New listener seeking help

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New listener seeking help

Postby Hrisa » January 7th, 2010, 6:08 pm

Hello all, sorry if this has been posted before. I have been listening to a couple files for the past week or so. Having never been hypnotized before, I am unsure as to when or if I go into trance.

I seem to have varying amounts of success with these files. Sometimes i get really relaxed and my body feels really heavy, like a large weight is holding me pressed to my bed. Other times I get the relaxed feeling, accompanied with some tingling. Last night, I was relaxing (somewhat sleepy) and partway through the induction I felt what could be described as a 'mental knee-jerk reaction'. Following that feeling, my body felt like it was 2 arms lengths away, sort of like the feeling when you try to reach out and grab something, just brushing it with your fingertips unable to touch it.

Anyhow, was I in trance at any of those points? And was it enough of a trance for the files to affect me?

Much thanks,
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Joined: December 21st, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby CycoMelody » January 7th, 2010, 11:11 pm

Put simply yes and yes. You were in trance and the suggestions can effect you at that point. The thing is your inexperience with trancing, will likely cause you some strife. Try using inductions when you can.

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Postby Hrisa » January 8th, 2010, 8:12 am

okay, small update ^^ I had 4HoursSleep (whole file) and Increased Metabolism (just the body, no induction or waking) in a playlist together. As I was listening to the files, somewhere between EMG counting 6 and counting 3 on the sleep file, I had the knee jerk reaction again. The trance lasted through the rest of the file and i remember the first bit of the next file. I 'woke up' about 2 hours later, still in trance ^^. I then tried it again, with the Metabolism file repeating after the sleep file. I was too rested to slip straight into trance, but somewherearound halfway through the second listen of metabolism, trance snuck up on me ^^
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Joined: December 21st, 2009, 1:00 am

Postby darkenedav » January 8th, 2010, 2:33 pm

Hrisa wrote:trance snuck up on me ^^

Love it! especially those 'ooooohhhh' moments when it really catches ya ;)
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