by Catherine » September 17th, 2006, 6:35 am
You could certainly try some of the removal files and see if that helps to rid you of the desire to listen! Especially if you have removed the induction and don't take the time to listen in trance but while walking around doing other things, substitute some music or something else you enjoy for it and see if that works. Some files on here may require you pay EMG for a removal though!
Frankly, I don't think there are all that many females out there that in some way, shape or form would like to fix something about themselves. Plastic surgery, breast enhancement, hair weaves and extensions, body or facial hair removal, liposuction, little toe removal, etc. These plus exercise, diet and a host of other things are what GG's go through and do to try to have the body that they desire. At some point we also have to deal with what nature gave us, change what we can and accept what we cannot change. I've had a mid-20s gorgeous drop-dead blonde tell me that she wished she had my legs because she hated how her legs looked. We laughed and joked for the time going up the elevator (this was at my first Southern Comfort conference and I had on a dress and was going up to get ready for dinner), but frankly....I'd have killed to have her body with her "thinks she has messed up legs". We have to have a positive self-image of ourselves and who we are even when we see things we'd like to change.
To some degree a bit of discouragement with a TS by a counselor is intentional, they want to see how badly you need the change. Yes, it is as hard as they say and maybe harder for some, so yes, you need a realistic look at how you currently are and what your options are in change. Of course hormones have their best chance of working in your teens, but GG's don't stop changing in their teens....breasts and body shape continues to change well into their twenties and can again during pregnancy. So being near 30 you still have a good chance at some change for that point...I didn't start hormones until I was about that age and although I won't quite have the waist or more slight build of my sister, I now have hips and breasts not too different from what she or my mother have (which means like my sister, breast implants could be something I do down the road).
Right now the average age of a TS for SRS is dropping some, but it is still mid-40s to early 50s for a great number of the SRS surgeries and many families aren't ready to let their teenager take anti-androgens and estrogen, although that ever so slowly is changing. Some TS's don't come to the realization of what they need to do until later in life, buried with work, trying to have a family and do whatever else is needed to bury their feelings about who they are.
Do be realistic in your future appearance....if you can't pass at all now, SRS isn't going to let you pass later... Some TS girls going forward have had to learn to hold their head up and deal with the pain of rejection from others to do what they needed to. Frankly I don't know how I could do it if I had to deal with that. I have been very fact a couple of weeks ago I tried to pass as a guy...and failed miserably.