I think I'm too strong-minded.

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I think I'm too strong-minded.

Postby Jessica2317 » August 12th, 2009, 8:23 am

I know plenty of people will argue. But for me. I have tried so many hypnotism files and soo many types that I can't but help think that it will never EVER work for me.

I've done alot of tricks but nothing has happened so far. I tried listening to files multiple times, Nothing. I tried sleeping with it, Nothing. I tried the most successful files, Nothing.

I could go on and on, but you get the point.

Also when I am suppose to relax for some odd reason my heart, instead of slowing down, it accelerates like I'm afraid or panicing. I dont really know what is happening there. It's like my body is just rejecting it.

Also this info may help, I'm a Video Game Addict. Well till recently, when I have become Hypnosis addict. But my imagination is screwed up, Literally. When I am asked to picture something in my mind, I either get full brightness (lights are on) or full darkness (lights are off). I know that I am not suppose to get a full picture like watching a movie or something. But I literally see nothing. Can anyone help me out and tell me do they get a clear picture as well or is it vivid or at LEAST interpretable.

I really can't remember all my symptoms. But its like preventing me to go into hypnosis/trance.

O that is the other thing, during trance. I dont get there. I literally am just lying there just concentrating on hypnosis words, but yer I am fully alert and so forth, not sleepy, nothing. (Some people say this is what a trance is like.)

Also when they ask me to do actions, I do all of them willingly. Like not like they commanded my body to do it unwillingly, but I literally do it, fooling myself that I am being forced to do it. Like, I think I am coming to an all new level of pathetic.

I am really giving up hope in hypnotism. I have tried dozens of files, loads of websites. I even spent up to wee early hours in the morning to find out what is wrong with me and for each solution came a failure.

I know many of you will say, yes you can. I will be open to that and say RIGHT NOW, I know I can and I WILL. BUT it looks like it could be a lost cause for me.

O and if there is any hypnotist that reads this and want to have a crack at breaking my mind. Please go ahead. Just PM me and I'll give you my email.

Also can anyone out there recommend me files that are great for people like me. Like maybe be able to break down my mind or resistance. And on top of that, anyone can also recommend ways for me to actually break down my mind or resistance. That would be great...

Also are there any files with immediate results and if not how many times should I listen to them. O and on top of that, what are some techniques I could do to achieve immediate results?

Hope all of you can help me. I really want to be hypnotised. I really want to feel the sensations. Specially the ones where I get to feel what's it like to be a girl and so forth. But anyways........

Good Luck. and HELP ME!
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Postby demigraff » August 12th, 2009, 10:01 am

For the majority, a strong willed person is easier to work with. Climbing over a wall is easier than climbing over a fogbank :P

I'm not sure what I could suggest, but I'm wondering which inductions you've tried. If relaxation doesn't work, try a non-relaxing induction. They do exist, though I'm not sure I know of any files that use one around here. Similarly, if your visualisation has problems, how are you with kinesthetic or emotive imagination?

I'm sure I could get you into a responsive trance, or one that you can really feel, if you were here. Maybe not both, but it could happen. On text chat I'm not so good, but I'd still be willing to try if you can find me some time when I'm online.
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Postby Jessica2317 » August 12th, 2009, 10:13 am

Relaxation doesnt work. I tried the famous bubble induction. Dont know if it broke my resistance or not but yer.....

All the other inductions at the beginning of each mp3 doesnt really relax me or anything. Even the one where I have to focus on an object and they make me open and close my eyes. That doesnt work....

Help? Need more people!!
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Postby Blink » August 12th, 2009, 5:03 pm

Jessica2317 wrote:Help? Need more people!!

Have you tried my Basic Induction?

I know that it's long and boring, so it might require your strength of will to listen all the way down to the end.

Let me know if it's helpful to you.

-- Blink
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Re: I think I'm too strong-minded.

Postby whatthe75 » August 12th, 2009, 5:38 pm

Jessica2317 wrote:
O that is the other thing, during trance. I dont get there. I literally am just lying there just concentrating on hypnosis words, but yer I am fully alert and so forth, not sleepy, nothing. (Some people say this is what a trance is like.)

