Sexual orientation suggestions

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Sexual orientation suggestions

Postby Rossyfox » May 10th, 2009, 8:03 am

I'm having trouble believing that the suggestions relating to orientation in files like CurseForcedStraight and the jock files would actually work without issue or are safe to listen to.

Has anyone actually tried these files or is planning on trying them and expecting their orientation to be affected?
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Postby BobbyS » May 10th, 2009, 5:43 pm

To be honest there's lot of files on here that would defy logic if they worked. Your best bet for success with a file is if you actually think it's going to work, or can at least suspend your disbelief.
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Postby DKaiser » May 10th, 2009, 9:59 pm

Well, the main idea(as far as I know, I haven't made any behavioral files nor done research thereof) is that the expectation is important. That the file gives you a boost up, you start acting in that manner because you want to, and the two build off each other(your actions strengthen the suggestions, which strengthen your actions, etc)
So as far as I am aware, as long as you want them to work, and allow them to work, they will.
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Postby Jeshi » May 11th, 2009, 9:24 pm

I was already gay when I listened to curseforcedgay I just really used it to help myself accept it.

I think a lot of people that listen to files that make them gay were already suppressed bisexuals at least if they worked, if not then they just think they are =P

I doubt however that the files that claim to make you straight would work, since I've never heard of somebody who claimed to be gay but secretly were straight and just didn't want to accept it.
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Postby Rossyfox » May 17th, 2009, 8:54 am

DKaiser wrote:you start acting in that manner because you want to, and the two build off each other(your actions strengthen the suggestions, which strengthen your actions, etc)
So as far as I am aware, as long as you want them to work, and allow them to work, they will.

Aren't some of the actions involved in sexual orientation beyond voluntary control?

Jeshi wrote:I doubt however that the files that claim to make you straight would work, since I've never heard of somebody who claimed to be gay but secretly were straight and just didn't want to accept it.

That's what I am guessing but it would be interesting to hear from someone who's actually used these files, or the jock files.
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Postby DKaiser » May 17th, 2009, 6:52 pm

Rossyfox wrote:Aren't some of the actions involved in sexual orientation beyond voluntary control?

True, but your actions tend to validate those feelings and responses, and thus strengthen them. Just because they aren't controlled voluntarily doesn't mean your actions can't affect them.
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Postby Rossyfox » May 29th, 2009, 4:20 pm

DKaiser wrote:
Rossyfox wrote:Aren't some of the actions involved in sexual orientation beyond voluntary control?

True, but your actions tend to validate those feelings and responses, and thus strengthen them. Just because they aren't controlled voluntarily doesn't mean your actions can't affect them.

That doesn't also denote a real change either though, it could just be suppression, the mental side effects of which I am unsure.

I wouldn't urge anyone to try them (though if someone wants to I can't exactly stop them) which is why I was interested in the experiences of people who have tried them already.
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Postby Alien4420 » May 29th, 2009, 8:23 pm

I've been listening to Curse Forced Gay for about two months now and it does change sexual orientation and other aspects of sexuality as well. I'm not sure about Curse Forced Straight, since I don't think I've seen any reports from gay guys who have tried it. I'm not sure how these files could cause harm, assuming that you're OK with the consequences of the change, e.g., a couple of guys who listened to CFG have said they left their girlfriends as a result.

I'm not sure why some people insist that success with these files requires some sort of predisposition. A file can produce fetishes which have no basis in any repressed memory, so why not changes in object choice? It could be a penis or stocking or breasts or a screwdriver -- as far as I can tell, it all works the same way. Make those objects the penis and other male attributes and you have homosexuality, do the same with female attributes and you have heterosexuality.
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Postby redsp » May 30th, 2009, 12:27 am

Alien4420 wrote:I'm not sure how these files could cause harm, assuming that you're OK with the consequences of the change...

You said it right there. If you're ok with the changes and effects from them, then all the file will do is bring those thoughts up to the surface of you're mind. I haven't read anything about the CFS working, but I would think that it would work given that basis. If you're gay and think to yourself "if this file really does make me straight then I'm ok with that", then the file isn't going to "make" you straight. You've already made that decision. The file will only help you with the transition, because maybe it's easier for you to change orientations if you think someone else is doing it for you.

