
A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

Moderator: EMG experience

Postby nanorein » September 16th, 2006, 12:25 pm

I´m very new to hypnosis and it was with a bit of disbelieve that I tried some hypnosis files - I learned something new. I tried LRwomanly, femaleorgasm, CurseTotalFeminization and cursestrokesissy (I was curious, but not prepared), and thought I needed to listen several times. Right after CurseTotalFeminization I opened my eyes and in the blur I saw that my entire body had a female shape and my clothes was now a bit too big for my new body. This scared me a bit and after shaking my head some times the blur disappeared together with the female-shape and its feeling. After that I tried cursestrokesissy, but right under the hypnosis became aware that it also would work on the spot - I discovered that I was doing something which was out of control and the files was not far stronger than I could ever have imagined. I interrupted the curse-file, not knowing that it had already planted the necessary program in my mind. I started to resist all the urges that these files had given me and the resistance worked for 2 days, but instead of urges I began to feel a permanent disturbance in my torso and specially in my stomach (like being nervous). This gave me little sleep and after 2 days I tried the DeProgram-file every day for the next 3 days while playing a lot of Doom 3. It worked more effective than I dared hope for - I didn´t feel either urges or the disturbance in my torso - I thought I was cured. After one month something unknown went wrong and suddenly the disturbance was back in full force and I knew what the problem was. I paid for getting both the RemoveCurseStrokeSissy and the RemoveCurseTotalFeminization (still waiting for RemoveCurseTotalFeminization), but already I can feel an improvement - only a very vague feeling in my torso now, but I had to do something extra to remove the curse. I found out that the feeling in my torso disappeared every time I gave in to the urges and the curses must therefore have ´hidden´ them self as this disturbance. The removecurse-file didn´t work well the first time, but when I accepted the effect of the curse-files TOTALLY (luring the curse from my body to my mind)....WHILE hearing the RemoveCurse-file it worked wonders! Like I had been ambushed by the strength of the curse-file one month ago, so too was the curse ambushed by the RemoveCurse-file.

Today I feel relief that I escaped (I think) - I learned my lesson - some people (Me) is far more susceptible than others to hypnosis and shouldn´t do it unless they REALLY desired to have the curse more or less permanent (for life).

Hope my story helps, inspire or warns some of you people who is either new or experienced to hypnosis.

(I didn´t know if this could be called a success story or not, but if a moderator think that it needs to be moved then please do so)
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Joined: August 21st, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby sarnoga » September 16th, 2006, 1:10 pm

Your post was very interesting. Thanks for making it. It might serve as a warning to a few, but for most I think they will find themselves jelouse. There are many people who use these files that wish they worked as well for them as they did for you.

I hope your experience doesn't prevent you from enjoying files in the future. Since you seem to get such sucsess from the files you might just want to just be more careful which files you choose rather than quit using any files.
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Joined: May 29th, 2006, 12:00 am

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