Also when they ask me to do actions, I do all of them willingly. Like not like they commanded my body to do it unwillingly, but I literally do it, fooling myself that I am being forced to do it. Like, I think I am coming to an all new level of pathetic.

That is a very good example of what being in trance is like.So it seems you are entering trance,just not regonising the signs.Being more focused and awake is exactly what trance is.Sleep has nothing to do with hypnosis.Yes you see all the stereo typical "look into my eyes you are feeling sleepy" things on tv. But the fact you go along with the suggestions and "Fooling" yourself into doing them is also another excellent example of you following commands.People seem to have a belief the body will do things against your will.Yes that can be done,but normally it is just the person following the command consiously and not realising it is in fact the unconcious doing all the work.
Jessica2317 wrote:

I am really giving up hope in hypnotism. I have tried dozens of files, loads of websites. I even spent up to wee early hours in the morning to find out what is wrong with me and for each solution came a failure.

There is nothing wrong with you.Too many hypnotists or pychiatrists (please excuse the spelling) label people as having something wrong with them because they dont fit the normal way.No two minds are the same.Just becasue you have trouble visualising pictures means your mind just represents things in your own unique way.Maybe take note more of when you think of something ( anything ) does it represent itself in your mind as a voice,a sound,a smell or a taste etc etc.I have had clients that could not represent pictures in their minds and could only see colours in their mind.But if i asked them to think of a picture of something they would never get the picture but they would at least always get a different colour,in a different place,a different size and in different shades etc etc.FOr each different memory.

I will not take you up on your challenge of getting you into trance because you have already done it yourself.Your not bad at entering trance.Like a lot of people here your just crap at recognising the signs.Continue to enjoy entering trance.You just need to be a little more patient for the suggestions to work more powerfully.
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Postby Jessica2317 » August 12th, 2009, 7:50 pm

thanks for your help all, o and blink, do you have a link to a basic induction file? That would be great. Thanks. :)

O and I was wondering, if I am going into a trance, what are the people going into, the ones that get knocked out and wake up a couple of hours later?

Does that mean I am can only go in lightly and that the other people can go further than me?
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Postby whatthe75 » August 15th, 2009, 3:06 am

Yes your explanations were for a light trance.Amazing transformations can be made in light trance because both your minds are involved,so it is no dissadvantage to not going deeper.The people that wake hours later are going too deep and are falling asleep.

Some people can take a little longer to go deep than others.So it might be a while before you start going deep ( not remembering some or all of the suggestions part etc etc.)

A lot of hypnotists ( myself included ) will tell you they prefer their clients in a light trance then a deep trance because they get better results.
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Postby bedwetter74 » August 15th, 2009, 11:46 am

Ya, I know how Jessica feels - I end up doing the same thing. The bubble induction seems to work, but as soon as the following track starts, I'm back to conciousness again. The EMG inductions are relaxing, but I will always remember what the suggestions are. For example, I'm not sure how a trigger can work if I know the phrase triggers me to do this or that.

I need to go deeper, but I don't think it's the length of time. (I'm actually pretty good at relaxing myself) I think the suggestions and beats used in some inductions are just more effective.

Any induction suggestions? Also, is there a way to get the suggestion part of the hyno files without another induction? Thanks, everyone!
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Postby Jessica2317 » September 7th, 2009, 8:32 am

Hello all, I just want to tell you that I am finally having success with hypnosis. I got in contact with MistressMelsa at mistressmelsa.com and she was able to break me and then feminize me, which is what I wanted.

I'm quite pleased with my results and love it all. I have begun to act very femininely, I love very panties and always use my dildo on myself. I can't stop thinking about cocks to make myself horny.

I would also like to say thanks for all the help.


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Postby Axem_ranger_001 » October 7th, 2009, 9:43 pm

I'm having the same issues that Jessica2317 was having at the beginning of this topic. I seem to go into trances very lightly. And I am also a terrible game addict, heck my username is from a supernentendo game and I have all 3 new gen consoles. I have a sense of humor that has killed several of my trances also. I try to listen and go along with the commands from the trances. A good example was the "Magical Langeray"(excuse my bad spelling) file, I came out of it about 3/4 of the way through it laughing. :roll:

I've tried using certain herbs to act as aids on trances to help me go deeper, tried visual stimulants, the only thing that seems to help at this point is rum :roll: and that's not a very healthy long-term thing for me to do.

