Work while sleeping?

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Work while sleeping?

Postby bleach098 » May 26th, 2009, 6:05 pm

Hey, new here. Anyways, just a quick question. If I listen to some of these while I sleep, maybe on repeat, will they sink in? I have done some of them without sleeping, and I'm not exactly sure if I'm in trace... I just hope so. So any help?
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Postby davelowe1977 » May 27th, 2009, 7:34 am

Hi and welcome!

The questions that you have asked have been debated many times and the only answer that seems definitive, is that nobody really agrees yes or no.

There have been many discussions as to what a trance is, how you should feel, whether it is working or not, does it matter if you start thinking about something else while listening, ad infinitum...

Have a trawl through the forum and also some of the induction files - review the comments for the files and look at the ratings. That might give you some idea of which files work best as a starter.

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Postby 0turner0 » May 27th, 2009, 9:47 pm

Personally, I think the more you believe - the more it'll work.
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Postby pliable » May 29th, 2009, 5:31 pm

Hi bleach,

I'm new here too, and I would recommend that you may want to be careful if you are going to sleep with a file on repeat. I would definitely not recommend using several files in a playlist on repeat because that is exactly what I did for a few of the first nights, and I feel a little overloaded and started having some weird issues, which are diminishing since I stopped that. After learning from this, I would say you may want to consider erring on the side of caution until you know how you will be affected by hypnosis.

I'm very susceptible though, I literally can get sick just by being around someone who is sick for a short time because I think about the germs spreading. (This used to be a very annoying problem, but now I just take Vitamin C and a double dose if around the infectious. :)

Even though I'm new, I hope you don't mind me offering you some advice that may help?

If the files work for you they will probably become more effective the more times you listen to an individual file. At first I just had a very light effect despite my susceptibility, and then the accumulative effects crept up on me with a vengeance.

There are some files here that were made to make you more susceptible, and also there is a file that is designed to accelerate the effects of other files. It might be a good idea to start with those 2 and one or two other files that you are interested in. That's what I wish I had done, but I wanted to hear everything that sounded interesting. I don't feel like I'm the best person to advise you on how many times to listen because I was definitely excessive. The accelerator file says that listening to a file 5 times is equal to 60 times.

You may want to listen to a few different tists to find one that will work for you. For me the voice is very important, and a strong male voice is much more effective. And there are different techniques, I prefer a lot of visualization. (I can just see those swine flu germs floating from the vector towards me. Luckily I am completely and totally immune to the swine flu. :wink: ) The confusion files also work great for me.

I think you'll really be able to make to files work better if you take sometime to consider what is preventing them from working for you. Are you thinking too much? Background noises? Don't like the phrasing etc., etc, A major question would be is there something about hypnosis that scares you or about the file you are trying that scares you. If so it will probably be more difficult or impossible to relax and go into trance. You might want to try a more general hypnosis file for relaxation or something else like procrastination, etc. Amazon has those for $0.99. I like Erick Brown.

I can probably offer you some more tips about how to be more susceptible or about what type of file might work if you know what's blocking you. If you're interested PM me.
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Postby MacGyver » May 29th, 2009, 6:17 pm

yeah, i used to listen to the fembutt file in my sleep, just the body of it on repeat, if the volume is very high, your body will not be able to rest as the mind wont let it rest during sleep, least that is how things are with me, i turn the volume low so it is barely heard. for a while, i was having weird dreams by letting files play on loop in my sleep. one night, i saw a good lookin woman who, with an evil grin on her face, said the trigger in a very seductive voice and ended with an evil giggle.

i did the estrogen cocktail, i think that was it, on loop in my sleep, had a few weird dreams with that one, and i mean weird, first was like normal, i was a guy and a good lookin female walked past me and i followed her, a few nights later, we was face to face, and a couple weeks after that, in my dream, i had a femenine hourglass figure, feminine boobs and hair, the only hair on my body was my eye lashes, eye brows, and the butt-length hair on my head, which is reality is only long enough to go about 2 inches past my collar bone, and i was wearin some kinda white and silver looking dress and some red high heeled shoes. and all this from using one file on loop while i was sleeping.

the files on this site can effect ya in some weird ways, for example, the estrogen cocktail, while i was trancing with that one, my guy was standing to attention alot more than usual for a week or 2, then got lazy and did not even want to rise up for anything.

so, ya might wanna read the descriptions and carefully choose the file you want, and using one at a time might be easier to do. i too used to try several a night on a playlist, then i turned to experimenting a few weeks with this one and a couple weeks with that one and now, i cannot seem to sommit to just one file long enough to even have any of the hallucintations. so, maybe one at a time if just a beginner, and yes, your mind can also get overloaded and you may find trance very hard to achieve let alone any of the suggestions working. i know, been there done that and still there still doing that and trying to change and get out of being there and doing that.
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Postby pliable » May 29th, 2009, 8:22 pm

My "side effects" were similar to MacGyver's. My sleep was very disrupted. I slept a normal amount of time, but it felt like I hadn't been asleep at all. I was still able to function normally when I woke up, but I'm pretty sure I was not sleeping but just trancing all night. I actually just found this site on Monday so it's only been 5 days that I have been trying erotic hypnosis, but it feels like I've been doing it forever. It has kind of warped things. I have used self help hypnosis for some time, but, for me at least, this is totally different. It's very powerful, and I would say you should definitely take it seriously. It's not just a deeper way to fantasize; it's a lot more.

Last night I decided not to listen to any files, and I'm still sure that I was trancing all night. I woke up in a pool of sweat, which was of course disturbing because I decided not to trance. And my normal sleeping schedule is completely gone. I have always been the type of person who can never get enough sleep. I usually sleep 10 hours a night. Now I'm sleeping/trancing 4 hours. I feel fine when I wake up or great--trancing put me in a great mood--but it's just telling me how much this can affect you.

Also, I would recommend being careful about files with triggers. If the files are here, then anyone who visits this site can learn the trigger, and if you have the trigger just seeing it will activate it. It's probably a better idea to find a tist you can trust if you're interested in triggers.
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