That's my two cents on it.
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Postby Alien4420 » May 30th, 2009, 6:48 am

redsp wrote:

You said it right there. If you're ok with the changes and effects from them, then all the file will do is bring those thoughts up to the surface of you're mind. I haven't read anything about the CFS working, but I would think that it would work given that basis. If you're gay and think to yourself "if this file really does make me straight then I'm ok with that", then the file isn't going to "make" you straight. You've already made that decision. The file will only help you with the transition, because maybe it's easier for you to change orientations if you think someone else is doing it for you.

That's my two cents on it.

The thing is, under normal circumstances, it's virtually impossible to change sexual orientation or one's primary sexuality. Many claim that it's impossible. Many try desperately for years, or end up like Larry Craig, being gay but convincing themselves that they're straight. So from my perspective, the hypnosis must be doing something! It's not going to force you to do something if you don't allow it, sure, but it is making some kind of change that you wouldn't be able to make simply by wanting it, even desperately, as someone like Larry Craig does.
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Postby stereoxchild » May 31st, 2009, 1:40 pm

Don't really understand what they mean with 'turning you gay' since it's all used in a sexual content. Isn't there 'love' involved aswell in homosexuality? I just don't believe it's ALL about sucking cocks like these files tell you.. :roll:
So what do we get with these files? A sexual lust for the same sex.
Does this mean that you can still fall in love with women then? Or does sexual preference + love go hand in hand?
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Postby Alien4420 » May 31st, 2009, 2:18 pm

stereoxchild wrote:Don't really understand what they mean with 'turning you gay' since it's all used in a sexual content. Isn't there 'love' involved aswell in homosexuality? I just don't believe it's ALL about sucking cocks like these files tell you.. :roll:
So what do we get with these files? A sexual lust for the same sex.
Does this mean that you can still fall in love with women then? Or does sexual preference + love go hand in hand?

I'm not sure exactly how sexual desire and falling in love intertwine, but I do know that Curse Forced Gay is all about sex and physical attraction. If you did fall in love with a woman after listening to it, you wouldn't be able to do anything about it -- you wouldn't be physically attracted to her and you wouldn't be able to get it up, not without being hypnotized out of it or throwing the suggestions off/letting them wear off, anyway . . .
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Postby Rossyfox » May 31st, 2009, 5:18 pm

Alien4420 wrote:I've been listening to Curse Forced Gay for about two months now and it does change sexual orientation and other aspects of sexuality as well.

Interesting, would you like to describe more of your experiences?

Alien4420 wrote:I'm not sure about Curse Forced Straight, since I don't think I've seen any reports from gay guys who have tried it.

I guess the only way to find out is to get someone to try it, then.
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Postby Route42 » May 31st, 2009, 8:01 pm

Rossyfox wrote:
Alien4420 wrote:I've been listening to Curse Forced Gay for about two months now and it does change sexual orientation and other aspects of sexuality as well.

Interesting, would you like to describe more of your experiences?

Alien4420 wrote:I'm not sure about Curse Forced Straight, since I don't think I've seen any reports from gay guys who have tried it.

I guess the only way to find out is to get someone to try it, then.

There was a thread under the Success Stories forum where someone listened to Curse Forced Gay for a while and, under their description, became completely gay. Then they followed up by listening to Curse Forced Straight and came back. The thread is an interesting read, but I forget which thread it was...
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Postby Alien4420 » June 2nd, 2009, 11:03 am

Route42 wrote:
There was a thread under the Success Stories forum where someone listened to Curse Forced Gay for a while and, under their description, became completely gay. Then they followed up by listening to Curse Forced Straight and came back. The thread is an interesting read, but I forget which thread it was...

There's also a comment on the file by someone who did that and got their attraction for women back but didn't lose their attraction to men.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 2nd, 2009, 3:05 pm

Rossyfox wrote:

Interesting, would you like to describe more of your experiences?

Sure, in fact I'd love to, because there's nobody IRL I can talk to about this -- what am I going to say to them, I'm listening to a hypnosis file that makes you gay? LOL.

