Housecat + Female Body = Big Thank You to Lady Rio !!!

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Housecat + Female Body = Big Thank You to Lady Rio !!!

Postby Lycaeonia » July 30th, 2008, 10:13 pm

Before today, i did not believe much these things could work.

I downloaded both Lady Rio's female orgasm and housecat files.
It worked partially on me. That felt pretty weird actually, but let me explain.

First i tried the housecat but all i could feel was my body tensing extremely at the part fur is supposed to sprout. I think i was not into a good trance. After that it did not work.
So i passed on to the female orgasm thing. First time, no result. Second, i felt much relaxed and even if i had difficulties to feel things, i was extremely concentrated on her voice. When i woke up i felt strange, i knew next time would be the one.

And it was. At the very moment of the file she reached the "1" my mind was completely compelled to listen to her voice, and obey. I was perfectly aware of it but i could not do anything but listen and obey. It was as if i was reduced to a single point somewhere, alone with this voice. Litterally! When she asked to enter the body of a woman, it was obvious i WAS this woman. I could really feel my breasts and hips. No physical change yet (i was in the dark but i knew), but this female body was indeniably mine... Weird. I did not reach orgasm yet (maybe too fast for me :p ). This was nevertheless a very pleasurable experiment.

So, something like half an hour later, i decided to try LRHousecat once more. My trance was not as deep as the previous one, but i was very concentrated on the voice too, i HAD to listen, really. Once again, no physical change, but... I felt my hands stretch and my thumbs and fingers place as if i had grown a cat paw. Same for my feet.
At the end of the file i opened my eyes on my bed, and thought "shit it did not work". Then i tried to remove my speakers, and i found out something extremely weird : i could not move my fingers anymore. They were just petrified in a paw-like position, on both hands. I tried to, but my body did not respond.
So i wanted to go to the bathroom to look in the miror. I immediately fell on all fours! It was impossible to stand up!! And more freaky : i was walking on my tiptoes, on all fours, with an unbelievable ease!!!
Well, i can tell you i had some difficulties to open the door and switch on the light, as i could not raise.
My thoughts remained perfectly conscious, and human, as well as my body (except for these wierd positions...). I could also speak, and my vision had not changed (maybe a little more blurred).
For something like five minutes, i was unable to stand up no matter how hard i tried and unable to use my hands. It was really as if something or someone prevented me from doing so.
It faded progressively and then disappeared.

This was the most exciting experience i ever had.

What i can say from this is, for me, the trance worked better as i was on my back, naked on my bed and in the dark. I also tried other files, but Lady Rio's voice and efficient scripts were the only to work.
So big Thank You LR !!!

I will try it again on coming days.
(I cannot even imagine what it would have been in french, because english is not my first language, wow...)
Last edited by Lycaeonia on July 31st, 2008, 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby PS360 » July 30th, 2008, 11:39 pm

Same Exact thing happened to me with the cat thing.

When i started to walk around the Effect Faded off.
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Postby Aestrius » July 31st, 2008, 3:09 pm

I attempted the house cat file because of the suggestions on this post, and found it was one of the few that worked first time, although I couldnt see the fur on my self, my mind made me ignore it, seeing as it could of ruined the image of the cat, The first time I tries standing on 2's I lost my balance and fell over, the second time, it felt like I had never used these muscles before and that it was almost wrong to stand on 2 legs, the rest was merely behavioral however it did work (im still having trouble standing after 15 minutes but at least I can talk and type)
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Postby orioles03 » August 4th, 2008, 11:10 pm

Yea, housecat was the first file that actually somewhat effected me. I think Lady Rio's voice is just relaxing to me. The first thing I noticed was not being able to walk on two legs.
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Postby Flow123 » August 5th, 2008, 8:06 am

I tried the housecat file last night based on this thread... It was interesting. I think i either went really deep or slept through the commands 2-3 times, because when I finally awoke it was about 1 hr 45 minutes later. But the last time, I was conscious of all the commands, the description of the transformations. It was weird, I found myself wriggling through it tingling all over. I couldn't uncurl my hands when i woke up, I just kinda forced the ear buds out. I tried to stand, but was wobbly and found it easier to be on all fours. I went to my computer and could still read but when i tried to say something, it felt like I preferred to make a low mrrrrrr sound. I hopped on my bed, and back on the floor a couple of times, and found stretching to be REAALLY good. When I was on the floor, I also rubbed my head against the bed as if I was marking it. If you have cats you know what I'm talking about. Very interesting. I hope repeated listening makes it even stronger.
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Postby slacks315 » November 19th, 2008, 6:35 pm

Tonight was my first night trying anything so it didn't work very well. I dort of felt the sensations but being next to a highway sort of distracted me. I even had to actually reach and turn off my phone in the middle of it. When I got up I felt strange all over. I had head phones on and they had been twisted around so I pulled them out trying to get them off my head. I slapped the mute button when I pulled them out though. I even had trouble standing up preferring to be on all fours. I still had human thought so I was thinking it might have just been me. Anyway I forced myself to stand up and it felt weird. I even stumbled the first few times. I then started brushing my hair with my hand and stopped when I noticed. I even had to force out a hello to my roommate. That broke it though. Still skeptical, but it was very relaxing to say the least. I will probably be trying it out more later. I just hope I don't go try catching mice. :wink:
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Postby MacGyver » November 30th, 2008, 7:08 pm

why? whatcha think would happen if ya caught a mouse? LOL :P
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