Any suggestions / ideas are welcomes... Maybe I should try that Mistress Melsa... I'd prefer not to be feminized though.
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Postby sarnoga » October 7th, 2009, 11:16 pm

Ahhhh, the wonders of rum.
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Postby kittenplay » October 13th, 2009, 6:44 pm

I'm having problems very similar to the ones Jessica was experiencing and have problems. I'm nnow pretty sure that I've been going into light trances, but the end effect... well, I'll use two of the files I've been trying to get to work as examples.

The first file is one that is supposed to instantly make me wet myself when someone says the phrase "urinate now." Both times that I have listened to the file fully, I've done it. At the end, he uses the trigger, and I DO wet myself... but I don't think it's because I'm following the trigger. It's conscious. I feel like I'm doing it because I want to (which I would want to do without the file). Also, during the buildup to that, I feel like his suggestions aren't working. He keeps suggesting that my bladder feels fuller and fuller, but I only feel small twinges of that. It's more like I'm recognizing how full my bladder really is, and I'm pretty sure that I woudn't do it if the trigger were to be said by someone else (which SHOULD happen, according to the file). It can be found at http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Files&file=index&op=PlayFile&ftype=1&fid=103

Secondly (this is the one I REALLY want to work, hence my name) is the TrigFeline file (found at http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Files&file=index&op=PlayFile&ftype=1&fid=25). It is supposed to make me turn into a cat (or "think" I have) at the hearing of the phrase "feline time for you." Well... I tried it alone, and I did it, but that was on my own accord. I was just acting like a cat, which was what I wanted to do even before listening to the file. Also, I have full recollection of the what I had done as a cat in the minute or so I allowed to myself to be one. I couldn't feel a tail. I couldn't feel ears or claws. I felt stupid, and I am pretty sure the trigger phrase wouldn't work if said by a friend (as much as I would want it to).

This just really dismays me, because I find this hypnosis stuff to be super intriguing. Any help at all would be great, and I'll gladly give out my email or IM addresses for help.[/url][/i]
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Postby Alien4420 » October 14th, 2009, 2:00 pm

Being conscious of something and wanting to do it doesn't mean the file didn't work! The real test here would be listening to a suggestion that you really don't want to do, and then seeing if you do it. Hypnotists sometimes make people do that just to demonstrate to someone that they've actually been hypnotized. Or trying to fight the suggestion and being unsuccessful.

As to feeling like you actually have a tail, that's kind of hard, not everyone can get that far and it can take some experience with trance. I have a very hard time going that deep, the best I've been able to manage is the occasional flash hallucination, I'll actually see the scene for a moment as if I were dreaming, then my trance lightens. On he other hand, I've heard it said that lighter trances are actually the most effective for making people do stuff because the conscious mind is involved.
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Postby kittenplay » October 14th, 2009, 2:27 pm

Alien4420 wrote:Being conscious of something and wanting to do it doesn't mean the file didn't work! The real test here would be listening to a suggestion that you really don't want to do, and then seeing if you do it. Hypnotists sometimes make people do that just to demonstrate to someone that they've actually been hypnotized. Or trying to fight the suggestion and being unsuccessful.

Thanks so much! This makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. I'll just keep at it and see what happens. Eventually, it will work even when I don't want it to... which is secretly what I want, but ssshhh.

As to feeling like you actually have a tail, that's kind of hard, not everyone can get that far and it can take some experience with trance. I have a very hard time going that deep, the best I've been able to manage is the occasional flash hallucination, I'll actually see the scene for a moment as if I were dreaming, then my trance lightens. On he other hand, I've heard it said that lighter trances are actually the most effective for making people do stuff because the conscious mind is involved.

Thanks again, though I'll probably make a topic in the near future regarding this and where beginners should start to help them be the most successful with this sort of transformation/behavior file.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 15th, 2009, 11:39 am

kittenplay wrote:Thanks again, though I'll probably make a topic in the near future regarding this and where beginners should start to help them be the most successful with this sort of transformation/behavior file.

That should be an interesting thread . . .
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