Anyway, I first listened to CFG about two months ago on a lark, and I've been listening to it every day for about two months. Had some experience with gay sex when I was a teenager, never any special desire to be gay or have gay sex, the other guy had to initiate it . . . in fact, if someone had suggested to me as a kid that I was gay I probably would have throttled them.

Anyway, the file had a strong but incomplete effect initially, which sort of faded over the next few days. Since then, the transformation has become increasingly complete. The revulsion I felt towards things like body hair or seeing guys walking arm in arm disappeared and was replaced by desire and attraction, which was pretty startling! My interest in women persisted somewhat longer, but that's faded too, almost completely, until when I see men and women at this point I'm interested in the men and indifferent to the girls -- though I did notice some shapely girls the other day at the supermarket, so the change doesn't seem to be complete. Sometimes it almost happens in slow motion, e.g., I feel myself being attracted to a woman, and then the suggestion kicks in and the attraction/horniness goes away. But those effects seem to be lessening daily.

I noticed a lot of resistance at first, e.g., when I was in trance I'd find myself zoning out when the file tried to eliminate my attraction to women, which bothered me whereas becoming attracted to men didn't. And I had some nightmares, which I haven't had in years, and lots of weird dreams. But what seemed to happen is that if something made me anxious during the day, or if I woke up feeling heterosexual again, it would be "fixed" when I listened to the file, and over time it happened less. And whenever I thought about not listening to the file, I did anyway, unless I really couldn't and then I'd go back to it the next day.

Another thing I've noticed -- I've always been somewhat fetishistic and into mild bondage and the like, which is why I'm on this site, but that's no longer important to my sexuality, it's something that I can take or leave. And I noticed a week or two ago that I'd started thinking of myself as gay, rather than someone who was fooling around with a weird hypnofile. I was originally planning to listen to Curse Forced Straight to see if it would change me back, but now I'm not sure I will, since the file has made me happy to be gay and I'm hornier than I've been in years and reading enviously about the guys who listened and have boyfriends now. So while I'm sure the effects of the file could be reversed, I'm coming to think I won't try because the file has made me happy to be gay.

Man, what a trip!
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Postby Rossyfox » June 2nd, 2009, 4:38 pm

Alien4420 wrote:I was originally planning to listen to Curse Forced Straight to see if it would change me back, but now I'm not sure I will, since the file has made me happy to be gay and I'm hornier than I've been in years and reading enviously about the guys who listened and have boyfriends now. So while I'm sure the effects of the file could be reversed, I'm coming to think I won't try because the file has made me happy to be gay.

Isn't that a bit of a weird feeling though - like, you know you would normally want to be straight, and you originally wanted to reverse the file and didn't expect it to work anyway, and you know you were happy to find gay things revolting and wanted to go back that way... but you don't, because you're happy with the idea of being gay, even though you actually know it's just the file that's making you happy with it?

I mean, does knowing that it's the file that's making you happy with the file not make you want to resist the file and be straighter than ever - but you can't, because the file is making you not resist it?
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Postby Alien4420 » June 2nd, 2009, 8:52 pm

Rossyfox wrote:

Isn't that a bit of a weird feeling though - like, you know you would normally want to be straight, and you originally wanted to reverse the file and didn't expect it to work anyway, and you know you were happy to find gay things revolting and wanted to go back that way... but you don't, because you're happy with the idea of being gay, even though you actually know it's just the file that's making you happy with it?

I mean, does knowing that it's the file that's making you happy with the file not make you want to resist the file and be straighter than ever - but you can't, because the file is making you not resist it?

It's seriously weird. I mean, part of me still can't believe it -- I wake up each morning and wonder am I still gay? But knowing that the file is making me that way doesn't make me want to resist it, I guess because the file has suggestions that make it addictive, and because it makes me feel about gay sex the way I used to feel like straight sex. It's exactly like being turned on by women, I think about it all the time, I'm obsessed by it, except that now I'm thinking about guys rather than girls, and it's reinforced every time I come.

