by FaceRape » March 23rd, 2008, 6:10 pm
I use this file every once in a while. I rarely get much sucess, but I do have a sucess story.
So I had just used the furry file and tried to become a cat. A housecat. One of my friends tries to bust into my room all of a sudden. As you can imagine, it was a pretty big shock. Apparently there was a barfight, and this friend of mine dragged me along as soon as I opened the door. Needless to say, I soon came face-to-face with some guy who wanted to bash my face in (don't ask why: I'm still trying to figure it out).
Being peaceful and a bit feline, I scampered off. However, I was a bit peeved. So I whispered to myself and changed into a black-furred wolf. Just so you know, I didn't see anyone else as a wolf. I guess that part comes later or something.
Here's where it gets weird. I don't pick fights. People pick fights with me, and I run. But this time, when people attacked me, I fought back. Not with anger, but just out of instinct. I didn't even remember the hypnosis, but I saw light black fur on my arms, like it had always been there. I felt like an animal, and didn't question my body. Although, I got confused when my long claws only scratched people. It wasn't after another aquaintance had dragged me out that I noticed anything strange.
I went home and said "change back to normal", and just fell asleep. I had a raging hard-on though. I think it was the hypnosis. The experience hasn't been like that ever, apart from that time. So, has anyone else used it in a primal setting with results? Or was that a fluke?
P.S: I think the hypnotic files will work better with sex, because of its base nature. Can anyone back it up?