Some help with subliminals

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Some help with subliminals

Postby Lunn » October 8th, 2008, 11:15 am

Ok, so, I am working on making some subliminal files for self help and enjoyment, and I was working on the script and it came to me.

Which do you find more effective for a subliminal file, "I" statements or "You" statements? And which do you find more effective for subliminal files made for others?

What I mean is things like "I feel relaxed and calm" or "You feel relaxed and calm."

So, any thoughts on this? I know for another person using hypnosis, it is "You" since they are a different person and that is what is expected, I just had not thought about it for subliminals until now.

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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » October 8th, 2008, 11:31 am

Consider skipping the "I" or the "You" portion of the phrase.

Keeping your submliminal affirmations simple is best.

- Feel the comfort.

- Feel the calm.
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Postby slavesven » June 19th, 2009, 6:38 am


well I think you can use the you statement in the normal script, cause there is "someone" who hypnotize you, but in the sublimals it will be better to use the I statement. It will be more powerful.

my files are made with linguatec cause i like a female voice. for the sublimals i take the body and change the you statement to the I statement and it work very good.

They are not online now, the older ones are without sublimals.

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Postby User517 » June 20th, 2009, 10:58 pm

From what I've seen from subliminals, I would tend to agree with MN_FriendlyGuy. The key for subliminals seems to be words which are just barely heard or understood, and where the suggestions are a bit more ambiguous as to where they came from. Basically, something like "Sex is good" would usually be more effective than "I/You like sex". Although, technically in this case, both could have some effect depending on how audible the "I/you" portion is.
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subliminals for fun and profit

Postby Calimore » June 22nd, 2009, 11:16 am

The [url=]Project: -subspace 15- file[/url] is basically a list of 14 simple statements subliminally bombarding the brain for over an hour a day while the subject relaxes and learns to trance. I kept the phrasing simple, avoiding I/you, but favoring the first person where necessary as the suggestions will not be heard.

The 4 tracks that make up the subliminal are overlapped and even when listened to unmasked are difficult to make out, but still not a challenge for the subconscious mind. Masked behind binaural tones, a delta pulse and pink noise, they still burst through and pile up in the subject's mind, slowly integrating into their deepest inner dialogue over time.

When dealing with the subconscious, the KISS Principle generally applies quite well and this holds especially true with subliminals. Unlike a normal hypnosis script, elementary concepts should prevail but can build into a complex set of behaviors with the correct linkages. These linkages can even use spurious logic so long as the statements sound good. Of course, this idea can also apply to suggestions given during deep trance, but that's the topic of another discussion...
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Postby globo » June 30th, 2009, 1:41 am

Thanks for the advices and sharing your experience.

I read in some articles about subliminals of a technique called backmasking. The messages are played backward. Has anybody tried that and if yes, is it effective ?
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