Did you see Jen's post a few days ago? He captures it really well.
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Postby slutinmyhead » July 28th, 2010, 3:08 am

I listen to files meant to turn me gay. I still love women. I've since come to appreciate gay porn and have had a couple gay interactions, but still feel strongly that I love women. So did the files work? Please note: I had absolutely no desire for men before. The thought of homosexuality grossed me out. This is what also interested me though. I longed to feel my boundaries being manipulated. I didn't see any reason to bother listening to hypnosis files for things I already wanted to do. The thrill was in having my mind twisted.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 28th, 2010, 5:23 am

It seems that they did, in part. Several have found that loss of attraction to women is one of the last things to change when listening to Cursed Forced Gay. In my case, anyway, it's never been completely bottled up.
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Postby Centru18 » August 8th, 2010, 2:26 pm

Alien4420 wrote:
Route42 wrote:
There was a thread under the Success Stories forum where someone listened to Curse Forced Gay for a while and, under their description, became completely gay. Then they followed up by listening to Curse Forced Straight and came back. The thread is an interesting read, but I forget which thread it was...

There's also a comment on the file by someone who did that and got their attraction for women back but didn't lose their attraction to men.

Now that would be appealing.

Im straight with some bi tendencies. Bi curious I guess it would be. I would love to have more appreciation of attractive men.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 8th, 2010, 3:20 pm

Centru18 wrote:Now that would be appealing.

Im straight with some bi tendencies. Bi curious I guess it would be. I would love to have more appreciation of attractive men.

As much as I like being gay, Forced Gay kills your ability to have sex with women and it's designed to be hard to take out. Worse, it makes you feel *bad* about not being able to have sex with women. Which led me to spend a lot of time trying to be able to have sex with women again!

OK, so you could edit that suggestion out, it's what I would do if I were listening for the first time, but if you just want a taste of the other side, why not go with Curse Forced Bi, which makes you like both sexes equally, or Train Sex Men, which changes your orientation and makes you gay for real but doesn't have any commands about permanence and having to listen again if you decide you want to change back?

These files lack the sheer power of Forced Gay but they do the trick and if you like what they do you can always go on to Forced Gay. Plus Train Sex Men is a much more positive file, Forced Gay is full of stuff like you deserve this, you're no longer good enough for a woman, you'll find your inability to perform humiliating, etc.
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Postby Centru18 » August 8th, 2010, 6:23 pm

thanks for the suggestions!

Humiliation inst one of my fetishes at all. Id bear with it to get to a goal, but it holds no turn on or power for me.

Ill just have to wait for Curse forced bi to drop to free. dont have extra cash at the moment.

I actually talked a little more about this on stroke sissy.

Im naturally a switch too.... damn Im all messed up...
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Postby Centru18 » August 9th, 2010, 1:30 am

Found train bisexual....
All I can say is one listen knocked my socks off.

I cant remember it all that clearly cept for one part... you are attracted to both men and women because they are both beautiful and mysterious in their own way....

This so resonated with me

yes im hooked but it didn't change me so much as its making me more the person I want to be.

Ive fantasized about a gay relation, but always got too scared or shy before I could do it, but I never wanted to give up on women.
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Postby C-Lo21 » August 18th, 2010, 8:00 pm

Well I'm bi and came to this realization this a number a years ago. I've had a few "gay experiences" but have often thought about what it would be like to commit to men fully for the rest of my life.

Since I discovered this site I've always been intrigued and tempted by files like TrainSexMen and CFG but so far have listened to them probably only 2 or 3 times total. From reading Success Stories I don't underestimate the power of either and have felt myself being carried in that direction for days after just one listening.

I know I like women and their features and think I'd like to have a "traditional" hetero marriage/family one day, but know that in many ways I feel very at ease around gay men and conversation (sometime it can get too gay for me though, lol!) But i also find myself relating more to aspects of gay culture and typical interests. I know there can be no typical but do think there is usually a bit of truth that can be found in stereotypes.

