Some news about Gender, gene can change your gender

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Some news about Gender, gene can change your gender

Postby PS360 » December 13th, 2009, 7:14 pm

Thought you guys might like this.

Researchers have found that the body is in a constant fight to remain either female or male and the suppression of just one gene could cause it to "flip" from one to the other.

The remarkable findings refute the generally held view that sex is determined at birth and is irreversible in later life.

They could also lead to treatments for certain gender disorders in children, early menopause in women and even eventually non-surgical sex changes.

In mammals, males have XY chromosomes and females XX. The new research shows that another gene is responsible for switching women into men.

If the FOXL2 is switched on then the body grows ovaries, switched off and they are replaced by testicles.

But what really surprised the researchers is that the process continues after birth and the body remains in a constant tussle to either switch on or off the gene - even in adulthood.

"No one would have betted on this," said Professor Mathias Treier of the University of Cologne in Germany. "That's why the finding is so spectacular,"

The team found that in adult mice by turning off the FoxL2 gene, the ovary cells started to change testicular cells. This suggest the same effect could happen to humans.

"It was thought that you were born either female or male and then your body forgot about it," said Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, the co-author at Britain's Medical Research Council's National Institute of Medical Research.

"But this suggests that the battle of the sexes continues all the way through your life, "

The researchers believe that the process could be similar to that in some fish who are able switch sexes at times when there is a scarcity of either males or females.

probaly hypnotists can take advantage of this and make files based around turning on or off the gene?
Last edited by PS360 on December 13th, 2009, 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MacGyver » December 13th, 2009, 9:13 pm

sound interesting, may need to give it a go with a femme curse file i have in the planning stages.
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Postby Cade » December 14th, 2009, 2:22 pm

LOVE it. I'd definately enlist on this one during the trial testing of it :D
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Postby MacGyver » December 14th, 2009, 4:22 pm

well, for the femme curse file i am thinking of incorporating this one into, the subject will dress in female clothing from head to toe, the bra, the panties, hosiery, shirt, pants, or could be a dress or dress suit, and womens shoes. and dressin in 100% female clothing would be the trigger to flip the switch on that gene.

i am also thinkin of a file for women as well, they can turn themselves into a guy, they would probably still have the boobs though, LOL...i may also add a suggestion for the user to post updates now and then on how the changes are going, and another so they would take pics once a month or so, and they could keep track of the changes and all.

anywho, for anyone plans to listen to the femme curse files when i get them done and uploaded, one, you need to have practice with either my elevetor induction or esaclator induction until the subject gets the arm raise test, as they contain the trigger word so a lengthy induction is not needed inorder to reach trance. two, you will have to wear articles of women's clothing in order for the changes to happen.

i am trying to make my files addictive as well as wearing those articles of women's clothing addictive. i think i may also add something to the file so the listener knows when the switch on the gene has been flipped.
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Postby MacGyver » December 14th, 2009, 4:27 pm

i just had a thought, if that one gene could change the male body to female, ovaries and all, what if it also done the vagina and a uterus and all, and the used-to-be male would now be having periods until the switch could be flipped back, LOL. i guess that file would be only for those who seriously want to become a woman, then again, M2F transexuals could get the change without the surgery, which would be a plus for them. save some money and not have to go through the healing time as while they live as a woman up until the surgery, a file to flip the switch on the gene would make it easier for them.
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Postby dancingtwilight » December 14th, 2009, 4:40 pm

One issue is that the article describes going from female to male, not male to female. It is unknown if it would work the either way since the fetus, at least for humans, starts female no matter what the chromosome pattern is. So just because it works for going from ovaries to testicles doesn't particularly mean it could go the other way. Granted some crazy magical scientific breakthrough could change that. >_>
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Postby MacGyver » December 14th, 2009, 6:36 pm

it says switched on and ya grow ovaries, switched off and ya grow testicles, so, may try a file to switch it on and see as ovaries, if i am correct, also help produce female hormones, which will aid in breast growth, so, might turn a guy into a shemale even, LOL.
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Postby PS360 » December 14th, 2009, 10:28 pm

The Gene when turned off gives you all working male body parts, Penis, body hair, etc.

The gene when turned on Gives you Working ovaries, vagina, boobs, etc.

If you guys read the news article it says that

If the FOXL2 is switched on then the body grows ovaries, switched off and they are replaced by testicles.


Oh macguyver basically said the same thing as i did
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Postby MacGyver » December 14th, 2009, 10:45 pm


dont forget, the male body also has what is needed to make a uterus, so, iof turned into a complete female, the guy could possibly have periods, complete with everything comes with a woman's period, he really would have to by herself some pads and change them.
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Postby VeryGnawty » December 14th, 2009, 11:19 pm

Assuming that anyone could make a complete enough transformation to be bioidentical to the opposite sex, I find it extremely likely that a former male would start having periods after developing female parts.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby MacGyver » December 15th, 2009, 4:39 pm

only one way to find out, ha ha ha.

make a file and find a test subject to try it on. LOL.
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Postby Krysta » December 15th, 2009, 5:24 pm

looking at other articles on the same breakthrough, they did indeed have similar success in causing males (testing on rats) to develop into females. with the division and redirection of cells, these former males may very well find themselves with periods. I'll be researching further for use in files I too have in the works. Here's hoping for the best for those listening.
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Postby Route42 » December 16th, 2009, 10:28 am

interesting article... I wonder if there is a peer-reviewed article on the study anywhere?
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Postby pennyT » December 16th, 2009, 11:07 am

What an exciting development!

Flip my gene! please!!! giggle
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Re: Excited!

Postby carsh » December 16th, 2009, 11:38 am

pennyT wrote:What an exciting development!

