awakening at the end, do you remain in a trance even though your feel conscious?

Also, forgot to mention I had ADHD as a kid, take nothing for it now as a grown adult, but am still easily distracted and prone to losing focus. I came across the following file "Sarnoga - Adderall Boys." Any thoughts?

Sorry for all of the questions, just don't want to jump into this blindly and hope your experience and answers may be helpful to others like myself too.

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Postby Endo » November 10th, 2014, 4:34 pm

Well, some people on the internet just don't have the moral scruples you would want in a hypnotist. It's not unheard of for a 'tist to abuse a subject, including "stealing" a subject's money while they're under.

The time thing is personal, I just notice that my sleep is very very poor if I go for more than an hour-ish before bed. That's probably the only "dangerous" thing about it, but I also love my sleep more than most people I know.

I've not heard of the file before, but if it's free, go ahead and try it out, no skin off your back.

It's not a problem, although it seems we're getting a lot of similar questions, perhaps an updated version of the FAQ/Newbies thread would be in order.
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Postby Mtndude » November 10th, 2014, 11:52 pm

Ok, got it. Thanks again for all of your input, it was very helpful!
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