Study validates subliminal effects

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Study validates subliminal effects

Postby connect » April 26th, 2006, 9:56 pm

According to this story
subliminal messages work, and work best if the information offered meets a felt need in the observer.

It occurs to me that including that explicitly may improve self-rolled scripts by linking the desired effect with a need (e.g. to become more confident, to lose weight). As long as the connection is clearly made, I'm not sure it even needs to be completely logical. For example: "Larger breasts will give you the confidence you crave." I suppose the need can even be manufactured to some extent with guided imagery.

Note the above is pure speculation from a relative newbie just wrapping (warping) my head around all the ins-and-outs of hypnosis.
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Re: Study validates subliminal effects

Postby VeryGnawty » April 29th, 2006, 9:15 am

connect wrote:I'm not sure it even needs to be completely logical.

I have a theory that says hypnosis would work better if it is NOT logical.

Because if it's not logical, then you won't focus on it with your conscious mind. After all, all you need is the subconscious mind to be paying attention.

But the subconscious mind doesn't work on logic. It works on something else (images? feelings? emotions?)
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Postby Lobotaru » April 29th, 2006, 4:46 pm

Subliminal persuasion is a highly debated topic as to its actual effectiveness. Some argue that it is simply a placebo effect while others say it works if you want it to... it just depends on perspective I guess.
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Postby hypno4hire » April 29th, 2006, 6:36 pm

Many years ago when I was just beginning my hypnosis studies I was also a bartender involved in music production. One day I decided to add a bunch of paraliminals in some tracks I had made. Stuff that wasn't quite subliminal, but morphed with the music to such a degree unless you knew they were there in the 1st place, you probobly wouldn't hear the messages.

Among them: Thirsty, I need another drink, I'm a big tipper

I started playing the tracks over the stereo in a semi regular rotation.
Did I have a legion of thirst crazed zombies barraging my bar...?


But out of the 3 bars in the restaurant... I nearly always sold more booze and made more money than the other two larger stations, whenthe smaller bar I ran had historically done significantly less.

Now one could argue that perhaps the subliminals only 'worked' on me rather then my customers. Perhaps having the expectation of serving more drinks and making more drinks, my unconscious modified my behavoir to make it so....

But then again, I couldn't care less how the results were achieved.. so long as the results were achieved. ;)
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Postby connect » April 29th, 2006, 8:17 pm

hypno4hire wrote:But then again, I couldn't care less how the results were achieved.. so long as the results were achieved. ;)

Yeah, results are good. I've had some success with the Freeze Trigger and Bound Trigger. I don't unconciously violate either of them once invoked. Conciously I think I could... but I haven't yet, even with some provocation. :D I'll have to put that up on Success Stories.

I'm a serious analytical, so anything needs some internal logic for it to get past my filters (for example: avoid contradictions, use cause-and-effect).

However, I'm also very visual, so anything that paints a word picture is going to get and keep my interest. Additional description of sensations helps ground the message for me instead of being a distraction.

The debate is why I'm glad to see some science around the subject.
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