Flip my gene! please!!! giggle

mine too lol :P

all rather interesting :twisted:
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Postby darkenedav » December 16th, 2009, 2:21 pm

Interesting article! Insane hmanga theories 1 Reality 0! :D

Just think of the possibilities! Candy that switches gender! Half genders (dick girls etc)

ahhh imaginations :D
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Postby pennyT » December 16th, 2009, 2:26 pm

If such a thing could truly happen via hypnosis I would sure like to be one of the first proofs of concept! :)
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Postby carsh » December 16th, 2009, 4:52 pm

yummy gender switch candy lol
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Gender Candy

Postby pennyT » December 16th, 2009, 5:34 pm

Lets hope it isn't too awefully yummy, I only want to eat just the one piece! giggle
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Postby MacGyver » December 16th, 2009, 11:31 pm

yeah, just one may be enough to hook ya, LOL. :twisted:
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Postby carsh » December 17th, 2009, 6:07 am

could make halloween more interesting lol :twisted:
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Some news about Gender, gene can change your gender

Postby dark_wolf49 » December 17th, 2009, 12:27 pm

I WOULD VOLUNEETER(SP) FOR THIS . IN FACT SIGN ME UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby citerehetilop » December 17th, 2009, 11:35 pm

Another article on the subject:
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Postby MacGyver » December 18th, 2009, 8:36 pm

well, that kinda popped my bubble, LOL.
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Postby darkenedav » December 19th, 2009, 6:50 am

never know ;) someone might stumble on something :D

ID cards and passports would become a little harder to sort :P
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Postby MacGyver » December 20th, 2009, 9:35 pm

well, i have an idea how i might be able to make a file work using genetics, except, it would rely a bit one visualization, LOL. in a way, kinda like a file suggestion i remember seeing about a control panel, and ya see it like a computer screen, except do it in a way so the only things can be changed would be what the file is about, say a guy wanted a full transformation, well, ya would visualize yaself infront of a big computer, open the door for femenization and throw the switches, then the computer would take over using your genes and DNA to make the changes. the computer, your subconsious mind, is supposed to know it all, so, why not leave the computer incharge of how to femenise yet throw the switches for a full sex change, and let the computer take care of all the work. and all other doors/access panels will be locked, this would keep the listener from harming themselves yet get the desired effects. now, if i were top make this, the "computer" would dress the listener like a woman asnd all they could do is watch helplessly as they were being dressed, then the computer would go to work on the sex change.

then again, i might just be up too late without any coffee. cant see my fingers and where they be neither, just a blurr right now as my fingers get done typing the stuff before i get done thinking it up, LOL.
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Postby SerenaSullivan » December 24th, 2009, 11:33 am

Wow, that knowledge of the FOXL2 gene made my day.. maybe it'll make my life, too, lol... I have confidence in science! GO SCIENCE! But through meditation, maybe it would be possible to flip that gene on. Its definitely something I'll be meditating on. Anyway, again, GO SCIENCE!
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Wishful thinking

Postby pennyT » December 24th, 2009, 12:23 pm

It would be awesome to be able to change by flipping this gene!
hypno flipping it would be even better!
i will be hoping for more on this
i will be watching for such files

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Postby Dippzie » August 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm

:Dippzie you can switch my gene on to that would make my day
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I'm back and more ready than ever!

Postby pennyT » August 27th, 2010, 4:43 pm

After months of trying to resist, apparently the inevitable, I'm back and need to be female, slutty, bimbo-ish and ... if someone has developed the candy in this thread... I would do ANYTHING for just one piece (only want the gene to flip once! giggles)

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Postby iamli3 » August 30th, 2010, 5:00 pm

[quote="dancingtwilight"]Granted some crazy magical scientific breakthrough could change that. >_>[/quote]

i just had to say , this made me lol , crazy magical science XD
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Postby kosmos01 » March 26th, 2011, 7:22 pm

I volunteer my self to be a test subject
yahoo im:
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Postby 1love » March 27th, 2011, 12:05 am

You said
"ya would visualize yaself infront of a big computer, open the door for femenization and throw the switches, then the computer would take over using your genes and DNA to make the changes. the computer, your subconsious mind, is supposed to know it all, so, why not leave the computer incharge of how to femenise yet throw the switches for a full sex change, and let the computer take care of all the work."

You gave me an idea. There is a ton of dna that is currently dormant and unused. 90% to be exact.
You could essentially in theory using your hypnosis method, turn them all on.
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Postby ParanoidLord » March 27th, 2011, 10:39 pm

Ah, if only the whole 90% of DNA thing was true.

You see, humans share a surprising amount of DNA with, let's say, the E.coli in their guts. This is mainly a result of the proteins made being so useful across species- I don't know the exact figure. But for bacteria, the shared DNA is relatively low (although much higher than you'd expect), and for something like a chimpanzee, we share about 98% of our DNA. So if it weren't for what I'm about to bring up, actually expressing the "vast majority" of the DNA would cause problems... you'd be dead before you morphed into any sort of biological aberration or something.

But the thing is that most of the DNA in the body is "junk DNA" - some of it apparently has functions, but they're mostly the result of viruses trying to insert their own genetic code into a cell's for its own benefit (which itself is how we got many of our proteins - some of the coding stuff resulted in proteins that aided the survivability of the organism) and failing. Still, buried under all the junk, there are a good deal of switches controlling useful portions of the DNA, so if you want a genetic sex change, wait until the scientists figure the stuff out.

Anyways, this thread has been brought up to here solely by necroposting, but oh well.
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Postby babykako » June 26th, 2011, 2:23 am

Iwould like this gene switch done to me as well it'll be fun ^^
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