by BobbyS » December 2nd, 2007, 5:51 am
I'm sorry, but this is BS. I believe all kinds of wonderful experiences, feelings and phantom sensations can be experienced through hypnosis. I'm even open to hypnosis boosting a person's immune system, as psychology can play an important part in your immune system's functioning.
I will be a scrabbling lunatic however before I concede the possibility that hypnosis can lengthen your schlong. The old adage used for scams applies: "If it worked, everyone would be doing it and be filthy rich, have supermodel girlfriends or (in this case) dicks like fire hoses."
Also, it's clear the poster is talking out of his ass - come on, just think about it - 3 centimetres in 5 days? That's 2 millimetres every day from the first time he listened! At that rate, he could gain 12 inches in 5 months!
I'm open to a success story on here as much as the next man, but use some common sense please.