learning art style...

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learning art style...

Postby kojirowind » May 26th, 2006, 2:40 am

hello, been around for a while but havent really spoken much nya.

I was wondering if the speed learning file would help me develope my manga art style....

When i draw from reference i try to learn how the body is but it can never totally stick....... only ever now and then i can draw up a decent pic and also i can almost never seem to get the finished image im my head to stay the same so it screws up what im drawing as well......

would the speedlearning or any other file work with learning how to draw or is it really with other general things....

also should i be awake while listening to go under or can i just sleep with the file playing... or is it ok to do both...... and is it ok to do it more than once a day...... i have alot of free time at the moment ^_^;;

and if your wondering about my stuff...

www.kojiro-highwind.deviantart.com for some old stuff
www.pensuke-kun.deviantart.com for some more girls with large chests stuff
Posts: 7
Joined: March 18th, 2006, 1:00 am

Hypnosis and art

Postby Blink » May 26th, 2006, 4:21 pm

First: extremely cute avatar.

There is current discussion in another thread regarding how "deep" you should be in trance to get the best effects. My understanding is that you'll get benefits from listening to the files regardless of the depth of trance, but it's generally accepted that greater depth will lead to greater and faster responses. Just listen to the files and see where you go.

There are some possibilities for enhancing your artistic abilities via trance, but before I could make a valid recommendation for what to do or how, I'd have to know more specifically what you mean by "learning how to draw." You're obviously drawing (and well) already, so you must mean that you'd like to improve. What would you like to do better?

I'd like to question you a little more on how the finished images in your head change, but that's a lot for a single forum post.

-- Blink
Posts: 333
Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby kojirowind » May 28th, 2006, 12:13 am

^_^ thanks for the avatar comment

and yea... i kinda suck at wording things... happens alot..

i ment to say that i wanted to improve my skill... yea pretty much at drawing in the anime/ manga style.... love anime and manga and ive been drawing between 8-9 years ( im 20 right now)

i have a friend that had been drawing just as long but is alot better and draws less than me but he seems to have a better understanding of how to draw.....

and about not keeping a finished image in my head as i draw....

before i draw i think of what i want to draw... think about the pose and the character design (( i have about 5 characters that i usually draw but most of the tiem its a random character design )) and a bunch of images come to mind untill on i think is cool comes up so tehn i start to draw... then when i get to the drawing the image kinda gets switched with otehr images of other characters and then sometimes come back to what im trying to draw but then as i continue to draw the image gets more vague

and when do i know im in trace... like ive listen to some files already but i dunno if im in a trance or not.... ill feel lazy and wont really move much while i listen to the voice but i still have a realy good sense of whats happening around me.... i know where my cat usually is in my room.... some miscellanious sounds... and after... i remember everything that is said in teh file..... should i or kinda go in such a trance that i dont really remember too much of what was said to me
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 1:00 am

Words, words, words

Postby Blink » May 28th, 2006, 8:18 am

You've got a lot of questions, Kojiro. More than I think I can answer here.

If you don't mind, I'm going to take your last post and respond to it privately so that I can get all the answers together for you and not run this forum into oblivion. I'm going to have more questions, too.

If there happens to be anyone reading along who wants to know my responses, just choose a question and ask.

-- Blink
Posts: 333
Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby kojirowind » May 28th, 2006, 11:23 am

thanks alot.... will be waiting for that PM ^_^ nya
Posts: 7
Joined: March 18th, 2006, 1:00 am

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