Psychadelic Trance

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Psychadelic Trance

Postby demigraff » February 21st, 2008, 10:07 am

I just had a really weird experience with one of the files from this site. I've been using them for quite a while, and sometimes felt some effect, but this was completely different. I'm curious if this is normal, and if it might mean I'm more/less responsive to the trigger from that file (which I can't test right now, as I have nobody here who knows about my fetish).

If it makes any difference, I was a little nervous when starting the file, as I wasn't sure whether to be expecting visitors. I would normally wait until later in that situation, but I've been away from home or so busy that I've not been able to listen to any of the files for more than a week.

Anyway, I relaxed like normal for the induction. By half-way through the countdown I was just listening to EMG's voice, repeating the words in my head, not thinking about anything else, and feeling pretty relaxed. All normal so far.

A minute or so into the actual suggestions, I was just listening, mind pretty blank otherwise. And then I get 'distracted' by what seemed like some kind of strobe light. Its like everything I could see was illuminated by brilliant white and red flashes. For a second I panicked, then I realised it must be in my mind, because I could "see" that everything was lit by a strobe, but (having my eyes closed), there was nothing there for me to see. I was aware of a "something" that I could see being illuminated by the strobe, but I couldn't see what the something was. That's something that normally only happens in memories, when you can't remember some detail but know there's something there, so it was kind of weird to perceive it in the present.

Next, I felt myself moving. Like I was aware I was moving, and it was me controlling it, but I didn't remember sending the instructions to my muscles. Kind of like my experiences with the "body slave" file, only stronger. And here it gets even more trippy, because I could feel myself rolling over in my bed in both directions at once. Then I can "see" my room, as if from a viewpoint on the ceiling, some weird kind of out-of-body experience, except I can see two of myself in the same place. No, I have no idea how its possible to perceive that you're looking at two superimposed images when they're identical. I felt myself stand up, but as I did I saw myself instead lying still while the bed started spinning (in both directions).

Then suddenly I couldn't feel my body at all, couldn't see anything, couldn't hear the file, just complete absence of perception. I felt conscious, and at this point I started wondering what was going on, trying to work out what part of my mind might generate such an impression, and composing this message in my head. But at the same time, I "knew" that some part of my mind was still listening to the file. I tested the limits of my non-sensory experience: I decided to open my eyes, but found that I couldn't because I can't feel my body. So that made me think that I'm capable of planning what to do, being worried, and making decisions. Just not perceiving anything or moving my body. I realised that this seems quite like how I imagined the Tunnel described in the book "When Rabbit Howls", which was quite a scary thought, but I wasn't sure what to do with that deduction, or even if it was a good idea to think about it.

By this point, I was feeling a little scared, but I just waited a few minutes. I figured that the most logical conclusion was that I'd fallen asleep during the file, and this was a nightmare, so I could just wait to wake up.

Then I heard my voice screaming, felt a sudden headache, and I was lying on my bed again. I hadn't turned over or anything, and I glanced at my phone to see that the file was playing the few seconds of silence at the end.

It could have been a dream, but I woke up as the file ended.
It could have been my brain reacting to trance in an odd way, but then why didn't it start at the beginning?

In either case, I take it as a positive experience. I have a pretty bad migraine now, which I was suddenly aware of at the end of that experience. So whether I was in trance or asleep, and whether or not the experience caused the migraine (can it do that?), it reinforces my belief that a suggestion can certainly mask the feelings of pain.

So ... anyone want to hazard a guess, or have similar experiences?
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Postby Tahaul » February 22nd, 2008, 1:37 am

This is entirely speculation, but what you experienced may not have had anything to do trance at all. That sounds very much like wake induced lucid dreaming (but without the lucid dreaming). The lights you described are similar to the cross patterns one sees when entering a sleep state, and the sensation of no control over the body is common when entering or exiting a sleep cycle if your mind is awake. It's possible that in trying to trance, you tricked your body into thinking it was going to sleep, but kept your mind awake. This is just speculation, as I said, but that's the first thing I would guess.
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Postby whatthe75 » February 22nd, 2008, 4:25 am

Cool. Amazing what the brain can do for you.

I have had experiences ( more than once ) where i feel like i am sinking into my own head and i start to see lots of blobby colours ( best explanation i can give ) like on a lava lamp. The next thing i start to slowly float and it looks and feels like i am floating in space watching all the stars.

Was rather scary but now i have had it a few times i really enjoy now when i get it again.

The one thing i would say to be careful with is the headache part. I would say your unconcious is giving you a signal of some kind. Headaches are normally your unconcious trying to tell you something. Maybe your unconcious was resisting the contents of the file and the headache is a sign of that.
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Postby iJosh » April 28th, 2008, 11:24 pm

IDK if you even want to take this perspective, but your experience sounds similar to different accounts of alien abductions.

Thats 's what I thought of when i read it, anyway :P
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Joined: June 9th, 2007, 12:00 am

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