Leslie's transformation

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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Leslie's transformation

Postby Tracie777 » May 21st, 2006, 7:10 pm

Hi group! I am a new mtf tg girl hoping to use these files as opposed to actual hormone treatments and surgery. Can anyone give me some insight as to how well and completely they work (e.g SFW). Any new friends and sisters are welcome to email me directly lesliediane777@hotmail.com.
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Postby CuriousG » May 22nd, 2006, 4:06 pm

Well, I've heard some stories about minor-moderate breast growth, and subtle changes in features, but never anything dramatic like losing body hair or developing a vagina.

May I ask why you've opted for this instead of hormones and surgery?
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Postby Tracie777 » May 23rd, 2006, 12:45 am

Right now I feel the files are more safe and less expensive than chemical feminization. Has anyone experienced facial femininization through the use of the files? Specifically restructuring of features to a feminine appearance.
i am a 40 yo white male who has dedicated my life to becoming a total girl. i am not gay. i want to be fully female and frilly.
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Postby CuriousG » May 23rd, 2006, 3:43 pm

I've heard of it, though I'm personally skeptical.

However, how masculine is your face right now? If you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you'll probably have a tough time no matter what. If you aren't so manly though, you may not need anything more than different hair and a little make-up to pass.
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Postby Catherine » May 30th, 2006, 8:54 am

I've not really heard anything about changes to facial features through listening to the files and I don't know that right now I can attribute much more than perhaps an assisted mental state for myself to listening to them enough that my mind is used to certain ideas more than it used to (of course I don't quite listen as often as I should). I usually edit the files some to suit me, there is usually an element or two that I am not interested in with a certain file or something and I move things around a bit to work better for me.

I have seen lots of real changes with the real hormones though. Yes, there is a risk to everything in life and for me going without them wasn't good enough and I have my surgery in a few months. I have seen facial and body changes through the hormones, my face is much softer and the skin is smoother and softer. I have just about had all the hair removed from my face which if you haven't done that, I'd suggest doing that at the very least, I often go without any foundation on at all if I'm going to be spending a good bit of time outdoors where I know I'll be very warm. You can work to minimize the risks of the real thing by taking certain precautions before you start and while you are on them. For instance, I'm taking Estrace which you can dissolve in your mouth under the tongue (a bit grainy if you end up tasting it, but no bad taste) and it goes more directly to the bloodstream rather than through the liver first. I was able to go to Key West yesterday in a bikini and walk around all day and had nothing but good experiences, even in the ladies room chatting it up with other women and I ended up with a nice bikini line tan from the trip yesterday too! :)

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Postby yahnoh » June 1st, 2006, 12:34 pm


Do you mind if I ask your general age? You don't have to be too specific, i.e. 20s, 30s, 40s etc. I know hormones have better results, the younger you start.

I was on perscription for a while, but had more bad results than good results. I didn't like my endo and it was really hard to get in to see her, so I just gave up! But now one of my friends says that the patch works very well, so I'm going to find a new endo and go on the patch, but always like to hear other experiences. I was very interested in your dissolving pill comment.

Some of the problems that I experienced were, nails fell apart and some loss of bladder control. My skin did become much softer and some breast development, which remains, the breasts, not the soft skin :-(

I have the same attitude as you about the files/recordings, anything that can get me in a more female frame of mind, can only help.

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Postby Catherine » June 1st, 2006, 9:32 pm

Hi Renee!

Okay...you can have my general age...well, I guess everyone else is going to see it, too! I'm in my 30s....early ones...not mid or late ones, but almost everyone I talk to or know thinks I'm mid-20s so I at least feel much better knowing that! Yes, you are quite correct as the body is more active in changes and just slows down in general as you age, however for women changes in breasts and body shape don't really end until about 30 for some of them from what I've read.

I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience with that endo. I do have problems with my nails being very brittle now and I may or may not have lost a bit of bladder control (I'm closer to being where the females in my family are, but not going quite as often but I also drink more fluids), but otherwise I feel that the effects have been mainly on the good side for me.

I did some research and have listened and talked to some endos and other doctors who prescribe estrogen and even read quite a few places online that one safety factor with synthetic estrogens is that they can be dissolved under the tongue (like 30 minutes...don't swallow it thinking it won't dissolve...it takes time!) and they don't have the awful taste that Premarin does (I was on 2.5mg a day of that first before going to Estrace) as it comes from pregnant mare urine. The fact that I'm now probably getting double the bloodstream dosage by dissolving it along with being on 4mg a day of it is almost in some ways like I'm starting the changes over again the increase is so good.

I would try to find out which doctor other people in your area are getting their hormones from, I was having to drive about 70 minutes one way to see an endo that would work with transgendered people and he is really great. I've not tried the patch but hear some people swear by it, in part I'm sure as we all respond somewhat differently to different versions of the same medicine.

Best of luck and if you have any specific questions on things, just PM me! Sometimes I'm a bit slow at responding depending on my training and work schedule!

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Postby yahnoh » June 1st, 2006, 10:40 pm


Thanks for such a detailed reply. I really appreciate your comments.
Perhaps we can PM. I'll be at SCC in Atlanta this year. Since you are in Florida you will understand when I say it's a short drive for me.

I'm saving for FFS, that 's my big goal. Passing from the neck up!

Best wishes,
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Joined: October 14th, 2005, 12:00 am

hey i wanna be girlie as early as possible

Postby annie_transgirl » April 2nd, 2008, 4:35 am

help me , i m taking birth control pills by myself(they contain estrogen) but it has created health problem for me b4(lever swelling) n i think again i m gonna find myself in health trouble I m from india Can anybody advice me on drugs? i want feminization badly
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