I like both of EMG's bi files but find I never get as deep as I do with the gay ones. I have this theory that maybe i don't take as well to the whole 50/50 equal attraction theme. I don't know if it's possible with hypnotisim but I think my ideal file would have a "you decide" aspect to it. Like it would encourage you to explore and pursue both sexes but that you will ultimately find you enjoy one more over the other and they will ultimately be your dominant preference, but you will still enjoy being with both.
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Postby slutinmyhead » August 18th, 2010, 10:26 pm

I keep thinking a polyamory family would give me the benefit of both worlds. The gay files work better than the bi files for me too, though I can't imagine ever giving up women. I'm still hoping to have both.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 10:23 am

C-Lo21 wrote:I like both of EMG's bi files but find I never get as deep as I do with the gay ones. I have this theory that maybe i don't take as well to the whole 50/50 equal attraction theme. I don't know if it's possible with hypnotisim but I think my ideal file would have a "you decide" aspect to it. Like it would encourage you to explore and pursue both sexes but that you will ultimately find you enjoy one more over the other and they will ultimately be your dominant preference, but you will still enjoy being with both.

A few years ago someone did a study of arousal and found that most bi guys reacted more strongly to one sex or the other. I think there's more to being bi than sexuality, though sexuality is obviously part of it. Anyway, since I've been tinkering with my sexuality I've found that it's hard to be seriously attracted to more than one thing at once. I believe sexologists differentiate between one's "primary sexuality" and "secondary sexuality," you're primary sexuality is your main thing, and your secondary sexuality all the contributing things. Like a breast man's primary attraction is to breasts. I've found that if I give myself a suggestion to like something, whether it's a body part or a fetish, it will take away from my attraction to something else.

I asked a bi guy once what he was attracted to and it seemed that he was primarily attracted to a feature of the neck that men and women have in common.

I also think some guys may be more focused in their sex drive in that if they like one thing they're turned off by the other. The female sexual response seems to be innately bi, they cream just as much to pictures of other women as to pictures of men and even get hot watching pictures of chimpanzees having sex (no comments about this explaining certain politicians, please). Anyway it may be that some men may be more single-minded in this respect than others. I know that when I was doing the bi files, it often felt more like my sexuality would shift to one or the other.
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Postby C-Lo21 » August 21st, 2010, 7:27 pm

I know with the bi files, I mean I'm already bi so I'm just reinforcing that I guess but it's like one day I'm particularly zoned in on women and another on men. I've often said if I had the choice between being bi or gay or bi or straight I'd choose gay or straight. I think that's the big tempting part about TrainSexMen and CFG is they help make that choice for you. I think the only thing that stops me is this dream of a traditional family and some very genuine attraction to women and their features (will say though the ass and thighs are my favorite features of either sex). TrainSexMen though is delectably attracting to me, I love the absolute decision it makes with nothing but positive reinforcement. You will obey....feels very comfortable and natural. Thinking about listening to it again tonight.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 21st, 2010, 8:24 pm

Yeah, I understand the conflict. I hate to say it, but if it's a traditional family you want, you might be better off focusing your attraction on women . . .
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Postby Jeshi » August 21st, 2010, 11:56 pm

Alien4420 wrote:Yeah, I understand the conflict. I hate to say it, but if it's a traditional family you want, you might be better off focusing your attraction on women . . .

People can have perfectly fine families with two parents of the same gender. Sure, if you live in the bible belt it might not be "Traditional" but the actual family dynamics tend to stay exactly the same whether there are gay parents or straight parents.

If you want men, let yourself have men. If you want women, let yourself have women. Don't force yourself to focus your sexuality onto one gender when you know you're attracted to both. And don't limit yourself on who you date/have sex with/fall in love with because of their gender.

Worst case scenario is you have to move somewhere that gay marriage is legal.
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Postby C-Lo21 » August 22nd, 2010, 11:22 pm

I know I have felt affinities with both guys and girls so I suppose it's probably a good idea to keep my options open...but know sometimes I just feel more of a connection with aspects of gay culture (i also think i wake up in the morning thinking of guys a little more often than girls) and that to me goes against everything i'd see leading to a traditional family. but yeah i can also see where "traditional" can be a totally relative term and old definitions no longer relavent. hard to do though when you've been conditioned with pop culture your whole life as to what's "the norm" about a mind warp! :roll:
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